The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 389: Plot puzzle

Is not it!

The guardian of others?

Mo Xie just asked curiously, Niya's answer suddenly made him open his mouth, shocked in his heart.

The so-called guardian punishment, is it to make Saint Ching Hee her pet...

Let me go, how can the system's contract punishment be so severe!

"Niya, what is going on with the guardian punishment?" Mo Xie quickly continued to ask.

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but I heard from the elders of the clan once mentioned that those who are eligible to accept the guardian punishment are already above the mythological level and possess the super power of the beasts! So this kind of big person is generally They will not bet or sign a contract with people because they will be severely punished for failure. The so-called guardian punishment seems to be that after the contract fails, they will become the guardian of the other party for a period of time, protecting the other party from life danger. "Niya replied with a deep voice.

"It turned out to be just a bodyguard, I thought it was a pet." Mo Xie suddenly realized.

"What's the matter, Mr. En Gong, has anyone signed a contract with you?" Niya asked puzzledly.

"The situation is like this..." Mo Xie didn't hide it, and told the beauty of what had happened just now.

"Oh my God... The Saintess of the Light Race was in this forest just now?" Niya's eyes widened, and she almost staggered down from the air.

"Yeah, she was the one who entangled me just now." Mo Xie said.

"The Saintess of the Light Race is a great figure. She possesses a god-level strength similar to that of the protoss six-vein sages. You can save your life from her hands. It's really amazing!" Niya said with a look of worship.

"It's okay, she just came over to supervise the task, and won't do anything to us. Besides, she has such a noble status, how can she deal with a little like us." Mo Xie couldn't help but laugh at herself when she thought of the cold and arrogant attitude of the saint just now.

"Of course, even if the king of our elves sees the saint Qingxi, he can be treated politely." Niya smiled.

"By the way, I have a question. What is the status of the Holy Princess of the Human Race Royal Family in the Protoss?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

The content of the letter at the bottom of the lake last time made him understand that the Temple of Life did not hesitate to completely break with the Temple of Flames in order to support the holy princess ascending the throne. It was more than just peace-loving.

What's more, the letter said clearly that if you want to unlock the seal of the sky at the bottom of the lake, you have to find the Holy Princess with the Pearl of Life.

Originally, Mo Xie only had some doubts in his mind about this matter, but after meeting the saint Qingxi today, he suddenly thought that since the Holy Light Temple has the position of saint, then the Life Temple should also have the saint of life. But in the pictures displayed in the letter, he never saw the presence of the saint from beginning to end.

So, is there a connection between the saint of the temple of life and the holy princess?

Maybe the saint of the temple of life is right beside the princess.

"Master En Gong, Niya's low status, I really don't know about the human royal family. Maybe our King and Queen should know these things." Niya shook her head and replied.

"I see, let's hurry up." Mo Xie nodded, already having doubts in his heart, thinking about solving the mystery sooner.

He now knows more and more that these great gods were fighting for the throne of the human race.

The purpose of the Protoss is to regain control of the unfinished ruling power, and to relieve the trouble of the curse of God.

The other major ethnic groups joined in this battle for their own interests, bringing the entire virtual world to war.

More than ten years have passed since the end of the imperial power dispute. The grievances of the year did not disappear with the wind, but as the players entered this virtual world, a new round of turmoil began again!

The Saint Princess formation that failed back then vaguely shows signs of resurgence, and the Protoss is always paying attention to this situation, ready to attack again at any time.

And because of the division of the main mission, Mo Xie has opened a super difficult plot mission. His purpose is very simple, to help the party that failed to rise again.

However, due to the common route chosen by most players, the strength of the Protoss and Grand Prince faction is extremely powerful!

But as the main line of the mission continued to extend forward, Mo Xie gradually discovered that the system was fairly fair. Although it seemed that the mission he was doing was very difficult, the system had hidden many branch plots, and he needed him to uncover the Protoss step by step. The internal disagreements even used the old part of the Saint Princess.

Combining these factors, in fact, the strength of the Saint Princess camp is not as weak as it seems on the outside. It depends on how he uses the mission clues he discovered to regroup these theories.

The role of the anode general in the middle must be very crucial!

Leading Niya forward quickly, the two passed through a large forest.

Along the way, Mo Xie was thinking about the situation of his mission, the tragedy of the Sanctuary of Life, the trauma of the Devil Phoenix Akabane, the injury of the saint princess, and other clues. He is slowly integrating these clueless mission clues together as much as possible. , Looking for a more clever solution...

The general plot background of the entire virtual world is now like a puzzle, slowly being put together in front of his eyes, but the current mission stage is still very early, and there are many puzzles that need to be slowly found piece by piece.

Unknowingly, the two had returned to the big tree where the veterans were hidden. They got into the bushes and approached the trunk with difficulty. After pushing the vines and entering the tree hole, Mo Xie immediately came to the front of the fallen leaves.

Reaching out the fallen leaves, the body of the veteran immediately appeared.

"How about boy, have you got the things?" The veteran asked nervously as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Things are already in hand, do you think this is it?" Mo Xie exhaled the package and placed the wooden box dug out of the mud on the ground.

At this time, the bottom of the treasure chest was still dark and covered with thick silt. Only the lid was almost cleaned because Mo Xie wanted to open it directly.

"That's it! The young man did a good job, and I haven't failed the task entrusted to me by the general!" the old soldier said excitedly.

"Old man, now you can open the treasure chest and tell me what is inside, right?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"No problem, I am very satisfied with your performance. It seems that the person selected by the General is really good. However, the old man does not know what is hidden in it. The General only asked the old man to take them for safekeeping, and he did not show it to me. Right." The veteran smiled and shook his head.

"That's it, let me see it by myself. The General asked me to open the letter to clarify the next step." Mo Xie smiled and nodded, feeling very much admiration for this veteran who insisted on his mission.

"Little girl, help me up." The veteran motioned to Niya for help, stood up tremblingly with the help of the beautiful woman, walked to the front of the treasure chest, squatted on the ground and waved his hands.


A slight sound came, and the lid of the box opened slowly in response...

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