The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 353: Together

Mo Xie finally understood that Mo Xiaolang came out this time, it seemed that he was only bringing his wife and brothers, but he had already considered various development links in the future.

Mo Xiaoyuan has unique business management capabilities, so Mo Xiaolang will allow him to come this time. Then Mo Xiaoyu must have his own uniqueness, but there is still no room to play.

"Don't worry, this matter is on my body. Since the two beauties own the system store, I will say hello to a group of brothers tonight and let them start commercial operations in Sunset City as soon as possible based on our store. "Mo Xiaoyuan smiled.

"Okay, my shop is idle and idle, then when you are ready, I will give you the authorization to operate." Lianna said excitedly.

"Authorization is necessary, but we also need to have some special products in order to open the store's name as soon as possible, so that the players in Sunset City will know that there is such a store." Mo Xiaoyuan nodded.

"This is not simple. Our deputy equipment is currently the most attractive product for players, so we have to fight as many deputy equipment as possible." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"Okay, we can now level up with peace of mind, and explode more equipment by the way, but what is the name of our store in the future?" Ouyang Jiaojiao asked with a smile.

"The name of the store..." Everyone was stunned.

"Think about the name of the store first, you guys. I'm going to clean up the loot." Lianna ran quickly between the rocks, continuing to look for items that might fall by the monster's corpse.

Killed nearly 20 monsters this time, and the harvest was really good. Needless to say, four or five copper coins. Five of the off-hand props broke out, but unfortunately only the little cloak is of green quality, and all the others are white boards. equipment.

The whiteboard off-hand equipment has only two additional attributes and no additional status, and the value of the additional attributes is also very small. When Lianna showed the attributes of the loot, no one could see these whiteboard-type off-hand equipment.

They are all waiting for the appearance of the green equipment, and the elite monsters have a high chance of exploding good quality props, so they would rather wait for the next time, or the next time, anyway, here will be a long-term leveling. They can all afford it.

These whiteboard props can be sold as commodities.

Although the attributes of the whiteboard deputy props are very poor, they still have the function of decoration. For example, among the four extra whiteboard-level equipments, there are turbans, hats and tassels, and there is even one that can be used in their own weapons. Strange props forming decorative pendants...

Now they all understand that the so-called off-hand item is a kind of equipment that adds additional attributes and can embellish the appearance of the player's character...

Lianna handed all the collected whiteboard deputy props to Mo Xiaoyuan, and asked him to run the team's commercial development.

"Have you figured out the name of the store? What is it called?" Lianna asked curiously.

"We have already discussed that our team has a total of six people, and it will definitely be the core six-member group of the new tribe in the future, so our store name is called Liufulou, so that it will not let others know our details, but also symbolize With the friendship of the six of us, there is also a good sign." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"Liu Fu Lou, yes, it just sounds like the name of a restaurant." Lianna said excitedly, blinking her beautiful eyes.

"No matter whether it is a restaurant or a store, Liu Fu Lou represents the six of us. I hope that in the future, the six of us will work together to support each other and never betray!" Mo Xie said sternly.

"We help each other in the same boat and never betray!" The teammates solemnly said in unison.

"Well, in the future, we will not only be a team, but also a close business partner. I hope that we can work hard together to find a bright future in the unfinished business, and this will live up to this excellent opportunity." Mo Xiao The wolf said with satisfaction.

"Everyone work hard to make a fortune." Several teammates cheered excitedly.

"Finish the rope net and step up leveling." Mo Xie gave the order.

A group of teammates immediately dispersed, arranging the long ropes and iron nets destroyed by the monsters in the cave, preparing to continue to farm and level up.

When everything was set up, Mo Xie found Niya again to convey instructions. This time he asked the elven beauties to increase the number of Yinguai from 20 to 30...

"I'll go, so much!" Lianna said in surprise.

"Just now our organ traps have withstood the test of 20 monsters. Don't worry if you come back any more. Now we must challenge the limit to be able to upgrade the level as soon as possible and get more equipment." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Xiao Mo is right, we must work hard." Mo Xiaolang nodded and said.

Everyone immediately rushed to the cave, arranged in a formation, the steel angry ape was at the forefront, and Mo Xiaolang stood behind it...

The six people looked at the entrance of the cave eagerly, waiting for the elf beauties to introduce the monster into the cave again...

The time in the virtual world is fast passing by. Just in the Iron Mirror Mountains map where this team is leveling, more and more players have gathered, distributed in the five lakes and other basins to step up the level.

There is no shortage of smart people among these players, and soon some players are surprised to find that killing monsters by the lake can actually explode some strange auxiliary materials.

This news spread like wildfire. The entire leveling players in the Iron Mirror Mountains are exploring the secrets of the monsters by the lake. The hidden scenes at the bottom of the lake are being solved step by step by the players.

Fortunately, Moxie and the others opened up a new leveling scene, so they don't have to worry about being disturbed by other players.

After all, the cave where they are located is very hidden. From the outside, it is a large green bush. Moreover, the cliff area is too large, and there is a fierce monster refresh area guarding it. Even if someone climbs the cliff curiously, they are quickly thrown by the gibbons. Quickly driven away by the raindrops of stones, the more sad guy fell directly from the cliff and returned to the main city to report.

The more players that die, no one will ever climb the cliff to take an adventure. Even if many people guess that there may be quest clues set by the system hidden on the cliff, their current strength cannot cope with the situation here. Can suppress curiosity forcibly, first improve the strength to a certain level, then come here to have a look.

The morning passed quickly, and Mo Xie's team kept killing batches of gibbons in the cave, and the experience bar was rising rapidly.

Among them, the most exciting person is Lianna, the sturdy goddess. After every batch of monsters are killed, she is busy cleaning the battlefield, picking up pieces of white and green light flashing props.

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