The Destiny Villain

Chapter 203: Tao Seed Demon Heart, Creation Divine Body

Go to the Star God Realm.

Somewhere in a dark and damp cave.

A formation that looked like a star rose out of thin air.

The next second, Ji Bai, who was looking pale, jumped out.

"How could he kill the ancestor, how could he kill a majestic true god."

Until this moment, Ji Bai still refused to believe everything that had happened above Tianji Court before.

If not, he is the supreme genius of the Ji family.

Know the escape circle deep in Tianji Court.

I am afraid that by now, like everyone else in the Ji family, he has been killed by the girl with double pupils.

But Ji Bai couldn't figure it out.

Ji Wuming is a warrior in the holy realm.

Even if the reborn supreme divine bone is awakened.

It is impossible to kill a majestic true god.

“What exactly went wrong and what was the reason?”

Ji Bai grabbed his hair with both hands and tore at it wildly. His originally long, flowing hair was torn off in handfuls.

Not long after, it turned into a bloody braised egg.


At this moment, Ji Bai, who was pretending to be crazy, seemed to have received some kind of magical inspiration.

His originally dark demonic heart began to fade rapidly, and was replaced by a seed that shone with wonder and reached a luster.

"Tao Zhong Demonic Heart!!!"

The crazy look in Ji Bai's eyes gradually faded away.

At this moment, his mind was completely clear.

The whole body exuded a holy light.

The next second, as this layer of holy light dissipated, Ji Bai's body turned dark and evil again, like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

"So that's it, that's it. This is the power of Daozhong's demonic heart."

"Ji Wuming, Ye Xuan!!!"

"You are destroying my Ji family."

"Kill my ancestor."

"But it helped me achieve my Taoist Demonic Heart."

"Don't worry, when my magical power is completed, I will definitely avenge my shame in front of you two and seek justice for my Ji family."


News of the Ji family's destruction quickly spread throughout the Upper Star God Realm.

Especially after the news came out that Ji Wuming had regenerated the Supreme Divine Bone and destroyed the ancestor of the Ji family, the entire Star God Realm was shocked.

"What? With your cultivation in the Holy Realm, you can actually kill the true god?"

"Did you make a mistake? When you woke up, you heard such outrageous rumors?"

"Can this news from the Star God Realm be any more ridiculous?"

Of course, some people had doubts and sent people to Ji's Tianji Court to investigate the situation.

There are even true god level beings among them.

But the conclusion drawn is...

"The ancestor of the Ji family is really dead!!!"

"Not only is he dead, but there is still a very strange and strange energy left in the place where his godhead was shattered."

"A very hot energy, like the Nirvana of the Phoenix, but more violent than the power of the Phoenix's Nirvana."

"So, the rumors are all true?"

"Ji Wuming actually killed the ancestor of the Ji family?"

"And according to the news we heard, it seems that Ji Wuming has just returned from the lower world?"

"What! He also went to the lower world."

"Is it possible that the true god of the three-eyed clan died in the lower world because of him?"

"That's probably it. Otherwise, how could anyone appear in the lower realm who can rival me in the Star God Realm?"

At this moment, everyone seemed to instantly understand the logic behind all this.

It's a shame they sent so many people down to the realm.

Find out about the death of the true god of the three-eyed clan.

Co-authored the killing of the man who is the true God.

It's not from the lower realm at all.

"This Ji Wuming is also an evil sect. He dug up the divine bones, and then he was reborn with the supreme divine bones. And he is so powerful that he can kill the true god?"

"Please inform me that if you encounter Ji Wuming in the Upper Star God Territory in the future, try to stay away from him."

"It's best not to mess with such evil people in your life."

While feeling extremely fearful of Ji Wuming, these true god families in the Upper Star God Realm once again set their sights on the lower world.

"Now that we have figured out the reason for the death of the true god of the Three-Eyed Clan, it is time for us to continue collecting the fragments of the true sacred artifact."

When I think of the fragments of the sacred artifact left behind by the ancient true god.

Everyone's eyes became fiery again.

"Hahaha, I beg you, ancestor, to let me wait in the lower realm."

"I beg you, ancestor, to let me go to the lower realm!!!"


at the same time.

The middle desert spiritual realm.

After saying goodbye to his beloved wife, Ye Xuan returned to Xuantian Mountain again.

"Get Ji Bai's pain, great luck +24"

"Acquire Ji Bai's hatred, the luck of the road +27"

"Acquire Ji Bai's murderous intention, and gain +30 luck on the road"

Killing intent? ? ?

Where does this guy get his courage?

You actually want to kill me?

After a brief pause.

Ye Xuan raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"This is where things get interesting."

After Ji Bai returned from the lower realm, although he would contribute a wave of great luck to Ye Xuan every now and then, the continuous outbreak like this time was still so strong.

It's the first time.

A person who pays public food every month suddenly becomes a man who works seven times a night?

Ye Xuan thought with his toes. It was not difficult to guess that Ji Wuming must have done something interesting to Ji Bai.

"As expected of my good brother."

Not to mention that a trip to the lower realm gave Ye Xuan so many opportunities.

Also contributed a lot of luck.

The key is that this guy returned to the Upper Star Divine Domain.

He went to the door as soon as possible.

This kind of character that does not remember overnight grudges.

Ye Xuan really likes it.

The key is that he did this and directly contributed a lot of luck to Ye Xuan.

"It seems that it is time to have another wave of lottery and improve my strength."

Without any hesitation, Ye Xuan immediately clicked on the interface of the golden ball.

Directly came a wave of ten consecutive draws.


"I actually drew a silver treasure chest again?"

Soon, a treasure chest shining with silver light emerged along the lottery interface, which was particularly dazzling in front of Ye Xuan.

"Thirty-three days of creation body??"

As the silver treasure chest slowly opened.

The magnificent information instantly poured into Ye Xuan's mind.

"There is such a perverted thing!" Ye Xuan's eyes lit up.

According to the information he received in his mind just now, Ye Xuan learned that this so-called thirty-three days of creation body is a kind of supreme body bloodline.

Each time a new heaven is opened.

The divine body will automatically acquire a mysterious ability.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that this divine body of creation can kill gods with the flesh without condensing the divine nature! ! !

"Ahem, I'm not targeting any of you. What I want to say is that everyone here is a loser."

You can kill gods without the divine nature.

This is no longer a divine body.

It's a fucking living body.

A walking humanoid plug-in.

Without any hesitation, Ye Xuan immediately clicked on the thirty-three days of divine body of creation in the reward interface.


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