The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 400: Decorate a new home

"I heard your mother say, do you plan to use this house for business?" Dad asked.

"Yes, the villa is very big, but the first floor is several times larger than our current old house. It is definitely enough for your second floor to live in. I plan to use the second floor as an office building. I will call a few business partners together. Come here and set up my independent studio." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Oh, this is a good idea. Dad will definitely support you, but I don't know, how many people are your business partners, and whether the house is enough to live in?" Dad asked.

"It's only five or six people. The house on the second floor is enough. Besides, there are two rooms and a living room on the third floor," Moxie said.

"Okay, let them come over, your mother can just help you cook, so that you can eat out and eat, and it looks pitiful." Dad laughed.

"Now I can just take care of you, so you can work with peace of mind and make money." Mom laughed.

"Thank you parents." Mo Xie nodded with a smile.

"By the way, Xiaoxie, are there any girls among your colleagues?" My mother asked with an ambiguous smile.

"Yes, there are three or four beauties." Mo Xie replied. He also joined the member of the studio, Hong Sister who had not yet returned.

"So many, do they have boyfriends?" Mother asked excitedly, blinking her small eyes.

"One is married, and her husband is also our colleague. The other three don't seem to have boyfriends yet," Mo Xie replied.

"Okay, Xiaoxie tells the truth, is there anyone you like in it?" Mom became even more excited.

"This...mother where did you want to go." Mo Xie suddenly understood her thoughts, his face was red.

"You old lady, the son is older, let him worry about it." Dad said with a smile.

The taxi drove all the way through the busy traffic of the city. After crossing most of the city, the taxi finally came to the modern new city area again.

Driving on the spacious and straight road, my mother already excitedly pointed out the window, that large area of ​​luxurious buildings, to introduce to her father the luxury and atmosphere of Haitian Palace.

Mo Xie sat quietly in the co-pilot position, looking at the bustling city outside the car window, full of pride...

He finally relied on his own efforts to allow his parents to live with him in such a good house. This pride is irreplaceable by doing anything.

Next, he will use this as the starting line and continue to create his own bright future!

The taxi drove quickly to the gate of Haitian Haoting Community. After paying the fare, Mo Xie took his parents to the gate.

At this time, the glass door of the sales department opened quickly, and Manager Ding led a group of beautiful sales ladies to greet them with a smile, and enthusiastically supported his mom and dad. The attitude was completely different from the last time.

Dad was surrounded by a group of beautiful women. It was the first time in his life that he received such high-rule treatment. He didn't know where to put his excited hands and feet.

"Mr. Mo, after receiving your call, we have asked the property to help you deal with the villa. I didn't expect you to move in so soon." Manager Ding said with a smile.

"Yes, the sooner the better, I want to move over tomorrow." Mo Xie nodded.

"It's simple. If you don't have too many requirements for the existing decoration of the villa, the property cleaning department will work overtime to clean up for you tonight. After installing some smart monitoring equipment, you can move in normally." Manager Ding replied.

"Yes, just as I said, replace all the door locks with smart controls and open all the monitoring devices." Mo Xie nodded.

"Don't be sad, two old people, please come with me." Manager Ding immediately turned around and led the three of them into the gate of the community.

Next to a beautiful lawn on the right, there is a sign erected impressively...a dedicated driveway for the villa area.

"You can wait for the bus here if you usually go in and out. We have a free battery car for transportation. Look, isn't that here." Manager Ding led the three to the signboard. Just as he introduced him, he saw the end of the road. A lush forest in the distance, quickly drove up an extended sightseeing battery car.

Manager Ding took the three of them into the car and started to drive towards the center of the community...

Just after turning a corner, the car entered a large artificial forest, surrounded by deep trees, and the scenery was very pleasant.

"Not bad, the air must be very good to live here." The father came here for the first time, and he was very satisfied with the surrounding environment.

"I haven't seen the world, you will look at the villa for a while, and you won't be scared of an old thing." Mom laughed, forgetting that she was also shocked and speechless.

"Yes, yes..." Dad smiled without refuting, completely immersed in this beautiful man-made landscape.

