The Destiny Villain

Chapter 95: Playing with people's minds, I love him so much

"Brother, come on."

"Yes, yes, yes, that sword you used just now should have been cut off from his neck like this."

"Eh? Brother Feng Yi, you are wrong. The head of that thing was cut off by your brother just now. Can't you set a fire and burn the head of that thing?"

Ye Xuan was like a bystander, standing behind Feng Yi and Jian Er, knocking the elixir and shouting at the same time.

Finally, Feng Yi and Jian Er, who could no longer bear it, shouted at the same time behind them: "Shut up!!!"

The more they fight, the angrier they get.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡

Damn it.

It was agreed to protect secretly.

As a result, Ye Xuan saw through the identities of these two "bodyguards" early on.

Not only that, at the critical moment, Ye Xuan directly pushed them out.

Not only did he push it out, but he was also pointing fingers at the side!

At this moment, Feng Yi and Jian Er felt as if there was a fire in their hearts.

The target of this fire was naturally the opposite Huan Mei.

Luo Yuheng, who controlled Huan Mei in the True and Dark Realm through his blood essence, was also full of anger.

Originally, when he saw Ye Xuan before, his anger had reached its peak.

As soon as he appeared and controlled a Wuhuang puppet, he couldn't wait to kill Ye Xuan.

But who would have thought?

Huan Mei and the Wuhuang puppet he controlled were stopped by the two Xuantian Divine Dao geniuses beside him before they could kill Ye Xuan.

"Damn, isn't it said that the Xuantian Divine Dao's Tianjiao are in competition with each other? Ye Xuan, the one who triggered the golden lotus phenomenon, shouldn't he be the target of hatred of all the Tianjiao of Xuantian Divine Dao?

Why are these two guys so hard at protecting Ye Xuan?"

Before Luo Yuheng controlled Huan Mei, the assimilated Wu Zong and Wu Wang level puppets around him had not had time to touch Ye Xuan, and Feng Yi and Jian Er had killed all of them.

If it weren't for the Wu Huang puppets on the side, I'm afraid even Huan Mei itself would be injured by these two Xuantian Divine Dao Tianjiao.

"Strange, when did Xuantian Divine Dao have two more nine-star Wu Wang Tianjiaos with sword bodies and phoenix veins?"

The stronger the fighting power erupted from Xuantian Divine Dao, the more anxious the Fire God and his men became.

Although Tianhuo Divine Dao, plus Bi Bo Tan, is more than enough to deal with just two fake Wu Huangs, plus a group of Wu Zongs and Wu Wangs.

But Xuantian Divine Dao obviously had the upper hand.

Moreover, there was Ye Xuan who was standing in the back watching the show and had not made a move yet.

Although Ye Xuan was only a seven-star martial king.

Moreover, according to the news released by the Netherworld Holy Church, the major forces had already positioned him as a cover for Yue Changkong to fake his death and escape from the world.

But Ye Xuan was a divinely inspired person after all.

The more Ye Xuan acted as if he was watching the show without caring about anything, the more a strong sense of uneasiness emerged in the hearts of Lord Huo and the Tianjiao of Bibotan.

"Does this guy have any hidden cards in his hand?"

"Otherwise, why can he be so calm in the barrier!"

However, as the saying goes, some are happy and some are sad.

Lord Huo and the Tianjiao of Bibotan were full of doubts because of Xuantian Divine Dao.

And those warriors of Zhonghuang Spiritual Domain who were besieged and strangled by them were overjoyed.

Especially, the two Martial Emperors in the crowd who were listed as the main targets by the Fire Spirit Divine Dao and the Bibotan.

As Martial Emperors, they were not considered powerful and powerful in the Central Wilderness Spirit Realm, but in the eyes of ordinary warriors, they were also considered to be high and mighty.

But now, they are like dogs that have lost their homes under the hands of the Tianjiao of the Fire Spirit Divine Dao and the Bibotan.

"Sure enough, the Tianjiao who can be selected by the major forces and enter the True and Holy God Realm are not ordinary Martial Kings. This strength is not inferior to the Martial Emperors below three stars."

The key is that the Fire God and the Tianjiao of the Bibotan all have extremely powerful hidden powers in their hands.

Either they are frozen for a while.

Or they are burned all over.

In short, in one sentence.

Difficult to deal with!

"Fortunately, Xuantian Divine Dao is not a pushover. With only two people, they completely suppressed the monster that controls the bloodline."

If the Netherworld Holy Sect, the Phantom that controls the bloodline, and the controlled Martial Emperor puppet under his command were allowed to join the battle circle.

Then today, the two Martial Emperors in the crowd would probably have really died here.

"But Xuantian Divine Dao obviously has another person, why is he so reluctant to take action?"

"Isn't he aware of his current situation?"

The person mentioned by the two Martial Emperors in the crowd was Ye Xuan.

Feng Yi and Jian Er had obviously suppressed the Phantom that controls the bloodline.

As long as Ye Xuan took action, the hidden dangers of the Netherworld Holy Sect were completely eliminated.

Everyone can join forces to deal with the Tianjiao of Huoling Divine Dao and Bibotan.

In their view, this is obviously the simplest and most direct way to escape, but Ye Xuan seemed to be having a seizure and stood behind Feng Yi and Jian Er to watch the show.

From time to time, he would mock the other party.

"What on earth is in this guy's head?"

In just a moment of distraction, many martial masters and martial kings were lost in the crowd.

Instantly, the pressure from the two martial emperors increased.

However, Ye Xuan seemed to be oblivious to all this.

After Feng Yi and Jian Er told him to shut up, he turned his gun around and started shouting at the opposite side of the illusion.

"Your thing is no good!"

"What kind of weak puppets are controlled."

"That's it? Still trying to ambush and kill like a human? You'd better take your blood line and go back to knit a sweater."

The more Ye Xuan mocked, the angrier Luo Yuheng, who was super controlling the illusion, became.

The angrier he was, the happier Ye Xuan was.

"Harvesting Luo Yuheng's anger, the avenue of luck +7"




Ye Xuan found that Luo Yuheng really liked to get angry.

He was simply a walking avenue of luck charger.

Before, when they were outside the Secret Realm of the True God, Ye Xuan would mess with his mentality whenever he wanted. Now that he was inside the Secret Realm, he was so persistent that he sent a bully clone in?

Ye Xuan felt that he almost loved him to death!

For Ye Xuan, it was no longer important whether he could get out of the barrier in front of him.

What was important was that he could get a few more waves of great luck from Luo Yuheng.

However, Luo Yuheng, who was full of anger at the moment, did not know that he was used as a battery for the Golden Finger lottery by Ye Xuan. The more Ye Xuan mocked him, the stronger his desire to kill Ye Xuan became.

"Ye Xuan, you forced me to do this!"

Luo Yuheng did not want to expose Huan Mei's killer move too early.

But now it seems that he has to expose it.

He saw bursts of black mist coming out of his mouth.

After a while, there were two ghostly figures around him.

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