1436. Chapter 1334 Selkley

    With the end of the auction, the pub was quickly quieted after Rachel announced that the harvest pub had ended early today.

    Not all of them have left.

    Lawlessness, 'artisans', Hans, Cole, 'Lonely' Levin, Lamont, Rhino, 'Alchemist' Leme and new Blair, Gaelic are sitting in their respective positions, or closed Seeing God, or talking in a low voice, they are waiting for Qin Ran.

    “I just auctioned about 7,80 magical items?”

    Blair touched his arm and touched his close friend, Galvin.

    "It's 80 magic items and 5 rare items."

    Gaelvin corrected his friend.

    "It’s terrible."

    "Is this the strength of the only title player?"

    "A copy world can have such a harvest."

    Blair couldn't help but sigh.

    "It’s not the harvest of the replica world, it’s the harvest after killing those attackers."

    Gaelvin corrected his friend again.

    "But is this the embodiment of strength?"

    "I would be fine if I had that strength."

    Blair didn't mind the correction of his friends. The two had been together for so long. He had already figured out his friend's slightly obsessive-compulsive personality.

    Similarly, Gaelvin is used to Blair's careless, sloppy character.

    If you are not used to it, neither of them will become friends.

    "Even with such strength, it is difficult for us to replicate the experience of 2567."

    After Calvin seriously thought about it for a while, the answer was such.


    Blair looked at his friends inexplicably.

    "Resources, luck."

    “What do you mean?”

    Gaelvin’s answer made Blair more and more puzzled.

    "It's literally."

    Lamont, who was carrying a pair of swords at the waist, and a rhinoceros who was carrying the [Crazy's smashing] came over, and Lamont sat down on Blair's opposite interpretation.

    "When the 2567 entered the huge city, it happened to be a node – on the surface, 'hacker', 'killer player' melee, secretly the 'guardian' conspired to plan."

    "It seems to be the forces of the three parties, but more or less have been involved with 2567."

    "Then, 2567 went beyond their estimate and continued to rely on repeated surprises again and again to get to where it is today."

    "There are resources and luck in this."

    ResourceDo you see those raiders as resources? ”

    Blair has some reaction.

    "Is not it?"

    "They see us as points. We treat them as resources. What's wrong?"

    The rhinoceros snorted and asked.

    “I always feel a little weird.”

    As a newcomer to this small group, Blair apparently did not dare to refute the old man's words. Moreover, although he felt that something was wrong, he could not say anything.

    “How do you like to ignore the biggest advantage of 2567?”


    "He is the toughest person I have ever seen, and even if I face a strong enemy, I will not give up!"

    "Even, at the end of the most desperate moment, he is insisting."

    Short stature is like a primary school student, and the 'Alchemist' Leme holding the bottle is also attracted by the conversation. She expresses her own point of view.

    "And he is very calm."

    The 'artisan' also came together.

    "Although sometimes I care about it."

    Hans and Cole added.

    "However, it is a good person."

    'Lonely' Levin said while holding his cat.

    Nice guy

    "Yes, it's a good person!"

    After everyone smashed, they made a sneer.

    Among them, the biggest laughter is the lawlessness of cigars.

    Every time Qin Ran will let him sell those spoils.

    Yes, he has many friends.

    But if there is sufficient supply, anyone can have many friends, and no one will mind more such a friend.

    Not to mention that each time it is a very substantial income.

    5% of the 100 points is nothing.



    Even more?

    Anyone will be jealous.

    This time, with the addition of 5 rare-level equipment, even if it is not a high-level rare level, it still makes the auction points quickly break through this limit.

    Qin Qin is still willing to hand over such an auction to him, let him preside over it.

    Unable to be filled with gratitude.

    Therefore, he changed the draw to 1%.

    If he did not change, he forced Qin to agree.

    Lawlessness is not a person who likes to take advantage of a friend. Otherwise, he will not have such a friend.

    For other friends.

    Qin Ran is no exception.

    Therefore, it is impossible to smile without a smile.

    He thinks it is great to be able to help friends.

    At the beginning, with some tension, Blair completely let go of this time, and picked up the glass and clashed with Lamont and Rhino.

    As for Leme?

    Don't be kidding, even if Blair is a newcomer, know that you should not drink with Leme.

    That is really going to drink dead people.

    "A group of fools."

    Rachel, who was standing behind the bar and wiping the glass, licked his mouth, but did not say much.

    Because, she knows that in their eyes Qin is powerful, tough, perhaps indifferent to the enemy, but friendly to friends, this is beyond doubt.

    As a friend of Qin Ran, obviously this is enough.

    "Stupid, it will be contagious."

    Looking at the lawless laughter, Rachel sighed and passed the application of Qin Ran.

    "Hey, 2567!"

    "How about a cup?"

    It's my treat. / It's on me.

    Qin Ran entered the harvest pub and immediately saw the owner standing around a table with his back against the fireplace.

    Lively, not noisy.

    Qin Ran does not mind such a lively.

    So, he nodded.


    "Lemonade can be."

    However, some of the emphasis still needs to be emphasized.

    Alcoholic beverages he does not touch.

    Everyone knows this habit and nobody cares.

    When Qin Ran, who was carrying lemonade, sat in the crowd, the formal topic began.

    "Someone sent me a message. The person who offered the reward 2567 was the president of the steel chariot 'Sekley'."

    I can't open the door and say it.

    "Steel chariot?"



    Immediate, lawless words caused people's horror.

    Because the people present are no strangers to the steel chariot, even Qin Ren.

    Although he rarely interacts with the game guild, he still remembers the war of the player guild that he just encountered when he entered the huge city.

    One is a steel chariot and the other is a steam city.

    Similarly, Qin Ran did not forget the incompetent evaluation of the two forces.

    Not a big force.

    So how can such a force get 500w points to reward him?

    only if

    Qinran, who thought of something, looked up and looked at everyone.

    Everyone is a thoughtful look.

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