The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 344: Complex terrain

Just as Mo Xie was thinking about how to rescue the imprisoned Elf Queen and the other Elves, the time had come to 8 o'clock in the morning.

Mo Xiaolang went online early in the morning at the time Mo Xie had agreed on the phone last night, but he never waited for this guy to arrive.

At the urging of the two goddesses, he called up the friend list and issued a private chat command.


Mo Xie's face immediately jumped out of Mo Xiaolang's eyes, which reminded him of meeting with his teammates.

"Brother Wolf, there is a new situation again." Mo Xie connected to the private chat and immediately said excitedly.

"What's the situation, what did your kid find?" Mo Xiaolang was about to inquire about the whereabouts of this guy, but he didn't expect that the other party would do something inexplicable again.

"That's it. When I passed by the mouth of the first valley in the Tiejing Mountain Range in the morning, I wanted to go to Banshan Cliff on a whim to see the situation there, but guess what I found..." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"Will you find out again?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"No, but it's more powerful than the discovery..." Mo Xie didn't give up, and told the other party about the tasks he received before and the situation now.

"Ah... there's such a thing..." Mo Xiaolang's surprise was no small thing. Such a major mission clue was hidden in such a conspicuous place at the entrance of the mountain. Fortunately, Mo Xie came across. If it was let other players It was a pity to find out.

"It was really lucky this time, and the elves hit me in front of me." Mo Xie said excitedly.

"Xiao Mo, this is not luck. Maybe it is because you received the quest from the elf princess with the elf king's order on you. Some special locations will automatically trigger the quest plot. It is found that the elf is not the key to the mission. Rescue them is the most important thing." Mo Xiaolang analyzed.

He thinks very clearly that because the cliff is so conspicuous, the monsters on the cliff are also easy to be seen by the players. Then someone must be curious to climb the cliff to check the situation, why other people did not encounter these elves who escaped, Did Mo Xie meet him so accidentally?

Moreover, he took the initiative to crash into his arms, which is more difficult than falling in the sky.

This situation can only be explained by triggering the quest plot at a special location. The key lies in the quest that Mo Xie has taken and the quest props on his body.

If other players want to know the mission of saving the elves, they can only discover the prison where the elves are held through their own exploration. After the task of rescuing the elves is over, then can Xiang Moxie go to other maps where the elves are held. May automatically trigger a new task thread.

"I understand, or Brother Wolf has a thorough analysis. Now I plan to rescue the Elf Queen, do you want to help?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"Such a big thing, of course, we have a share, you give me the coordinates now, and I will bring the team to look for you immediately." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Okay..." Mo Xie immediately reported the current coordinate position, waiting for the team to come and meet together.

Ending the private chat, looking at the beautiful elves standing beside him, and the large group of elves around him, he must get the help of these elves for the current task to be successfully completed.

"Niya, tell me first, where is the hole where you are being held?" Mo Xie asked immediately.

"Okay, I'll tell you now..." Niya nodded, bent down and squatted on the ground. The green staff in her right hand suddenly shone with a dazzling green light, illuminating the large cave immediately.

She stretched out her arm, held the staff, and swiped one end quickly on the ground. The outline pattern of a mountain range appeared in front of Mo Xie's eyes...

He understood that Niya was drawing the shape of the mountain range they were currently in, and he would immediately know the exact location of the entrance to the cave.

"Gongong, this is the pattern of the mountain range under our feet. It is halfway up the mountain. Under the cover of a large area of ​​trees, there are many dense holes hidden. In fact, the whole mountain range is like a honeycomb. The belly of the mountain is empty... …" Niya quickly completed a topographic map and said with a stick pointing to the black dots on it.

"So it's like that..." Mo Xie frowned as he looked at the graphics on the ground.

If the entire mountain is empty, then the situation is more complicated. The larger the terrain, the more unfavorable it is for one's search, and the Protoss must have a strong defense inside.

Now the strength gap between the two sides is very large. If you want to rescue the Elf Queen, let alone you cannot usher in, you must also ensure that the Protoss guards cannot discover their existence.

Just like the situation in the Underground City last time, if you try hard, you are doomed to fail completely.

"Niya, please tell me the route map in the cave as much as possible." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"Master En Gong, the secret road in the underground mountain is complicated. It was luck that we escaped at the beginning. Most of the tribe, including the Queen, were still captured by them, so we don't know the correct passage." Niya shakes He turned his head and replied helplessly.

"That's right, then do you remember the route map you used to escape?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"A few years have passed, when I can still remember some." Niya lowered her head, remembered for a moment, then waved her staff to draw the pattern again...

This time it was a new picture, extending from the entrance of the cave all the way forward, forming an intricate and large cobweb-like complex network. Looking at Mo Xie frowned, he was a little unsure of such a complicated route.

"That's all. From the entrance of the cave to the deepest part of the mountain, we all ran out indiscriminately at the beginning. We didn't know what the correct route was." Niya said.

"I understand." Mo Xie nodded, turned on the screen capture function, and saved the screenshot of the pattern on the ground.

This graphic is very important to him. Although many routes drawn by Niya are invalid passages, there must be a correct passage in this complicated road map. As long as you pay attention to the comparison, maybe You can find the correct channel identification method.

"Master En Gong, shall we start acting now?" Niya stood up excitedly and asked.

"Don't worry, this matter is very important, and you can't fail. As long as you fail once, the defense of the Protoss guard will be strengthened and your whereabouts will be exposed. We must carefully consider before deciding on the plan of action." Mo Xie thought. Said.

"Understand, we all follow your instructions." Niya nodded and said.

Countless long and random messy lines on the ground are intertwined to form the escape route drawn by Niya.

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