The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1095: Holy emperor's last wish

Shenhuozhu is one of the treasures of the Fire God Temple, but as early as when they were defeated in the last battle, they gave this treasure to the human race as a trophy for admitting defeat.

This matter has always been a great shame for the Protoss, and the people of the Fire God Temple want to take the God Fire Orb back all the time.

But at this time, the God Fire Ball was right in front of them, but they didn't dare to get closer!

"Order the soldiers to stay away from the temple, and never approach the divine power contract!" An elder of the Fire God Temple commanded loudly.

Under his command, the entire area 50 meters outside the temple was empty, but 50 meters away, the entire temple was surrounded by a dense army of soldiers, and the scene was particularly spectacular.

And some protoss soldiers rushed to the top of the mountain, and went to inform their masters, so that they could come quickly to deal with the matter...

In the temple, Mo Xie watched the three goddesses fly to the top of the stone pillar, gently lifting the giant cauldron on top...

The three goddesses lifted Fang Ding cautiously, each holding a tripod foot, slowly falling back to the ground.

"Reverse the big tripod and align the four sides of the tripod with the groove." Mo Xie commanded.

"I got it." The three girls used their supernatural powers together and slowly turned Dading around...

"It turns out that the universe is upside down, is this the way to change the world?" Li Hong finally understood the meaning of the formula.

"Then there is one last sentence, what's the matter of Seven Star Transformation?" Mo Xiaolang asked puzzledly.

"You'll know in a while." Mo Xie smiled faintly and stared at the front. The huge Fang Ding was turned upside down by the three goddesses, and the mouth of the Ding slowly descended, just matching all the grooves on the ground!

"It turns out that this hall is the key to the tomb of the Holy Emperor!" Li Hong said excitedly.


Dading landed, and the mouth of the tripod sank deep into the groove, and a strange sound suddenly sounded.

I saw seven golden lights shining around the big cauldron, and seven palm prints were clearly displayed on it, as if seven dazzling gold stars were shining, exactly where the holy princess just pressed the character.

"It's clear now that the seven stars have changed. Your Royal Highness, press it again to open the Holy Tomb!" Mo Xie said with a smile.

"I'll give it a try." The Saint Princess walked to the main hall, stretched out her hand and quickly turned around the big tripod, the last palm was lined up on the inverted tripod belly...



For an instant, only a thunder-like sound came from under the feet, frightening everyone away from the platform.

I saw the huge Fang Ding start to spin quickly, a tall stone stele slowly rises from the ground against the Fang Ding, as the stone stele stretches out of the ground, the first big golden character shines brilliantly...


The holy princess widened her eyes in surprise, standing with everyone, watching the fonts constantly appear on the tall stone tablet...

Tomb of the Holy Emperor!

The four characters have all been revealed as the stone stele rises. The tall stone stele rises until it is almost close to the top of the hall and stops. A flame above the hall shines vertically on the stele, and the golden characters are dazzling!

But everyone was attracted by the high pedestal that rises up together under the stone stele, because the huge pedestal is like a coffin, this is the tomb of the holy emperor!

With a bang, the ground shook, and then the whole hall fell silent.

"His Royal Highness, you can open the Holy Tomb now. You must remember the formula for opening the Holy Tomb." Mo Xie reminded.

"I've always remembered." The holy princess stretched out her hand and took the Fairy Flaming Phoenix and Qing Bing'er beside her, walking up the high platform all the way, standing at the foot of the stele, facing the huge pedestal.

The blood of the holy emperor, the holy tomb, the dragon scales and phoenix feathers, the sacred artifacts reappear!

Everyone was meditating on the second phrase in their hearts, seeing the princess bend down and stretch out her hand to gently stroke the base of the stele, as if paying tribute to her ancestors.

But before the eyes of the holy princess, she saw the dense lettering carved on the base of the stele, which introduced the brief life of the holy emperor and the brilliant achievements of defeating the gods.

At the end of the character introduction, the eight characters on the stone pillar are still carved at the end of the introduction, and then the name of the holy emperor.

"I see the font above. This is indeed where the Holy Tomb is located, but how should the blood of the Holy Emperor be used?" The Holy Princess asked for help.

"What's the situation written above?" Mo Xie tried to climb the stone platform, but the hot temperature still couldn't bring him too close.

"It's the ancestor's profile, followed by his words and signature." Saint Princess said.

"I understand what the situation is. Since the formula states that the blood of the holy emperor is needed, plus the signature of the holy emperor, it can meet the requirements of opening the royal institution. Your Royal Highness only needs to drop your blood on the signature of the holy emperor. It should be the correct way to open it." Mo Xie said thoughtfully.

"Okay." The holy princess trusts him very much now, almost obedient.

She immediately stretched out her jade finger to bite through the air, and dropped a drop of bright red blood on the stone base, on the three fonts signed by the holy emperor...

As the blood beads gradually dyed all the three carved fonts red, a golden light dazzlingly shone on the base of the stele.

I saw a golden halo spreading to the surroundings, a square golden aperture gleamed, and there was a bang, and the stone pedestal inside the golden aperture slowly stretched out. The muffled rumbling sound surprised everyone... …

At this time, the tomb of the holy emperor has been fully opened, and a tall square sarcophagus automatically stretches out, slowly occupying the entire platform...

All the huge stone coffins appeared, and inside lay a mighty warrior wearing a golden emperor armor and a golden crown, with his hands folded on his chest, holding a heavy mountain axe with shining colorful light!

And on his chest, a square brocade box was placed, also shining with brilliant golden light!

"Unscrupulous offspring, see the Holy Emperor!" The Holy Princess hurriedly knelt down, bowed her head and bowed respectfully.


As she bowed her head, the golden brocade box suddenly flew into the sky, slowly falling towards the ground, just on the ground in front of the Saint Princess.

In this situation, everyone who was surprised suddenly looked at each other...

"His Royal Highness, this is the brocade box left by the Holy Emperor. Open it quickly and take a look." Mo Xie reminded loudly.

"The Holy Emperor left me..." The Holy Princess stretched out her hand in surprise, held the brocade box with respectful hands, and then slowly opened it...

I saw a jade medal and a golden scroll inside.

The holy princess stretched out her hand suspiciously, picked up the square jade plate, and saw a few lines of lettering carved on it...

"What jade brand is this?" Mo Xie asked curiously.

"The jade card is useless, it's just a few words of explanation from the holy emperor before his death." The holy princess replied.

"Sheng Huang's last words, what is the situation mentioned above?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

"The Holy Emperor said that he didn't want to accept the surrender of the Protoss, but he could only defeat the Protoss, but he could not eliminate the Protoss."

"He knows that the Protoss will try to re-emerge, and his children and grandchildren will suffer humiliation, so when he is dying, he will leave a last word and imperial decree as a gift to future generations."

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