The Destiny Villain

Chapter 90: Huge momentum, mysterious blood essence

On the side of the Meteor Pavilion, Luo Yuheng used the token to open the barrier over the barren mountain, while intentionally or unintentionally sweeping towards the crowd of the Netherworld Holy Cult.

He didn't want to put his identity in danger according to the master's plan.

However, after experiencing everything just now, Luo Yuheng couldn't wait anymore and wanted to put Ye Xuan to death.

"For me to be spanked in public by Master Ninth, Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan, you really deserve to die."

Taking advantage of the great momentum of the opening of the True Mystery Realm barrier above the barren mountain, Luo Yuheng secretly dropped a drop of blood essence in his body into the soil at his feet.

Strange to say.

The moment this drop of essence and blood fell into the ground, it was strange, like a living creature, swimming along the ground towards the phantom among the people of the Netherworld Holy Cult.

"Although this thing took the main body hundreds of years to refine, it still lacks a trace of spirituality."

Once Luo Yuheng's essence and blood are integrated with it, he can have a certain degree of control over the thing released by Holy Son Xuanhu in the outside world.

"Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan, even if you are the one who caused the golden lotus phenomenon of Xuantian Divine Dao, what can you do? Today, this barren mountain is your burial place!"

Just as Luo Yuheng was thinking fiercely, he suddenly lost contact with the drop of essence and blood he had just released.

Luo Yuheng: "???"

As one of the clones of Holy Son Xuanhu Jiu Ming Guiyi.

Luo Yuheng knew very well.

The drop of essence and blood he secretly released just now did not enter Huan Mei's body.

"What's going on? Where is my blood essence?"

Luo Yuheng was slightly startled by the sudden change before his eyes.

The blood essence has not yet entered Huan Mei's body, and has merged with the secret method left by Holy Son Xuanhu.

He mysteriously disappeared in the middle of the journey?

What the hell...

It's a pity that the barrier gradually opening in the sky no longer allows Luo Yuheng to think too much.

"Once the barrier is fully opened, Ye Xuan and the others will quickly enter the truly mysterious realm of Barren Mountain."

Without any hesitation, Luo Yuheng once again forced out a drop of blood essence from his body.

Just like before, as soon as Luo Yuheng's blood essence dropped into the soil, he quickly twisted towards the crowd of Netherworld Holy Cult and flew away.

But just when this drop of essence and blood was about to pour into Huan Mei's body, a strange scene happened again.

"Gone again???"

Luo Yuheng stared.

He looked around in horror.

It felt like a ghost.

However, what Luo Yuheng was more afraid of than running into ghosts was that the secret technique he used with his blood essence would be discovered by the strong men of the major Shinto and Holy religions present.

"Impossible. With the huge energy fluctuations opened by the barrier in the sky as a cover, how could it be so easy for someone to discover the blood essence and blood that I am in a holy realm and transported by secret methods?"

Divine Beast Mountain, Fire Spirit Divine Way, Tianhuang Holy Sect, Bibo Pond, Xuantian Divine Way...these big forces, the leaders of them are all in the Holy Realm.

It was absolutely impossible for them to discover the methods Luo Yuheng used secretly.

"Could it be... Ninth Master!"

When he thought of the Nine Pavilions of the Meteor Pavilion, Luo Yuheng couldn't help but looked in the direction of the Nine Pavilions.

But soon, when he saw the head of the Nine Pavilions in mid-air, who was seriously explaining something to Tantai Mingyue, Luo Yuheng was stunned again.

"No, no, this person is definitely not Master Ninth."

With the fiery temper of the head of the Nine Pavilions.

If Luo Yuheng is found to be the second or fifth boy lurking in Yun Pavilion.

I'm afraid he would have rushed up and slapped Luo Yuheng into a pulp.

What's more, if Luo Yuheng dares to use secret techniques under the eyes of the Nine Pavilions, he is confident that he will not be discovered by the Nine Pavilions.

"Then who is this person who stole my essence and blood on the way?"

In just a blink of an eye, the barrier formation over the barren mountain had begun and was about to come to an end.

"No, we can't wait any longer!"

Although Luo Yuheng didn't know who he was who was hiding in the dark and cut off Hu's blood twice.

However, in order to avenge his shame and kill Ye Xuan himself, Luo Yuheng finally gritted his teeth.

This time, he forced out three streams of essence and blood from his body at the same time, and they followed different directions and converged towards Huan Mei's body.

Seeing that these three streams of essence and blood were about to bypass the crowd and enter Huan Mei's body, Luo Yuheng's expression of serious joy flashed across his face.

However, just when he thought with joy that all this was about to succeed, an accident happened again.

"Damn, the three lines of essence and blood are gone."

Looking at the three lines of essence and blood that mysteriously disappeared again in front of him, Luo Yuheng felt that he was really getting angry.

If he hadn't been afraid of attracting the attention of the heads of the Nine Pavilions above his head, as well as the major Shinto and Holy Cult powerhouses present, Luo Yuheng would have been unable to hold back and exploded on the spot.

But even so, his body was still shaking with anger.

"Huh? Your body is shaking like this, maybe you have some strange disease like Parkinson's, right?"

At this moment, Ye Xuan's voice suddenly sounded in Luo Yuheng's ears.


what is that?

Although Luo Yuheng couldn't understand what kind of strange disease Ye Xuan was talking about Parkinson's disease.

But it was obvious that Ye Xuan was mocking him!

"Could it be mysterious disappearance of essence and blood is related to Ye Xuan???"

As soon as this idea popped out of Luo Yuheng's head, it was immediately extinguished by him.

No, it's impossible.

This is absolutely impossible!

Ye Xuan is just a seven-star martial king.

Where did he get the strength to intercept the blood essence that Luo Yuheng, a Saint Realm expert, sent with secret methods?

But even though Luo Yuheng knew that Ye Xuan didn't have the ability to intercept his blood essence, he still felt strong resentment towards Ye Xuan.

"It caused Luo Yuheng's hatred and successfully robbed the destiny of the man with destiny."

"Dao luck +8"

"Dao luck +8"

"Dao luck +11"

Feeling the Dao luck rising again in his body, Ye Xuan smiled lightly.

That's right, he couldn't intercept the blood essence that a Saint Realm expert sent with secret methods.

But just because he couldn't do it didn't mean that Xiao Heiba ​​couldn't do it.

The blood essence of a Saint Realm expert, the spiritual power and strength contained in it, are not inferior to the sixth-grade elixir.

Xiao Heiba ​​also enjoyed the blood essence that Luo Yuheng sent to him one after another.

"Damn it, I can't wait any longer!"

With Ye Xuan's provocation just now, Luo Yuheng's heart became even more anxious.

This time, he forced out ten blood essences from his body.

He must establish a connection with Huan Mei.

He must establish a connection!!!

In this way, Luo Yuheng's blood essences, as if they were free, were sprinkled towards the ground.

But every time these blood essences were about to be transferred into Huan Mei's body, they would eventually disappear mysteriously.

Finally, when Luo Yuheng continuously transferred nearly a hundred drops of blood essences, he finally succeeded in sensing the connection between himself and Huan Mei.

It's not easy, it's too difficult.

At this moment, Luo Yuheng looked like a weak sausage.

Even though he was a saint.

After continuously transferring more than a hundred drops of blood essences, he was exhausted and his face was pale.

No more, not a single drop.

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