The Destiny Villain

Chapter 207: Void Fist Shadow, Ancestor Descends to the Underworld

Follow the shocked gaze of Master Xuantian Shinto.

I saw a huge fist shadow floating in the void.

And the three divine servants standing opposite Ye Xuan.

At this moment, the divine patterns were shattered.

You can't die again after you die.

"Yin Weida, what did you see just now?"

"It seems like a set of boxing skills dropped from the sky!"

Yin Weida and Bai Juyi's brains shut down at the same time for a few seconds.

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Then, the two of them reacted quickly.

"In other words, what just happened was not a dream???"


What the fuck...

Three servants of God.

He was actually in a holy realm.

Killed instantly with one punch? ?

If word of this gets out.

It's not a question of whether others believe it or not.

I am afraid that the two of them will be sent directly to the Valley of Miracle Doctors.

I accepted the treatment from the miraculous doctor of the Star God Realm.

"Tell me, is there a possibility that we were too tired just now and were blinded by the sight?"

The two looked at each other.

Then, they closed their eyes in perfect agreement.

Then, open it again.

"The fist shadow seems to be still there."

"Well, the body of the servant of God is also here."

The two people were so calm that it was unusual.

"Fuck, run!!!"

Almost instantly, the two of them ran wildly in different directions, one on the left and the other on the right.

I'm crazy.

This is too scary.

What kind of monster did they encounter?

Kill three servants of the gods with one punch.

Is this really the strength that a holy realm should have?

For the two people who escaped, Ye Xuan had no desire to pursue them.

"Tao's time to save your Xushen's face."

As soon as Ye Xuan said this.

I felt a strong wind flash behind me.

When he reappeared, Master Xuantian Shinto was already holding two young men on the left and right with faces like his, with swollen pig heads.

"Taoist Master, are you... a bit bullying?"

The majestic False God actually beat up the Holy Realm?

What's the difference between this and Teacher Ma's kicking in kindergarten?

"Did I bully you?"

Master Xuantian Shinto raised the two pig heads in his hand and asked with a nonchalant expression.

"No, no, absolutely not."

"You just had a friendly, consultative exchange with us."

The two disciples of the True God Family showed unprecedented fear in their eyes.

Yin Weida and Bai Juyi felt like they were beeping dogs.

Who the hell said Ji Wuming went back?

Is there no danger in the lower realm anymore?

What the hell is this dangerous?

Kill three servants of God with one punch.

I'm afraid only true gods have such tyrannical strength, right?

The key point is that the person in front of me is so shameless. He clearly has the strength of a true god, but he pretends to be a saint.

As a result, they were careless and lost Jingzhou.

"I now understand why so many fragments of sacred artifacts are hung out so blatantly."

Isn't this the same principle as when they fish on weekdays, they scatter a handful of feed first?

"What a fool. What on earth is this girl going to do?"

At this moment, Yin Weida and Bai Juyi were scared to death.

The two of them were really afraid that Ye Xuan would kill them directly.

After all, this is the ancestor of the lower realm and the upper realm. It will take time to crack it.

But who knew that Ye Xuan stared at them for a long time without any intention of taking action.

"Master Tao, can you please do me a favor?"

"What?" Master Xuantian Shinto asked.

"Help me beat them up. I have something I want them to help with. I need to beat them down first before I ask."


Upon hearing that it was a beating, Master Xuantian Shinto suddenly became energetic.

He was beaten so badly by three servants of God just now.

Although the scene of Ye Xuan killing three divine servants with one punch is still heard today, it is still very explosive and has a violent impact on the heart of Xuantian Shinto Master.

But this did not affect him in venting his anger on the two children of the True God family.

"No, no, no, no, no, no."

"We've already fought. We've already fought. Just tell us what you want us to do."

Seeing Master Xuantian Shinto roll up his sleeves.

Yin Weida and Bai Juyi turned pale at the same time.

They really didn't want to be beaten again.

At the same time, they also had a deeper understanding of Ye Xuan's insidiousness.

While saying that Master Xuantian Shinto was bullying them by beating them.

After comforting them, they were beaten again.

Those who didn't know thought that Ye Xuan had schizophrenia.

It's just that Yin Weida and Bai Juyi knew that Ye Xuan was not a rift, but his method. They remembered that they often bullied others like this when they were in the Star God Realm and were majestic.

For the same kind, the sense of smell will always become extra sensitive.

Especially insidious people like them.

"I don't think these two are honest people. Why don't we give them another beating?"

Master Xuantian Shinto looked unwilling to give up.

He had never found it enjoyable to hit someone before.

But after being caught in a heavy rainstorm, I especially want to tear up other people's umbrellas on rainy days.

"Why are we being dishonest?"

Yin Weida and Bai Juyi were frightened and their legs trembled.

Heartbroken, I wanted to argue for myself.

"You are unwilling to answer the question." Master Xuantian Shinto said with a serious face.

"Then you should ask..."

Yin Weida and Bai Juyi felt like they were about to collapse.

This false god from the lower realm is very evil in his methods of beating people.

Every punch hurts deep into the soul.

Not only the physical body was destroyed.

The soul is not spared either.

"Forget it, Taoist Master, since they are so cooperative, we don't need to bully others. This is fine. I heard that you have a consistent custom in the upper world. You beat the young ones and the old ones. I don't know if there is What's going on?"

Upon hearing Ye Xuan's inquiry, Yin Weida and Bai Juyi thought that Ye Xuan was worried that they would seduce people from the upper world.

The two of them shook their heads quickly.


"Absolutely nothing."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan's face darkened: "These two trash are useless. Even if they are beaten like this, even one of them can't be called, so let's beat them. If they die, it will be mine."

Yin Weida: "???"

Bai Juyi: "???"

What's the meaning?

Does this really mean that he wants us to move towards the upper world?

Seeing that Master Xuantian Shinto's iron fist was about to fall, Yin Weida suddenly took out a magic card he carried with him.

"My ancestor of the Yin family can go down to the next world!!!"

Bai Juyi also followed suit.

"My ancestor of the Bai family can do it too."

Seeing this, Ye Xuan immediately stopped the Xuantian Shinto Taoist master who was taking action.

"Yes, I just like talking to valuable people like you."

Ye Xuan stepped forward and showed a kind smile towards them.

"Congratulations, you have successfully obtained the opportunity to shake people to the upper realm. However, you must shake people more powerfully to come down. People like those who were killed with one punch just now will not be able to save you at all."

Looking at it, Ye Xuan didn't look like he was joking with the two of them.

Yin Weida and Bai Juyi looked at each other.

"I didn't expect that he would actually have such a request!" Yin Weida's eyes lit up.

Bai Juyi felt happy in his heart.

"Hahaha, we didn't investigate just now and were caught. We had no chance to call our ancestors. Now if this native from the lower realm wants to die, then I will make it happen..."


Before Bai Juyi could even raise the corners of his mouth, he was pulled out ten meters away by Big Ear Guazi, the master of Xuantian Shinto on the side.

"Scream as fast as you can. Damn it, do you have cerebral palsy? Why are you kneeling on the ground and grinning like crazy?"

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