The Director of Music Department

Chapter 976: Suffocate dreams

There is no villain in the movie "Sad".

Although Lao Mai is a third party, although He Xi's rival in love, he is not a villain!

Jiang Xue's letter!

"When I wrote this text, my tears couldn't stop streaming down, but it was not because of my love for you, but because I hated myself for changing my love for you-I thought it was impossible. Matter. Old Mai has completed the formalities and he gave up his domestic career. He is coming to accompany me, so let me believe that this is the power of time!"

Is Jiang Xue wrong?

To be honest, He Xi is indeed sympathetic, but as his mentor said, you have to live, you have a girlfriend, and you have a mother!

Jiang Xue gave He Xi a chance more than once.

All she wants is He Xi's love and companionship!

But He Xi can't give it to her!

Between love and dreams, He Xi chose to chase dreams, while Lao Mai was the opposite. He could give up his domestic career for Jiang Xue and stay with her!

Comparing your heart to your heart, what would you choose?

But in any case, He Xi is still heartbreaking and sympathetic!

Is he wrong?

He was just doing what he thought was right, but unfortunately he was born at an untimely time, so he had "The Sad One"!

He Xi put away Jiang Xue's letter and buried his love with his own hands. All that was left was to devote himself to publishing the book.

The road to chasing dreams is tortuous after all and full of difficulties!

He Xi's book was finally printed!

On the day the book was printed, Xia Qunfang found a small truck to take the book home.

When the car reached downstairs, Xia Qunfang became a rare whistle, reminding the driver to honk the horn to clear the way, and then sticking out his head to call out the child who did not listen to the horn in front. Neighbors with good deeds all gathered around, wondering what happened.

"He Xi's book in my family." Xia Qunfang said like a declaration. She pointed to the bundles of great works, her heart was simply too full, and she seemed to be the most comfortable today in her life.

This scene made many people's eyes red involuntarily!

He Xi's persistence, He Xi's experience is certainly sad, but Xia Qunfang is even more touching.

Poor parents in the world!

As a mother, Xia Qunfang fully supports her son!

This is a mother, a great mother!

They gave everything to their children, but they never thought about whether their contributions would be rewarded!

He Xi said that he wanted to publish a book and needed money, so she gave him all the belongings.

But he has not considered whether his son will succeed in doing this!

The plot of the film has progressed to this point, but it is still laying the groundwork!

Lao Mai and Jiang Xue are romantic and happy in the United States, but in China, He Xi's "Micro-Continuous Originals" has no interest!

Lao Mai and He Xi are both Liu Qing's students, but the endings between the two are completely different.

In fact, the contrasting images of these two groups are very clear.

If He Xi is not so paranoid, not so stubborn, he can also live a happy life like Lao Mai. But he chose another, harder and greater road!

From the perspective of the audience, "Micro-Continuous Originals" is known to be more than a hundred years later, this grand unified theory has blossomed and bears fruit, and He Hongwei has gained a huge reputation and achievements, which is touted by people from all walks of life.

But in this era, in the era of He Xi, a pioneer, what happened to him is sad.

No one is interested in "Micro-Continuous Original". The tutor Liu Qing took a set, and he gave He Xi four hundred yuan. Do not

After walking far behind him, He Xi saw Liu Qing throw the book in the trash can.

This action of Liu Qing dealt a heavy blow to He Xi, who was hit hard, and he returned home desperately.

Everyone in the theater is silent.

It is conceivable that this action of Liu Qing has dealt a blow to He Xi!

He is He Xi's mentor, but he dismisses what he has studied for many years.

Not to mention other people!

At this time, Xia Qunfang happily told He Xi that several sets of books had been bought from the library of Sichuan University. Xia Qunfang triumphantly lit up the banknote in his hand while speaking.

Like a drowning man, He Xi grabbed a life-saving straw and went to the Sichuan University Library to search for his book.

At this moment, even if the audience in the theater knows the ending, they still can't help but have a glimmer of hope!

However, the administrator said that there is no such set of books in the article, and the math bookshelf is not found.

He Xi insisted: "There must be some, but it must have not been registered. Could you please look for it again."

This is his last hope!

The administrator couldn't help but he Xi had to go to the bookshelf again, and finally found a set.

At this moment, He Xi felt that he was about to faint with happiness, and at this moment he seemed to have the world.

However, the cruelty of reality once again made He Xi desperate.

The manager opened the cover and suddenly shouted, "This is not our book, without a seal. That's right, it must be the crazy woman who broke into and said to find someone to sneak in!"

After finishing talking, the administrator threw the book into the trash can angrily: "I just said she was crazy, and thought we couldn't find it out!"

What the administrator lost was not the book, but He Xi's final glimmer of hope. He Xi looked at the book in the trash can, and the light in his eyes slowly extinguished and became extremely empty.

Desperately walked towards home.

The audience in the theater had red eyes, and many people covered their mouths.

When he came home, his mother Xia Qunfang smiled and said to him: "Today the city library bought two sets, as well as Shuguang Middle School and Yuying Primary School!..."

But He Xi did not speak. He returned to his room and closed the door.

Looking at the "Micro-Continuous Originals" on the desk, tears flowed from his hollow eyes.

He threw several copies of "Micro-Continuous Originals" on the table to the ground, slowly tore, and then struck a match to light the book.

There is nothing more mourning than death!

A series of blows made He Xi completely desperate.

What aspirations and desires he had, how desperate he was at this moment!

What he was tearing was not the book, but the last bit of hope.

It is not books that ignite, but all his dreams are burned!

He Hongwei, who was watching, wanted to stop him, but he couldn't do anything!

I can only watch, just like the audience in the cinema at this moment, a sense of powerlessness strikes!

Xia Qunfang, who was busy in the room, saw the smoke wafting out of the room. Realizing that something was wrong, he shouted He Xi's name and slammed into the door.

After hitting the door a few times, the door was finally knocked open. Xia Qunfang, who rushed into the room, saw He Xi staring at the flame in front of him blankly, as if losing his soul.

Xia Qunfang put out the fire and went to see He Xi again. He still didn't respond and sat blankly. Xia Qunfang was frightened, shook He Xi vigorously, and shouted: "He Xi, speak, don't scare mother!"

But He Xi did not respond!

When he burned the book, He Xi had already died with the shattered dream and with the shattered last gleam of hope!

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