The Director of Music Department

Chapter 853: . Premiere

On November 11, "My Savage Girlfriend" premiered!

The premiere is a must. After all, Li Mingjuan, the country's first female director, was not born.

Of course, the lineup of the premiere is definitely not comparable to those super blockbusters.

But because of Wang Yifan's face, Huaxin's face, plus Li Mingjuan himself, Yan Lingxuan and Qin Ran, even if the cost of "My Savage Girlfriend" is not high, the premiere ceremony is still very large.

"My Savage Girlfriend" did not adopt the conventional strategy of clicking and then showing.

Instead, it will be shown directly in one step.

As mentioned earlier, click-and-play is the strategy of movie word-of-mouth marketing.

But it does not mean that the movie must be screened.

"My Savage Girlfriend" adopts a propaganda strategy that maintains a sense of mystery.

Apart from the trailer, not much news has been revealed.

Beijing Huaxin International Cinemas.

The premiere of "My Savage Girlfriend" was held here.

Du Hongming and Tang Mingkai are also here today.

They are also very concerned about the situation in "My Savage Girlfriend".

After all, this time, they bet ahead of time to follow a "barbaric" movie!

Moreover, the filming is actually finished, just wait for "My Savage Girlfriend" to be released when a savage storm blows up!

Film critics like Zhang Weiming also came today.

They are actually very interested in "My Savage Girlfriend."

Because love movies have been in decline for a long time, can "My Savage Girlfriend" give a shot of excitement to love movies this time?

Similarly, many media coming today are also gearing up to wait for the release of the movie.

For them, regardless of whether the movie is selling well or hitting the street, they all have something to write about.

At the premiere of the film, after a short interview, the film began to show.

The emergence of female film industry, Huaxin film industry, star dream entertainment and other companies.

Then the picture began to appear.

In the first act, a man stands under a tree and looks at the sky. The sound from the outside of the film begins: "Two years ago today, she and I planted a time box here, and we agreed to meet here two years later. However, she did not appear. ..."

The first two minutes of the movie are a one-man show with the actor Qin Ran alone. From the beginning of this short section, it looks a bit literary, or a little fresh.

Of course, love movies, this is not unusual!

However, "My Savage Girlfriend" is always a romantic comedy, so it is just an illusion that it is fresh and so on.

When I explained the background of Qin Ran's character A Niu, the audience finally understood that when the film was promoted, it was really not a lie. This is a romantic comedy, and the previous small fresh and so on are all done. That's it.

Aniu's confession caused laughter in the theater for the first time.

Especially when he confessed, he said that Aniu’s parents wanted a daughter, so he raised him as a girl since he was a child. Before he was seven years old, he always thought he was a girl. At that time, he always thought that as he grew older Big, his tintin will get smaller and smaller until it disappears, but the situation is just the opposite...


"Ouch, let me go!"

"It feels like the actor is driving, but I have no evidence!"

"The situation of Shente Meow is just the opposite! Have the ability to take it out and have a look!"

The audience in the theater laughed together.

Next, the still personal performance of Aniu, from the dialogue between him and his friends, everyone knows that the actor Aniu just finished his military service.

At this time, the heroine walked over from outside. This is the first act of the heroine Xuan Xuan played by Yan Lingxuan, but it is just a side view and hurried past. At this time, it also points out that the hero Aniu often will I saw her and felt that she was the type I liked and wanted to pursue her.

I have to say that Li Mingjuan also has a good hand when shooting this kind of lens.

At least here, the heroine played by Yan Lingxuan has only one word "beauty"!

Then Yan Lingxuan appeared again. It came out again, it was a close-up of a back, long flowing hair, combined with the hurried side of the first act. It gives people a different feeling, which is different from the feeling Yan Lingxuan gave to people in the past.

It can be said that if the impression brought by the scene where the heroine played by her is alone, it can't be related to the word "barbaric"!

However, anyone who has watched the trailer knows that this Nima is a routine.

Sure enough, the situation in the next scene successfully showed all the audience what is called contrast. It explains what is meant by human beings who cannot be seen, and the sea is not worth fighting.

Yan Lingxuan was almost hit by a car at the subway station, and Aniu pulled her in time!

Although the drunk heroine is still spicy and beautiful, it feels different.

When the heroine played by Yan Lingxuan was drunk but stubbornly drove away a young man who refused to let the uncle sit down, the word barbarism had already begun to appear.

However, this is only the beginning!

She drove away the young man who was not allowed to sit, and she felt that although she was a bit arrogant, she was doing good deeds. Although this attitude was a bit awkward, she was still acceptable.

But when she vomited an uncle wearing a wig on the subway, everyone looked at it and laughed. The difference between before and after, the sudden subversion formed a huge contrast, which made countless viewers involuntarily stare at them. They were obviously beautiful women with fluttering hair. Why did they suddenly become like this?

Zhang Weiming couldn't help but laugh.

Then I wrote down the word "contrast" in the notebook!

Yes, in fact, from the beginning of the movie to the present, the highlight is the contrast, and the extreme contrast.

Who is Yan Lingxuan, the goddess of the nation, she looks so beautiful, but when she came out, it can be said that her painting style has completely changed.

The contrast is so strong that it almost overflows the screen.

In fact, the process of getting to know the hero and heroine in "My Savage Girlfriend" is not unusual.

It can be said to be very routine.

Next, A Niu was considered by others to be Xuan Xuan's boyfriend, so he asked her to deal with the aftermath.

The protagonist can only help the heroine clean up the mess, which is another moment of funny. After getting off the subway, because she couldn't bear to leave her alone at the station, she went to the hotel with her drunk.

As a result, when the hotel owner first came in with the drunk heroine on his back, he trivially handed him a look that you know, but then he called the police because he suspected that the hero would be plotting against the drunk girl. As a result, when Aniu was taking a shower, the police suddenly rushed into the room. Seeing him naked and blocking his crotch with a water scoop, the policewoman was pointed at him with a gun and asked him to raise his hand. Even the audience at the scene almost burst into tears.

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