The Destiny Villain

Chapter 211: Fragments of the Sacred Artifact, Ambush along the Way

"Hahaha, it's a fragment of the sacred artifact."

"so much?"

"Are we getting rich?"

As the upper bound channel opens.

The exchanges between the Upper Star God Realm and the Lower Realm have become even closer.

Itโ€™s not just the lower realms of many True God families.

Even in the Upper Star God Realm, some warrior forces fighting Qiu Feng and powerful casual cultivators also ran down.

The skills these people practice on a daily basis are far beyond the lower realms.

The strength is naturally a crushing existence in the same realm.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’96๐–˜๐–๐–š.๐–“๐–Š๐–™

Many warriors from the lower realms escaped the destruction of the True God Family, but fell into the hands of these people, whose moral bottom line was even lower.

Things are often done based on desire.

The looted items were not just fragments of sacred artifacts.

What spiritual stone.


Training resources.

There are even... beauties.

In short, they do anything to get these things.

At this moment, gathering on the opposite side of Xuantian Mountain is such a rabble.

Many of them are at the peak of the Holy Realm.

And all of them have great tricks in their hands.

trump card.

Even if you meet a demigod from the lower world.

If you are not careful, you may fall into their hands.

The key is, these guys are howling together like wild dogs.

There are a lot of people.

Even the top forces in the Zhonghuang Spiritual Domain.

There are also many who suffered losses at their hands.

"Isn't it just to seduce us to grab the treasure by releasing it so openly?"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter what the Xuantian Divine Way is. They are a big force down there, but to us in the upper world, they are just a group of indigenous people."

"We swarm him. No matter how many demigods there are, he can't stop us all."

"As long as we can grab one or two treasures from this tower, it will be enough for us to be rich and prosperous for a lifetime."

"It is said that many true god families are collecting these fragments of sacred artifacts left in the lower world."

"Even if we don't sell these fragments of sacred artifacts and give them to these true god families, we can still win him a bright future."

For a moment, all the upper realm warriors present looked at the tower on the top of Xuantian Mountain, and their eyes became inexplicably emitting a faint green light.

In the distance, on top of the mountain.

The master of Xuantian Shinto who holds the empty attribute godhead.

Looking at these mobs from the upper world in mid-air.

A small smile appeared on his lips.

"Since you're here, let's all stay!"


Go to the Star God Realm.

In a deserted sea of โ€‹โ€‹sand.

Tantai Mingyue walked slowly in the sea of โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹sand, carrying a heavy black ruler behind her.

On her head was a wide felt hat.

Wearing a gray cloth robe.

At first glance, it is impossible to tell the difference between men and women.

At this moment, a few breaths suddenly came from behind.

Tantai Mingyue quickly dodged.

"Have you found that person?"

"It seems to have completely disappeared, and even the breath cannot be captured."

"Damn it!"

"It's the time when the snake god is transforming, why did a mere human come in?"

"Look for this person quickly. We must not let her take the snake god out of the desert."


As he watched, the auras chasing behind him disappeared instantly, and then Tantai Mingyue, who was hiding in the darkness, slowly emerged.

"It was so dangerous, they almost discovered me."

Since the last time she said goodbye to Ye Xuanyun Pavilion, Tantai Mingyue, with the help of the mysterious woman, found an opportunity to enter the Shangxing God Realm.

However, due to the deviation of the interface node midway.

She actually fell into a country protected by mythical beasts.

However, this divine beast had just fought against several true gods in the Upper Star God Realm. It was the critical moment of bloodline transformation, and Tantai Mingyue did not know why.

Miraculously, he signed a contract with this beast.

And even turned it into her spiritual pet? ? ?

At this time, the entire kingdom of mythical beasts completely exploded.

The snake god they worshiped as a god was actually brought out of the desert by a human warrior?

In an instant, the entire Kingdom of Divine Beasts, all the servants of the gods, those at the pinnacle of the holy realm, were dispatched.

Start searching everywhere for traces of Tantai Mingyue.

Originally, with Tantai Mingyue's strength, she was not afraid, but the key problem was that there were many people on the other side.

Moreover, those true gods who previously attacked the kingdom of mythical beasts did not really leave. Instead, they lurked in the dark, seeming to want to seize something from this snake god?

Helplessly, Tantai Mingyue, who became the common target of the two waves of people, could only run away with the bucket.

"Master, if we keep running, it won't take long before we can completely leave this desert, right?"

Those servants of gods, at the peak of the holy realm, are naturally not afraid of the bright moon in Tantai.

But what if you encounter those true gods lurking in the dark?

Then the problem is serious.

It is precisely because of this that Tantai Mingyue does not want to get entangled with those people from the kingdom of mythical beasts.

"According to my senses, if we continue walking in this direction, it should be almost... within half a day, we will be completely safe."

The mysterious woman still supports her young apprentice Tantai Mingyue's choice to go to the upper world to hone his body and mind.

Rather than focusing on love and love.

The mysterious woman hopes that Tantai Mingyue can have her own world.

The key is to stay away from Ye Xuan.

She wouldn't have to worry about being fucked.

You can show up anytime and anywhere, and use the body of your little apprentice to show off.

"Master, since you have decided to make a breakthrough, you must not help me until the critical moment."

After so many things, Tan Tai Mingyue is more and more concerned about her own strength.

She doesn't want to be a little brat who relies on her master for everything.

She wants to grow into a real strong man! ! !

"Hurry up and leave. There are several powerful auras chasing behind. They seem to be the true gods in this world. If they catch up, then at that time, the master will have to take action."

Hearing the urging of the mysterious woman in the ring.

Tan Tai Mingyue quickly dodged again and rushed to the distance.

In this way, she dodged several waves of people from the Kingdom of Divine Beasts. When she was about to reach the border of the Sand Sea, suddenly, a figure blocked her way.

"Interesting, interesting, he can actually dodge my pursuit several times."

This person is not someone else.

It was one of the true gods who joined forces to attack the snake god in the Kingdom of Divine Beasts.

"You have been hiding for so long along the way, but you still can't escape?"

Tan Tai Mingyue frowned.

"In this case, the only way is to fight."

"The Three Mysterious Changes of Divine Fire, the third change, Divine Fire Change!!!"


The moment when bursts of flames shot up into the sky.

A pair of phoenix-like wings emerged from behind Tan Tai Mingyue.

The whole person was like a god of war in the flames.

Standing proudly in the hot energy.

"It turned out to be... strange fire!!!"

The human true god opposite also had a bright look in his eyes.

Especially when he thought of the purpose of going to the Kingdom of Divine Beasts this time.

The greed in his eyes began to become stronger and stronger.

"Hahaha, it's really God's help. He actually sent the strange fire to me personally. Today, I will skin you and dig out your bones and take out the strange fire in your body."

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