The Director of Music Department

Chapter 912: . Yuanjia Road is narrow?

Thus, Bick Downey and Steven Chris hit it off.

According to Bick Downey's idea, of course Steven Kris will not make any commercial films.

He hopes Steven Kris makes a literary film.

He also promised that as long as the movie is OK, he can pay for public relations. Oscars may not work, but European film festivals are completely fine.

In this regard, Steven Chris is also quite satisfied.

Thus, there is Steven Kris’s brand new masterpiece "Cross America"!

Steven Chris still has a bit of foresight in literary films.

The "Crossing America" ​​he made was naturally aimed at awards. However, not only that, this film, he also hopes to achieve success at the box office.

This "Cross America" ​​is a feminist film. Yes, Steven Kris knows that this year, if you want to win prizes, you have to shoot something "mainstream".

What is the mainstream now?

Feminism is definitely one.

And the movie "Cross America" ​​can be said to be absolutely satisfying to Steven Chris himself.

This is an adaptation.

"Across America" ​​is a short story written by a well-known feminist writer.

This movie not only has feminism, but also has many other elements, chaos, erosion, etc. Steven Kris has great ambitions!

He not only wants the recognition of awards, but also the box office! Prove that you are in a commercial film, the same can be done!

In the end, "Cross America" ​​was targeted at the Cannes Film Festival, and it has been officially declared to be selected as the main competition unit of the Cannes Film Festival.

Of course, the Cannes Film Festival cannot be compared with the Oscars, but it is also one of the three largest in Europe.

As long as you can win prizes, don't sell too well.

Going to North America can also boost a wave of box office. Although it is certainly not as big as the Oscar bonus, it is enough.

The point is, Bick Downey needs to prove himself, and Steven Chris also needs to prove himself.

But this time, the enemy’s road was narrow, and soon they got the news that "Mad Max Fury Road" was going to participate in the Cannes Film Festival.

It can be said that Steven Kris is suddenly bad.

Moreover, "Mad Max Fury Road" will also be the opening film of the Cannes Film Festival.

This made Steven Chris' heart more upset.


Of course he knows why, "Mad Max Fury Road" is obviously not for awards, but it can be the opening film of the Cannes Film Festival. This is obviously not what Wang Yifan, a Chinese director, can do. It could be the result of the operation of Matsumoto Global and Mina Group.

I invested 120 million dollars in a big production and came to Cannes. Don’t watch the Cannes Film Festival, which advertises art, but in fact, the Cannes Film Festival often has to kneel in front of the US knife.

Okay, it's just the opening video, but this also makes Steven Chris very angry, why?

Because their "Cross America" ​​also wanted to be the opening film, but it didn't work out.

Many people know that for the Oscars, you don’t have to spend money on public relations and you have no chance at all.

But I don’t know whether it’s the Cannes Film Festival or the other major European film festivals. In fact, there is not much difference in many cases.

Well, the three major European film festivals, more often, are more willful, or in other words, the factors that affect the awards are less.

But in other respects, the same needs money.

For example, the opening movie can not be the opening movie casually.

In fact, Hollywood films went to Cannes or Berlin, Venice and other three major film festivals to do publicity, and there are so many things that do opening films.

But this also just proved the publicity effect and value of the opening film.

In North America, Mina Group and Matsumoto Global are not worried about the promotion of "Mad Max Fury Road". After all, they are all ground snakes, but in Europe, it is different.

In fact, Wang Yifan is quite well-known in North America, and "Mad Max Fury Road" is also widely known. Many people know that the Chinese director who was going to film the Jenny shipwreck incident, in order to break the doubt, so he shot A "Mad Max Fury Road" to prove yourself.

And some of the concept posters of "Mad Max Fury Road" have also been widely spread in North America.

The promotion has already started!

The opening film of the Cannes Film Festival this time is the result of Matsumoto Universal and Mina Group spending a lot of resources on public relations.

At the same time, according to their meaning, it is best that "Mad Max Fury Road" can be awarded in Cannes, so that it will have a better publicity effect for this movie.

what? Whether the movie is awarded or not depends on the artistry?

Don't be nonsense!

Regarding awards, these capitalists would not care if it weren't for awards to make movies profitable.

As for fairness?

I spent money, I spent money on networking and public relations, you don’t do anything, why do you win the prize? This is the biggest unfairness, isn't it?

"Mad Max Fury Road" is an apocalyptic movie, but likewise, this movie also contains many elements, such as feminism, rock and roll, wasteland aesthetics, etc. Who dare to say that these are not artistic enough ?

Especially feminism is definitely a highlight of this movie.

In fact, the people of Mina Group and Matsumoto Universal were amazed after seeing Anne Collin's unique look.

Soon, Wang Yifan led the creators of "Crazy Max Fury Road" to Paris to attend the Cannes Film Festival!

Moreover, according to Naris, this time "Mad Max Fury Road" is not only the opening film of the Cannes film, but also is very likely to win the prize. As for the specific award, it is not yet known, but The public relations between Matsumoto Global and Mina Group are definitely fruitful!

As the opening film, it naturally attracts attention and is also one of the key films recommended by the Cannes Film Festival. Wang Yifan took Anne Colleen and Scott Johnson to Cannes two days before the opening of the film festival. Just after adjusting the time difference, Attended the official pre-screening conference.

To be honest, for Wang Yifan, he had always thought that he and these film festivals would be an insulator. After all, he never thought about making any literary and artistic movies, but who could have imagined that when making movies in China , I missed these film festivals, but instead came to Cannes when filming in Hollywood, and "Mad Max Fury Road" was actually operated as the opening film.

Sure enough, the Cannes Film Festival or something, in the face of capital and interests, will also compromise.

Awards, haha!

Why is it that so many people spend so much money on public relations every year for the Academy Awards? It is said that the highest public relations cost was enough to make a few low-cost movies.

And this is not necessarily an award that can be won.

But why are so many people flocking to it?

Not because awards can not only bring fame, but also benefits!

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