The Director of Music Department

Chapter 935: .Celebration

The box office of "Mad Max Fury Road" continues to advance by leaps and bounds.

The first weekend was $80 million, and the box office for the next week was nearly 100 million. In the third week, although the box office fell by more than 50%, it still got more than 50 million in the box office, pushing the North American box office to 230 million!

In the global market, "Crazy Max Fury Road" is also trending smoothly. At the end of the third week, the global gross box office has exceeded 600 million!

"Mad Max Fury Road" is certainly not the number one in the box office, and it is impossible to get the box office.

After all, this is an R-rated movie, not a family movie, not a movie for all ages.

But this has already amazed countless people. You know, this is an R-rated film.

The box office of "Mad Max Fury Road" will eventually hit 300 million in North America, which is almost a foregone conclusion. Of course, no matter how high it is, it is impossible.

In terms of global box office, 800 million dollars is very promising.

Many people may think that the global box office of $800 million is not very high, right?

Wang Yifan's domestic box office record has already passed 4 billion, not much worse, right?

But in fact, "Mad Max Fury Road" got such a box office, but it is already really awesome, after all, this is an R-rated movie.

And the most important thing is that this movie was not released in China!

North America, Los Angeles, Century Hotel!

A celebration banquet for "Mad Max Fury Road" is being held here.

This celebration banquet hosted by Matsumoto Universal and Mina Group, coupled with the amazing performance of "Mad Max Fury Road", almost all the top stars and directors in North America came to join us.

Some of these people came for Wang Yifan, of course, it was more about the face of Matsumoto Global and Mina Group.

After all, Wang Yifan is so good, but his foundation in North America is still too shallow, but Matsumoto Global and Mina Group are different, they are North American giants.

Of course, the biggest benefit of "Mad Max Fury Road" to Wang Yifan is that he is no longer an unknown person here. Many fans know that there is a Chinese director named Wang Yifan who shoots A particularly awesome movie.

And Anne Colleen and Scott Johnson, especially Anne Colleen, became one of the focal points of this celebration party.

No way, during this time, Anne Colleen has already become one of the hottest female stars in Hollywood with the hot sales of "Mad Max Fury Road".

"Wang, thank you!" Annie Corin thanked her sincerely.

Although Anne Colleen was already a first-line actress in North America before, in fact, Anne Colleen is still just a beautiful vase in the eyes of many people.

It's not that the vase is bad, but the ceiling of the vase is very low, but it's completely different now.

She also did not expect that "Mad Max Fury Road" would bring such a huge benefit to her.

One of the top ten **** actresses in the world, this was the title of Annie Colleen, and she shaved her long hair for "Mad Max Fury Road". It can be said that she appeared in a self-destructive image, but the result was completely Unexpectedly.

Her seemingly self-destructive image not only does not detract from her **** name, but in the new issue of the magazine, she was rated as one of the most attractive screen roles.

And the benefits are more than that.

There is no need to say more about the Cannes film queen. This title is important, but not so important.

But another benefit is real. She has now become a feminist pioneer among Hollywood actresses.

The role of Ferrosa has even been praised as a banner feminist figure by many feminist organizations!

Don't underestimate the influence of these civil organizations. In today's day when the feminist movement is on the rise, the name of a feminist pioneer can bring too many and too many benefits to Anne Corin.

"Wang, the sequel to "Mad Max Fury Road", I heard you refused?" Anne Colleen asked.

Wang Yifan nodded and said: "Yes, because I already have a plan for the next movie. In fact, this movie itself can be said to be an accidental product. You should know it."

"The Jenny shipwreck incident?" Anne Colleen asked.

Many people in North America know this.

Anne Corin is no exception.

"By the way, Matsumoto Global and Mina Group, should you be invited?" Wang Yifan asked with a smile.

Annie Colleen nodded and said, "Yes, but I'm still thinking about it. Do you think I should pick it up?"

Don't look at Anne Collin's questioning very seriously, but Wang Yifan knows that this is just a polite statement from Anne Collin, this woman is not an easy one.

But he still smiled and said: "I don't know, after all, the sequel has nothing to do with me. Moreover, I believe they will give you a sky-high price for the sequel!"

Said Wang Yifan blinked.

Annie Colleen laughed too.

"Does your new movie have a suitable role for me? I really hope to work with you again." Anne Colleen asked.

What she said is true. After all, Wang Yifan has already proved that he is awesome, otherwise there would be no "Mad Max Fury Road".

Wang Yifan shook his head and said: "The movie is just an idea for the time being. I will tell you if there is a suitable role!"

"Thank you!" Annie Collin raised the glass and clinked with Wang Yifan.

At this time, the two vice presidents of Mina Group and Matsumoto Global came over.

Annie Colleen left wittily.

She knew that at this time, the two of them came to Wang Yifan, and they must have something to discuss.

In fact it is true.

"Wang, are you really not interested in the serialization of "Crazy Max Fury Road"?" asked Mr. Matsumoto, the vice president of Matsumoto Global.

"As you know, my movie plan has already been arranged, and I don't have time at all. I need at least two years for the "Jenny" project, so..." Wang Yifan spread out.

On the other hand, the vice presidents of Mina Group Larry and Hisasu Matsumoto looked at each other, and they were relieved.

In fact, do they really want Wang Yifan to continue directing the sequel?

It seems that the original director directed the sequel, which seems more assured, but in fact, for Matsumoto Universal and Mina Group, they do not want Wang Yifan to continue directing the sequel.

Without him, the pay is too high!

Not to mention that Wang Yifan has not many films directed by Hollywood in North America, but "Mad Max Fury Road" alone has made Wang Yifan among the top directors.

Coupled with the issue of copyright ownership, so if Wang Yifan joins, the sequel will indeed be more secure, but the fact is that if Wang Yifan continues to join, then the share of the two families and the final profit will be very small. many.

Therefore, they would rather take a sum of money to buy out the copyright of this series than Wang Yifan to continue directing the sequel!

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