The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1083: Variation of flying pet eggs

Three high-level pet copies, never as good luck as the first time to start the mission. Although the players may not be angry with the system, there is no way.

By the time the last copy came out, it was not too early, and dinner would be offline soon.

"That's it for today, go to leveling tonight, and prepare for the mission tomorrow." Mo Xie smiled and waved, disbanding the team.

"Boss, let's study the dragon egg and see what kind of incubation conditions are?" God Realm Dragon Soul asked with a smile.

"Yes, you try first, and we will study it later when we level up at night." Mo Xie nodded.

Looking at the teammates using the City Return Scroll to leave one by one, only Mo Xie was left on the seaside map.

Open the package, look at the two red dragon eggs inside, and check the attribute is still the system introduction...

Degenerate Dragon Egg: A special pet egg. For some reason, the dragon egg cannot continue to hatch as a dragon, but it still has enough divine power. After the owner meets certain conditions for it, it can continue to hatch other types of special pets.

Why are there no incubation conditions?

Mo Xie clicked on a dragon egg curiously, wanting to see what the system settings are like?

Ding...System: Players should not be sad. To use a special type of pet egg, you need to open the main recognition link first!

Oh, recognize the main link!

Even if the two dragon eggs of emotion enter their own package, they are still in a state of no ownership, and the incubation conditions can only be seen after approval.

With a wave of his hand, Mo Xie took a dragon egg out of the package, a red light flashed in front of him, and the tall giant egg stood in front of him.

The main link is very simple, either choosing to use it or dripping blood contract.

The choice was invalid, Mo Xie bit his finger and dropped a drop of blood on the eggshell of the dragon egg...


The flames shone in an instant, and outside the huge dragon egg, a raging flame was burning, and soon it slowly extinguished.

Ding...System: Congratulations to the players, don’t be sad. Your special type pet egg has been successfully recognized, and the flame flying lizard pet egg is randomly generated. If you choose to hatch the pet egg, it will be bound immediately and the pet incubation conditions will be activated!

With the moment the system information jumped out, the huge dragon egg in front of Mo Xie began to gradually shrink, and finally turned into a bright red pet egg, but it still has a height of 1.5 meters, almost the same height as Mo Xie... …

The appearance of the dragon egg has changed, and the name has become completely different!

Flame flying lizard?

Mo Xie's eyes lit up, judging by the name of the pet egg, it might be another flying pet!

This is really developed. Players who know the rarity of flying pets know that if this pet egg enters the market, it will probably sell for a sky-high price...

But now Mo Xie is no longer the guy who made small money in the first place. Such a treasure must be reserved for his own people to play more value.

"Brother Wolf, good news." Mo Xie immediately sent out a private chat.

"What... You made another flying pet egg?" Mo Xiaolang asked in surprise.

"Yes, you can read it for yourself." Mo Xie immediately sent the screenshot to the other party...

"Good thing, your hands are so red...I understand what you think, you want to give it to me." Mo Xiaolang laughed.

"Yes, you are my partner and commander-in-chief. Only a flying pet can play a bigger role." Mo Xie smiled.

"I thank you in advance, but I still advise you to give this pet egg to one of the three beauties. I was originally a shield warrior. The first-line command is my specialty. Your right, so that the two of us can cooperate better." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"That's what you said, but who should I give it to?" Mo Xie had a bad choice.

Lianna, Ouyang Jiaojiao and Zhou Jianing are all three of the best gift targets, so that they can have more maneuverability and exert greater abilities in battle.

"Don’t you still have a dragon egg? Let’s take a look at what's going on. If the dragon eggs hatch out of all flying pets, then give it to the beautiful and charming girls first. After all, they are our standing commanders. Miss Zhou is uncertain when she will go to work with her." Mo Xiaolang analyzed.

"Alright, maybe it's all flying pet eggs." Mo Xie nodded, finished the private chat, and knew what to do.

But at this moment, the core commander channel also instantly became lively...

The God Realm Dragon Soul excitedly sent out a screenshot of the pet egg, which made all the commanders exclaimed, and at the same time attracted Mo Xie's attention...

Wind and Fire Thunderbird: A perfect level pet egg, after hatching, you can get a Wind and Fire Thunderbird baby bird. Incubation conditions: 9 outstanding pet eggs of level 50, 13 excellent pet eggs of level 50, 20 ordinary pet eggs of level 50, After the conditions are met, it can hatch.

"Unbelievable, this is your dragon egg mutated pet egg?" Lianna exclaimed first.

"Oh my God, this is a flying pet again, you have won the jackpot!" Ouyang Jiaojiao said with envy and hatred.

"No, after the dragon egg degenerated, it turned out to be like this..." Mo Xiaoyuan asked in surprise.

"Great, take a look at your dragon egg quickly, after dripping blood recognizes the master, its attributes will change!" God Realm Dragon Soul reminded excitedly.

"Okay, I'm watching." Mo Xie replied casually, letting them talk excitedly, and then opened the package again...

Only the last dragon egg remains. After all the first two degenerate, it is possible to hatch a flying pet, so this last one will be no exception...

Put away the blazing flying lizard egg, take out the last dragon egg, drip blood again to recognize the lord...


The flames were blazing, and after the power of the dragon **** that was left in the dragon egg dissipated, the appearance also shrank a lot, and a new pet egg appeared in front of Mo Xie.

The big words on the pet egg really verified his guess...

Mystic Firewing Beast Egg!

Looking at the name, there is no need to doubt, after the three dragon eggs degenerated, three golden perfect flying pet eggs appeared!

This trip to the dungeon really made a lot of money...

And Mo Xie finally realized that the first time he was lucky enough to destroy the dragon scales, it was the first time the players opened the advanced pet instance, so the mission probability given by the system was greater.

So the next three missions, without exception, all failed, and the chances returned to normal.

This kind of setting is often seen in many games. The so-called new map open up wasteland, the system will take care of the player, or the reward is more generous, or the difficulty is secretly reduced a little...

In any case, three more flying pet eggs this time, for the God Realm League, it is equivalent to an instant increase in strength.

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