The Destiny Villain

Chapter 100 Silently fearful and deeply awed

The moment the Ninth Pavilion Chief spoke, a flash of joy flashed across Luo Yuheng's eyes.

"Master Nine, with my strength, it is not enough to hide the Saint Realm powerhouses of other major forces. At that time, Master Nine will need to cover for me."

"It doesn't matter, just release the things and go to the secret realm to find your junior sister, and leave the rest to me."

Luo Yuheng had long expected that the Ninth Pavilion Chief would not ignore Tan Tai Mingyue in the secret realm, so he deliberately used Tan Tai Mingyue as an excuse to deceive the Ninth Pavilion Chief's trust in him.

Fortunately, the Ninth Pavilion Chief's cultivation is far higher than the Saint Realm powerhouses of other major divine ways and holy leaders present. Even if Luo Yuheng breaks the rules and does bad things secretly, with the Ninth Pavilion Chief covering for him, he can easily bypass the sight of these guys.

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The whole process was extremely smooth.

With the help of the Nine Pavilion Chiefs, Luo Yuheng successfully released the "gadgets" in his hand.

At the same time, in the secret realm.

After releasing the Whale Devouring Divine Power and devouring the Dantian Qi Sea of ​​the Wuhuang Puppet, Ye Xuan's divine power formation and the true god's Dharma image seemed to become more powerful.

Even the pattern on the back of the giant whale above his head began to be outlined more and more completely.

"Isn't the power of your Dharma image divine power... a little too abnormal?"

At this moment, Feng Yi and Jian Er had already gotten rid of their shock, but they still looked at Ye Xuan as if they were looking at a monster.

It was clear that they had just entered the Divine Way not long ago.

But they were able to enter the upper three levels by exception?

Especially when they recalled the rumors in the Divine Way before.

Yue Changkong!

That guy, maybe, was really killed by Ye Xuan.

Thinking of this, Feng Yi and Jian Er couldn't help but feel strange in their hearts.

When Yue Changkong attacked the lower three levels, Feng Yi and Jian Er were in retreat.

When they came out of retreat, their first reaction to the news was that it was nonsense.

How could a lower three level prodigy kill Yue Changkong?

But later, the various strange actions of the Divine Way.

Coupled with the strength shown by Ye Xuan at this moment.

Feng Yi and Jian Er gradually realized that things were not as simple as they imagined.

"It's just the realm of the Seven-Star Martial King, but it can have such strength..."

In the entire Xuantian Divine Way, except for the Goddess Xiyao, I'm afraid no one dared to say that they could easily resolve the Qi Hai Dantian of a Martial Emperor's self-explosion in the realm of Martial King, right?



Thinking of the Goddess Xiyao, Feng Yi and Jian Er couldn't help but think of the strange and repeated voice transmission of the twelfth hall master Luo Tong along the way.

"I, I understand."

"It's the Golden Lotus Vision!!!"

At this moment, Feng Yi and Jian Er, who had been kept in the dark for a long time, seemed to have finally figured something out.

The shock that had just subsided in the eyes of the two people burst out again along their pupils.

Ye Xuan was the one who caused the golden lotus vision on the ladder to heaven.

He could easily resolve the self-explosion of the Martial Emperor's Qi Sea Dantian.

Except for the peerless evildoer with the appearance of a true god.

Who else in this world can do it.

"No wonder, no wonder the goddess and Luo Tangzhu have repeatedly told us to protect Ye Xuan in the True God Realm."

"No wonder Luo Tangzhu said before that as long as we do this job well, we will have the hope of entering the upper three levels."

At this moment, in addition to the shock of knowing the truth, Feng Yijianer's heart is more of a bitter smile.

They used to regard Ye Xuan as a burden and a waste.

They even imagined in their minds whether Ye Xuan would be a relative of some high-level Shinto.

Now thinking about it, their ideas are simply naive.

Naive to the extreme.