The surrounding scenery of this expensive real estate is indeed breathtaking. No wonder the sales department are so snob. After all, buying a house in this conceptual luxury community is not something ordinary people can consume.

Besides, this real estate is located in the most prosperous area in the whole city. Being able to live here is itself a status symbol.

Sightseeing cars keep moving on the winding forest trails. In the glades on both sides of the road, there are many squares and countless fitness equipment displayed, which makes parents excited.

Waiting to pass through this forest, a blue sea suddenly appeared, making Dad even more stunned.

At this time, a large group of beautiful villas appeared in front of them in turn.

"No, we will live here in the future?" Dad asked incredulously.

"What's this? This is a small villa. Our son bought a large villa, which is much more advanced than this." Mother said disdainfully.

"Mother is right. This is just a small apartment area. Mr. Mo bought the most luxurious large villas, which are even more upscale than here." Manager Ding explained with a smile.

"My God, Xiaoxie, how much money did you spend?" Dad just knew that his son had spent a lot of money to buy a villa, but he didn't know the specific price. Now looking at the scenes before him, he has already I can't sit still anymore.

"Dad, don't care how much money I spent, as long as you are satisfied with the living." Mo Xie smiled.

"Son's mind, how much do you care about." Mother smiled.

"Well, you two mother and son together bully me." Dad was completely speechless.

Driving on the edge of the man-made sea, the golden sandy beaches create an almost chaotic seaside scene, allowing the two elderly people who are in the interior and have never seen the sea to look at them.

The driving route of the sightseeing car this time is not the same as the last time they came out of the sales department, so this time they walked along the seaside and passed through countless villas before finally arriving in front of the familiar Villa No. 3.

After seeing the small and medium-sized villas just now, the large villas here appear to be extraordinarily tall and occupy a wider area.

Excluding the building area of ​​the villa, just the garden and swimming pool have made the father who has worked hard for half a lifetime completely shocked by the scene before him...

"Such a big house..." Dad didn't recover from his surprise until he got out of the car.

At this time, at the entrance of Villa No. 3, there are already many employees in work clothes, who are busy carrying materials, helping Mo Xie replace the door lock at the entrance and install the latest smart locks.

In the villa, curtains are being newly installed on every window, and the cleaning staff are busy cleaning the glass and exterior walls.

There are also many people who are tidying the lawn, changing the water in the swimming pool, tidying up the hygiene of the garage...

The whole villa showed a busy scene.

Manager Ding led the three of them into the gate, and my mother had already taken my father to watch the garden and plan the future layout of this place.

According to her mother's plan, she originally planned to clear a piece of lawn in the back garden as a vegetable garden. Later, after checking the situation of the villa online, she found that this was a bit old-fashioned, so she gave up this idea.

The two elderly people discussed the layout of the future garden, and Mo Xie walked to the door of the villa, thinking about the layout of the studio.

The second floor must be used as an apartment for the teammates. Now there are few people, just one room for one person.

He can live on the third floor, and the large attic on the third floor can be used as a place to prevent control chairs. All members of the team are concentrated here to log in to the game, without occupying the space of the house.

While thinking about the situation, Mo Xie immediately proposed some improvement plans. Manager Ding on the side called Xiao Wang, who was in charge of the property, to record all his requirements.

"Mr. Mo, please rest assured, your request is easy to do. We will speed up the process tonight and tomorrow morning, so as not to delay your stay at night." Xiao Wang said respectfully.

"That's all right, I'll buy some furniture and send it in a while, please arrange for someone to help me set it up. After everything is set up, I will give everyone a bonus." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"No problem, it is our honor to be able to serve Mr. Mo. If you want to buy furniture, we can help you contact some brand merchants and ask them to come here with an atlas for you to choose. If you are sure, they can directly Bring it here." Xiao Wang nodded politely.

"It's okay, that's okay, you can contact me immediately, I'm going around to see what I need." Mo Xie said excitedly.

This is the first time that he has set up a new home. He still knows nothing about everything. Now that someone can help, he can save too much trouble...

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