The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 347: Alliance start-up capital

"If you want to say it, just say it quickly, I'm not welcome anymore." Mo Xiaoyu threatened with crossed willow.

"Say it quickly, or my sister-in-law will have to do it again." Mo Xie smiled.

"I said, I said." Mo Xiaolang glanced at everyone, then said: "Everyone thinks that although this token is very rare at present, the price is more than 500,000 at most, but it definitely does not reach the sky-high price of 50 million. , But it’s not the case. What happened recently is obvious to all. The conspiracy planned by the arrogant alliance has now surfaced, and the entire Sunset City has become their actual site. This situation is very unfavorable to us, but the most damaged , Or those large professional guilds."

"I understand, because the sudden rise of the Arrogant Alliance has made other guilds feel threatened, so the value of the statue has increased a lot." Mo Xie seemed to understand some of the situation.

"This is just one of the reasons. Originally, tribal statues were the props that all professional guilds wanted very much to obtain first. Now coupled with the threat of arrogant alliances, it is normal for the value of statues to be raised several times in the market, but even In this way, there is still no one on the market to sell, the reason is that there is no market." Mo Xiaolang said.

Oh I see……

Everyone nodded together, waiting for Mo Xiaolang to continue speaking.

"So, as soon as our statue appeared, many people asked about the price. Of course, it also includes people from the arrogant alliance. I told my friend in advance and told him about the origin of this statue. He doesn't Will reveal any information about us. And after his multi-party price negotiation for a day, coupled with the help of the arrogant alliance to raise the price, this sky-high price is slowly raised." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"It's not that the arrogant alliance has paid 50 million. You want to buy back the statue?" Lianna exclaimed.

"No, our goal is to prevent them from getting the statue, how can we sell it to them? In the entire professional circle, the rich guilds are not just arrogant alliances, especially this time they play Yin, which has already let those super guilds The bosses became angry from embarrassment, so it made us cheaper." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"I see, Brother Wolf's friend used the price of the arrogant alliance to anger the bigwigs of those super guilds, that's why they made such a high price." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Xiao Mo guessed it right, that's what happened. My friend is making a deal with a super guild. It is estimated that at noon, if there is no problem, 45 million will enter Xiao Mo's account." Mo Xiaolang nodded and said.

"That friend of yours is really an individual talent. If you move your lips, it will cost 5 million. It's terrible!" Lianna exclaimed.

"But what I am most worried about is that after this deal is concluded, your friend will definitely be targeted by the arrogant alliance, and the other party will not give up easily. We may be exposed at any time." Mo Xie frowned, very worried, and didn't make any money. The joy of reaching sky-high prices.

"Don’t worry, Xiaomo. When you told me, I also thought about it. I just grabbed the statue from the Arrogant League. It is indeed a sensitive period for sale now, but if I sell it later, I am afraid that the statue is worthless, so I considered it. For a long time, I found a trustworthy friend, but the commission will be high, because he is abroad and is also a well-known agent in the circle. The arrogant alliance wants to check him, I am afraid it is not that simple." Mo Xiaolang comforted. Said.

"What... he is a foreign professional agent?" Mo Xie's eyes lit up and he became excited.

"Yes, he has been engaged in trading in games and e-sports circles. Most of the trading projects are abroad, but he is very familiar with some domestic guild leaders. It is very safe to handle this transaction to him, but it is a commission of 5 million. Some are too expensive." Mo Xiaolang said.

"It's okay, just spend 5 million to buy a peace of mind, so as not to get the money all day long panic." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"Yes, 5 million is nothing, as long as it is safe." Lianna nodded.

"Then thank you Brother Wolf, this time it really made you bother." Mo Xie said gratefully.

"What's the matter, I'm just making a few calls." Mo Xiaolang said dismissively.

"Well, if this transaction can be achieved, after 45 million enters my account, the team members include 5 million each of me. Brother Wolf's hard work can get 10 million for the transaction, and the remaining 15 million, as The future development of our alliance starts the fund. What do you think?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"5 million per person...really?" Mo Xiaoyuan asked in surprise.

"I'm going, I just followed to join in the fun, and can actually divide 5 million?" Lianna couldn't believe her ears.

"No, making money is so easy!" Ouyang Jiaojiao was also shocked by Mo Xie's decision.

"Xiao Mo, you don't need to give so much, we are not embarrassed to hold it." Mo Xiaoyu frowned Liu's eyebrows, and shook his head after thinking for a few seconds.

"My wife is right, 5 million is too much, and we feel uncomfortable holding it. After all, you only got this statue after a nine-death life. We just followed to see the excitement." Mo Xiaolang shook his head.

"Yeah, Xiao Mo, don't need to give us money, you can keep the development guild." Lianna also felt ashamed.

"Although I am short of money, I want to make money in my dreams, but I am embarrassed to take this money." Mo Xiaoyuan laughed.

Seeing his teammates were surprised at first, and then they refused the dividend, Mo Xie's heart was extremely moved. This was the team he wanted. It would not be too troubled because of money matters, and finally broke up... …

"I understand everyone's intentions, but dividends must be paid, so let's take 1 million first, and the remaining 4 million will be used as everyone's shares to join our new alliance. What do you think?" Mo Xie asked .

"Okay, give me one million for my ten million, after all, I still have to feed my wife, and you will give me the guild shares for the remaining nine million." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"This is the best way. If you have money, you can still have shares. In the future, our new alliance will have funds. It is really multi-purpose. I raise my hands and feet in favor!" Mo Xiaoyuan nodded excitedly.

"I agree too!" The teammates expressed their opinions one after another, all excited.

According to the unfinished rules, players can only receive new plot quests from the guard general of the main city only after passing the 25-level main mission, and thus enter the main city’s main city mansion smoothly.

As long as they can enter the city lord’s mansion smoothly, and at the same time as the main task is handed over, players can propose to the lord the request to form a tribal alliance and start various preparations for the construction of the primary tribe.

It's a pity that Mo Xie was wanted because of the reason why he could not enter the City Lord's Mansion. Only when Mo Xiaolang reached level 25, he could prepare for the primary tribe.

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