The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1093: Mystery of the Holy Sepulchre

Hearing the sound coming from the door, the holy princess also recovered from the meditation and turned to face the crowd.

"You are finally here. I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I still couldn't find a way to open the Holy Tomb. It seems that you have to help me understand it." The Holy Princess smiled slightly.

"His Royal Highness, please rest assured, since the formula has been cracked, it shouldn't be difficult to find the way to open it." Mo Xie walked down the steps and walked towards the center of the hall.

Before he got close to the cauldron, a burst of scorching air rushed towards his face, and he was surprised to stand five meters in front of the cauldron, and he dared not move forward.

"It's so hot, I don't feel at all at the door." Mo Xiaolang stood behind Mo Xie in surprise.

"It gets hotter further, it seems we can't get close to this big tripod." Li Hong nodded.

"This is a holy place to worship the **** of fire. You still can't resist the power of the **** of fire. With the existence of this **** of fire bead, the flame in the cauldron will never go out." The holy princess said lightly.

"Shenhuozhu...this must be a baby!" Mo Xie said in surprise.

"This is when the ancestors founded the empire, the Protoss was willing to surrender, and at the same time they signed the divine power contract, the six channels of the Protoss each offered a treasure. This divine fire bead is the treasure of the divine fire temple. For thousands of years, they have always I want to get this treasure back, but unfortunately there is a contract from their ancestors on the great cauldron. No protoss can get close to the great cauldron to take away the orb.” The holy princess said proudly.

"These strange graphics are the language and fonts of the Protoss?" Mo Xie looked at the dense graphics and texts on the big cauldron, and then understood the situation.

"Regardless of these now, quickly find a way to open the tomb of the holy emperor. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We still have a rescue mission." said the holy princess.

According to the plan, it is the first step to open the tomb of the holy emperor and get the artifact of the town. As long as the first step is achieved, the holy princess will have the ability to fight against the gods, and then can go to the top of the mountain to rescue the elves and elves.

Because of this, the start of the second war between the holy princess and the Protoss was announced, and the two sides officially confronted again!

Therefore, whether the tomb of the holy emperor can be opened will determine whether this battle can really start.

Looking at the huge Huo Ding, Mo Xie and the two teammates stared together, wanting to see some clues from it.

Although they have cracked the formula for opening the tomb of the holy emperor, what they have to do now is to find the tomb of the holy emperor...

In the middle of the sun, the universe is turned upside down, the sky is changed, and the seven stars change;

The blood of the holy emperor, the holy tomb, the dragon scales and phoenix feathers, the holy axe reappear!

Mo Xie muttered eight mantras silently, and his brain quickly turned.

According to the meaning they deciphered last time, the time in the middle of the sun is exactly today, and the meaning of the upside-down of the universe also indicates that the Vulcan Tower is the location of the holy tomb, but there is only one big tripod here, no wonder Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess I stayed here for a long time and didn't figure out what was going on.

Could it be that the meaning of the first phrase is not that simple, besides indicating that the Vulcan Tower is the location of the Holy Tomb, what is the hidden meaning?

Mo Xie looked at the burning big cauldron, then knelt down and looked at the bottom of the big cauldron, only to see three feet standing steadily, and there was nothing unusual on the ground.

He looked towards the sky along the burning flame and found a small round hole in the middle of the top of the tower, allowing you to see the sky outside.

"What is this round hole for?" Mo Xie asked, pointing towards the top of his head.

"It should have no special meaning, it's just architectural style." Li Hong replied.

"It doesn't seem to be special, it's just a round hole in the center of the tower top." Mo Xiaolang was also puzzled.

"It won't be so coincidental, it must have a special meaning." Mo Xie said with a frown.


Could it have something to do with the round hole in the center of the top of the tower... What is this?

"When is it now?" Mo Xie asked quickly.

They had been climbing the mountain and evading the enemy's warning all morning, and at least two or three hours had passed before they knew it.

"It's 11:20, and quickly find a way to solve the mystery here before going offline." Li Hong said.

"It's almost noon..." Mo Xie's eyes lit up, and a flash of light in his mind...

He had a new understanding of the meaning of the middle of the day...

The first eight sentences are not as simple as imagined. It not only points out the location of the Holy Tomb, but also contains the method to open the Holy Tomb!

"His Royal Highness, I know how to find the Holy Tomb. After a while, a miracle will appear immediately." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Oh, how did you find it?" Saint Princess asked in surprise.

"The so-called midnight sun, and there is a round hole on the top of the tower, this is not a coincidence, it must have a special meaning, after a while, when the sun rises to the center, maybe we can understand the secret of this setting." Mo Xie smiled.

"But the city of Evernight is in the middle of the sun every day?" Li Hong asked suspiciously.

"That's not the real sun, it's just a fake caused by divine power. You must wait for the real sun to shine under the sun, and everything will become clear." Mo Xie pointed to the top of his head and said.

"I hope you are right." Li Hong nodded, no longer questioning.

They stood there, quietly waiting for time to pass...

Mo Xie was not idle. When the sun rose to the center, he was still thinking about what to do if something strange happened.

If the first four verses really contain the second meaning, then the three sentences of changing the heavens and the earth and changing the seven stars will definitely have another meaning.

But nothing happened now, and he couldn't verify it.

Gradually, time went faster and faster, and it was another noon, and many players of the God Realm League had begun to go offline and prepare their own lunch.

In the Commander Channel, many commanders also greeted and went offline continuously...

Mo Xie stared at the time of the system closely. Seeing the number change at 11:59, he started a 60-second countdown in his mind.

At this time, Mo Xiaolang and Li Hong, and even the three goddesses, began to stare nervously, waiting for a miracle to happen...





Mo Xie read the number silently in his heart, and when he reached 0, he opened his eyes and looked over his head.

It’s a coincidence that a faint ray of sunlight fell vertically from the round hole on the top of the tower, and it hits the great cauldron just above the sacred fire bead suspended on the flame. For a moment, the sunlight scattered, and one projected toward the periphery of the main hall. A peculiar light and shadow, just seven spots!

"What does this mean?" Li Hong asked quickly.

"Did you not pay attention, don't the seven light spots look like seven figures?" Mo Xie immediately looked at the large cauldron, the densely packed Protoss writing.

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