The Destiny Villain

Chapter 201: Full of Madness, Mentality Explodes

"Hahaha, Ji Wuming, you are finally dead, hahaha, finally dead, aren't you awesome? Didn't you help Ye Xuan beat me?

Now that you are dead, let's see how you can beat me!!!"

Below, Ji Bai sensed the violent explosion in the air, and his eyes were full of madness.

He was really beaten to a state of mind that was a little broken.

Originally thought that the realization of the devil's heart was the beginning of his rise.

Unexpectedly, he was easily controlled by Ji Wuming.

And was beaten like a dog.

Now, seeing Ji Wuming die in the hands of the Ji family ancestor, Ji Bai felt as if Ji Wuming died in his hands.

The pleasure of revenge.

It was almost making him feel happy.

"The ancestor is invincible!!!"

Below, the Ji family elders and the geniuses who were killed and injured by the double pupil girl also shouted excitedly.

Just now, the double pupil girl killed people everywhere in Tianji Court.

They were almost desperate after being killed.

But even a female devil as strong as the girl with double pupils was still seriously injured by a finger in front of the ancestor of the Ji family.

Now, Ji Wuming is dead.

What can be achieved by leaving a seriously injured girl with double pupils?

"Ancestor, quickly kill this evil woman and avenge the dead people in my Ji family."

"No, we can't let her die so easily."

"Ancestor just said that he would strip her clothes off. Now you want me to kill her, isn't that making me break my promise?"

"Hahaha, this female devil has killed countless people. Humiliating her like this before she dies is also her deserved retribution."

Looking at the Ji family members who were killed just now and then began to smile obscenely, the girl with double pupils looked depressed.

Today, even if she died here, she couldn't let herself suffer such humiliation.

However, she didn't expect that Ji Wuming would die so easily.

"Hehe, what am I expecting?"

The girl with double pupils laughed miserably.

No matter how many magical powers Ji Wuming has.

Being sniped by a true god at such a close distance.

There is no chance of survival.

"A bunch of rats, you are so tough just because the true god is in front of you. Have you forgotten how you were pissed off when you were killed just now?

Do you want me to help you recall it again?"

The eyes of the girl with double pupils split quickly.

As an ancient double pupil.

The power of double pupils varies.

But it is not just as simple as illusion.

"Even if the true god is in front of you, today, I will fight to the death and I will bury you together."

Feeling the double pupil phantoms constantly appearing in the air around them, the Ji family elders and the Tianjiao in the Tianji Court, who were just full of lewd smiles and arrogant, quickly flashed a trace of fear in their eyes.

They are really scared of being killed by the double pupil girl.

"Hmph, don't be arrogant."

The ancestor of the Ji family in the air snorted coldly.

Then, he slapped the double pupil girl below.

The ancient double pupils are indeed extremely powerful.

But as a true god.

With such a huge gap in strength.

Suppressing a double pupil.

For the ancestor of the Ji family, it is not a difficult task.


"Puff, puff~"

Feeling the vigorous divine power, as the giant palm pressed down, the double pupils around began to shatter one after another, and the double pupil girl, whose strength was backfired, flashed a miserable look on her face again.

"After all, is it still no match?"

However, just when she closed her eyes and prepared to wait for death.

A voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"I just disappeared for a while, and you bullied my wife like this?"

Hearing this familiar voice, the double pupil girl opened her eyes suddenly.

Then, a familiar face came into view.

"Ji... Ji Wuming? You, you are not dead!!!"

The double pupil girl confirmed it repeatedly several times.

Then, the strong surprise in her eyes gradually turned into shock.

"But I just saw you being killed by that old guy?"

"He was killed, but my skills are a little special. I came back to life, and... I seem to be stronger."

It was not until this time that the girl with double pupils discovered that the aura on Ji Wuming's body seemed different from before.

He had not yet broken through the peak of the Saint Realm and condensed the Godhead.

But the power in his body was far beyond the state of the Saint Realm.

"You should be tired after fighting for so long. Take a break. Next, watch me."

Ji Wuming pulled the girl with double pupils behind him.

Then he took out the mace and smashed it towards the giant palm that fell from the sky.

"Boom boom..."

In an instant.

A true god's blow.

It was easily broken by Ji Wuming?

"How is it possible?"

"Why is this happening!"

"Why is he still alive?"

"And his strength..."

"He actually defeated the ancestor's suppression!!!"

Compared to the Ji family's geniuses in Tianji Court, who were all surprised, there were also the elders.

At this moment, the Ji family's ancestor in mid-air was also shocked and unbelievable.

Ji Wuming, who had clearly died in his hands, actually came back to life.

And his strength has become stronger?

"What's the reason!!!"

The Ji family's ancestor couldn't figure it out.

He had clearly killed Ji Wuming with his own hands.

That finger explosion was not fake.

How did Ji Wuming come back to life?

"Old bastard, are you surprised to see me?"

Before the ancestor of the Ji family could figure out what was going on, Ji Wuming had already appeared in front of him, tilted his head and smiled at him, and then a big stick hit him on the head.


After the strength was improved.

Ji Wuming's mace brought more than just pain to the ancestor of the Ji family.

Just now, the ancestor of the Ji family felt that his divine body was almost broken by the opponent.

"No, it's impossible, how can you break my divine body??"

The ancestor of the Ji family, who was knocked down from mid-air, had an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

Why can the true gods be distinguished from other warriors?

It is because of their indestructible divine bodies and the infinite avenues and endless divine nature contained in their bodies.

These two things complement each other.

Under the blessing of each other.

They created the unparalleled reputation of the true gods.

Just now, the Ji family ancestor was able to break the divine body of the girl with double pupils with one finger, because of the blessing of the divine nature and the infusion of the power of the Great Dao.

Although the girl with double pupils has a divine body, she lacks the divine nature.

Therefore, she cannot resist the attack of the Ji family ancestor.

But the Ji Wuming in front of him is not a true god.

Let alone the divine nature.

He doesn't even have a divine body.

How can he break the divine body of the Ji family ancestor?

"Fake, all of this is fake!!!"

After all, those who are not true gods are just ants.

Obviously, Ji Wuming is not a true god.

"I was almost fooled by you just now. I don't care how you survived, but you want to kill a true god? Then I can only tell you that you are dreaming."

There was a hint of madness in the eyes of the Ji family ancestor.

He didn't know why he was crazy.

In short, he just wanted to be crazy.

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