"You two, the thing from the Netherworld Holy Church seems to have escaped. Do you have enough energy to break the barrier around it?"

At this moment, Ye Xuan's voice suddenly sounded in Feng Yijian'er's ears.

Ever since Ye Xuan released the Whale Swallowing Divine Power.

Having seen the power of the divine power, Huan Mei promptly controlled the bloodline puppets around him and escaped underground without a trace.

With the strength shown by Ye Xuan, Huan Mei of this level is obviously no match.

Stay here, it's nothing more than giving away your head.

It has to be said that Huan Mei's bloodline escapes very fast.

So fast that Ye Xuan can't stop it.

However, even if Huan Mei doesn't escape, Ye Xuan can't do anything to him in a short time.

Forcibly swallowing a Martial Emperor Qi Sea Dantian that is about to collapse, even if the Whale Swallowing is a magical power left by the True God, it still makes the divine bones in Ye Xuan's body a little agitated.

A large amount of divine bone power needs to be mobilized to stabilize.

Seeing that Ye Xuan gradually put away the divine power formation and the Dharma image around him, Feng Yi and Jian Er, who had reacted, nodded to him.

"Of course there is a way to break the formation."

Before, because of the entanglement of the illusion, the self-explosion of the Martial Emperor puppet's collapsed Dantian, plus the forced contraction and strengthening of the barrier mark by the Fire God and the Tianjiao of Bi Bo Tan before leaving, Feng Yi and Jian Er were overwhelmed.

There was no time to solve these things one by one.

Now, Ye Xuan has solved the biggest problem, and there is no threat of the Martial Emperor's self-explosion.

There is no entanglement of the illusion blood line.

Feng Yi and Jian Er can finally calm down and break the surrounding barrier.

See, a long phoenix feather rises on Feng Yi's head.

This is a life feather that he has condensed with the blood of the Phoenix in his body for hundreds of years.

It can be used as a treasure to defend against enemies.

It can also bless one's own power of the Phoenix.

Under the influence of Feng Yu, the Heavenly Fire Marks left in the Ice Mirror Boundary by the Heavenly Fire Order before the Fire Lord escaped turned into the purest fire elements between heaven and earth, and were absorbed by Feng Yi into Feng Yu.

Immediately afterwards, a strong sword intent burst out from Jian Er's body.

This sword intent directly cut a big gap on the Ice Mirror Boundary that eliminated the Heavenly Fire Mark.

Looking at the gradually dissipating Ice Mirror Boundary around, in the corner, those warriors of the Central Wilderness Spirit Realm who survived the catastrophe, and the two Martial Emperors who were besieged by the Fire Lord and the Bibotan Tianjiao, burst into strong joy of surviving the catastrophe.

At the moment when Huan Mei controlled the Martial Emperor Puppet, collapsed the Qi Hai Dantian, and prepared to self-destruct.

They really thought that they were about to die.

Who knew that happiness came so suddenly.

Ye Xuan, who was trapped in the barrier with them, showed his divine power.

He swallowed the magic power with one hand and easily resolved the crisis.

At this moment, the two martial emperors, as well as the surviving martial masters and martial kings around them, felt that after entering the True God Realm, their mood was like a roller coaster.

They kept bouncing between despair and hope.

"My heart is so tired, so exhausted!"

"Is this the gap between us and these Shinto and Holy Church geniuses?"

"With a finger, life and death can be decided. We are like ants in front of them."

Those who were just grateful for rushing into the True God Realm, at this moment, couldn't help but laugh at themselves in their hearts.

They laughed at their own arrogance!

Even the two martial emperors in the crowd were no exception.

They secretly glanced at Ye Xuan opposite them.

Recalling again the attitude of the major Shinto and Holy Churches who didn't care about Ye Xuan outside the True God Realm.

Damn, these Shinto geniuses are really good at acting.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have really thought he was a weakling.

However, now that they have seen how powerful Ye Xuan is, how dare they still look down on him?

All they have is fear and deep awe.

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