The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 361: Surprised old man

Back in the real world, the two goddesses were still doing tasks in the game. Mo Xie walked out of the room alone. It was still early, but he felt that there was nothing to do.

By the way, I made a lot of money today, so I have to make my parents happy.

Mo Xie hurried back to the room, changed into the new clothes that the two goddesses bought him, took the bag with the bank card, and walked out quickly.

Take the elevator to the lobby on the first floor of the apartment, find the bicycle where he has placed in the corner, unlock the lock, and push the bicycle, he quickly rushes out of the gate, riding his bicycle excitedly, rushing forward on the road of the community...

Pedestrians on the roadside curiously looked at this short, ordinary-looking guy, but no one would have imagined that this shameless young man is now a small rich man with a net worth of tens of millions!

At this time, Mo Xie only wanted to go home early and surprise his parents, so he speeded up riding his bicycle and quickly rushed out of the gate of the community...

When I came to a nearby bank and found the lobby manager, Mo Xie knew that if he wanted to withdraw a large amount of cash, he had to make an appointment with the bank first.

"Sir, do you have anything to do?" The lobby manager is a big beauty with glasses, and her neat work clothes is even more like an intellectual beauty.

"I want to withdraw 200,000 cash. I don't know how long to make an appointment?" Mo Xie asked.

"You want to withdraw 200,000? Please follow me." The beauty was taken aback and said with her hand out.

The beauty manager in the lobby led Mo Xie to the VIP room, and immediately asked the staff to go through the relevant procedures for him, so that he could directly come over to withdraw cash the day after tomorrow.

After finishing all the formalities, under the hospitality of the beauty manager, Mo Xie first went to the cash machine to withdraw 20,000 yuan, then walked directly out of the door, and drove quickly towards home on a bicycle...

This was the first time in his life that Mo Xie felt the taste of being rich. Even the surprised eyes of the bank staff at him made him very satisfied.

After nearly 20 years of inferiority complex, he is finally about to exhale...

Excitedly galloping along the road, Mo Xie soon returned to the familiar dilapidated community, where old-fashioned brick-concrete buildings are everywhere, the mottled exterior walls have long lost their original color, and motorcycles and bicycles are parked everywhere in the corridor. It is full of countless debris.

After Mo Xie parked the car and locked it, he quickly rushed up the stairs. After reaching the third floor, he came to his hometown where he had lived here for more than ten years.

If I found out from the bag, a familiar voice came from the door as soon as I opened the door.

"Xiao Xie, why are you back? Don't make a call in advance. I can buy food and make good food for you." Mom poked her head out of the living room and saw her son she hadn't seen for a long time. Immediately said excitedly.

"It's Xiaoxie who is back, he's not going to work today?" Dad also stood up and asked in confusion.

Mo Xie's parents were not tall, but his father was of medium size and very thin. He belonged to the kind of physique that could be blown away in a strong wind.

The mother was the opposite. She was short, but a little fat.

Mo Xie kept lamenting that he did not inherit the good genes of his parents, but he concentrated all their shortcomings...

That's why he is short and thin, and his skin is a little dark.

Seeing the figures of the two parents appearing across the aisle in the living room, two pairs of surprise eyes made Mo Xie's heart clear that no matter how he was messing around outside, the two old men always remember him.

"I'm back, why are you all at home today?" Mo Xie walked over and asked with a smile.

"It's not your mother. I don't know what the wind is today. I have to accompany her to see the new house for a while." Father said with a smile.

"Oh, do you want to buy a house?" Mo Xie was taken aback, unexpectedly the two elders had this idea.

"Yeah, didn’t you give us tens of thousands of dollars last time, plus the pension we saved, enough for the down payment to buy a new house. I was thinking about our house is too small and old, and I want to change to a new house. This is not correct. I'm going to check it out in the afternoon. You just came back, so follow us to choose a new house." Mom said with a smile

"Don't listen to your mother's nonsense. After paying the down payment, what should I do with the monthly monthly payment? Now that the house price is so expensive, you can also afford the down payment." Dad said disdainfully.

"What do you know? Seeing that Xiaoxie is getting older and older, if one day I bring you a daughter-in-law back, where do we let them get married? You have no skills, don't you want to let your son get married?" Rolled his eyes and asked.

"This..." Dad was defeated as usual.

"Mom, where do you want to buy a house and what size are you going to buy?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Where can I buy it? Of course, it is in a slightly off-site location, and the price can be a lot cheaper. I'm sorry, my parents don't have much ability to buy you a big house. You can barely afford it for a few dozen square meters." Mom said embarrassedly.

"Don't worry about me, as long as the two of you live in Shuxin, I will worry about my house." Mo Xie smiled.

"Oh, Xiaoxie actually said this when he grew up." Dad said with admiration, his eyes lit up.

"You old thing, watch your TV. Today, my son and I are going to see the room." Mother said with disdain.

"You don't need to look at the house. Today I come back to report good news. Your son, I, finally made a fortune!" Mo Xie said with a smile.

"What, got rich? What business do you do, you gave us so much money last time, what happened this time?" Dad asked in surprise.

"Son, what kind of business are you doing? Isn't it a crooked way? You can't make this kind of money!" My mother also panicked.

"Don't worry, now I can tell you what business I am doing, you have to be mentally prepared." Mo Xie smiled and sat on the sofa, opened the bag and took out two stacks of money and put them on the coffee table.

"You take these money first, and I'll get hundreds of thousands the day after tomorrow. Let's buy a big house." Mo Xie smiled and looked at the stunned old couple...

"No, Xiaoxie, first tell us what business you are doing. If you don't say it clearly, we can't take your money." Dad frowned and said nervously.

"Yeah, Xiaoxie, what kind of work are you in, why do you take money so fast, how long did you give us so much money last time." My mother was uneasy.

"Parents, please rest assured, I am absolutely serious..." Mo Xie asked the two of them to sit down first, and ignored what he had done during this period, except for offending Chen Shaohe and the Chen Group as an enemy. , The others told them exactly...

"You can make money like this by playing games? Isn't that true?" Dad's eyes widened, and after hearing Mo Xie's story, he seemed to be shocked.

"My son turned out to be so good... You don't understand the world of young people now. Some time ago I often saw unfinished game promotions, all over the street. I didn't expect this game to make money?" Mom blinked Said the eyes.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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