The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1078: Dragon Scale Gamble

The flame guard covering the huge body of the fire dragon finally disappeared, and a huge dark red dragon appeared in the air.

In the stern sound of the dragon's roar, the players were surprised to find that the dragon's mouth was still dripping blood beads to the ground. Every drop of dragon blood dropped to the ground, and a string of fire pillars rose into the sky, and countless buildings continued to collapse. !

"Look, there is a golden spear inserted in the mouth of Shenlong!" Lianna has the best eyesight. She has seen it from such a distance. In the big mouth of the fire dragon, there is a faint golden light shining, and its lower jaw There seemed to be a little golden light.

"This blow pierced its chin, the blame has to stop the blood!" Zhou Jianing said in surprise.

"The fire dragon was actually injured. Is this kid, Xiao Mo lucky, or is he really such a god?" Mo Xiaolang not only sighed.

"Be careful, Xiao Mo has already flown down, we are ready to fight." Li Hong once again drove the mount into the air, avoiding the dense rain of fire that was still dancing, and reminded his teammates.

"Received, everyone is in place, ready to continue peeling dragon scales!" Lianna nodded excitedly.

A group of people quickly rushed to the roofs of various houses, holding mechanical flying claws in their hands, locking onto the huge figures that were falling in the sky.

Suffering another severe injury, the fire dragon hated the small black spot in front of him so much that he couldn't wait to swallow Mo Xie into his stomach so that he could never come out!

But what is terrible is that the fire dragon is too large, just like an elephant, but a small mouse, no matter how powerful it is, this guy is like a flea, jumping back and forth around the dragon, letting it have more energy. insufficient.

The frightening thing is that this flea just held the gold elemental sacred artifact in its hand, even if it was a ten thousand year beast, it was very jealous of the golden light.

Just a moment ago, he was accidentally shot through the jaw with a spear from the opponent. The painful Dragon God just wanted to pounce on the ground and roll frantically...

Mo Xie held the golden electricity in his hand, but he was very surprised, because after the golden electricity hit the enemy, he immediately flew back to his hand, but in the air of the dragon god, there was still a golden spear left behind, as if only after hitting the enemy, Leave the mark of an attack.

In this way, he can only know where the attacking part was.

However, the jaws of the Shenlong can only be hit from the mouth of the dragon, and the thick dragon scales are still wrapped around it, unable to attack.

Replaced with mechanical flying claws, commanded the mount to fly in the air, attracting the fire dragon's attention, slowly lowering the height, and returning the fire dragon to the attack range of the teammates.

"Attention everyone, set the fire to destroy the dragon scales, it won't make a big move for now." Mo Xie said.

"I see, you are also careful." Mo Xiaolang replied with a smile.

Seeing the dark red giant body descending on the leader, the players started frantically attacking, the flying claws ejected from the air and howling sounded continuously, and the clinking sound was endless, but it was a pity that only the fire was shining, but not once. Able to hit the gap between the dragon scales.

"No, flying claws are not weapons. The hit rate is too low." Lianna complained.

"Yeah, every time I deviated too much, Xiao Mo must have been lucky last time, and now he is given 10,000 chances. I guess he can't help it." Mo Xiaoyuan said silently.

"Who said that if I hit it again, what will Brother Xiao Yuan plan to do?" Mo Xie asked with a smile.

"If you can make another hit, Mo Xiaoyuan will follow you in this life." Mo Xiaoyuan said unbelief in evil.

"This is what you said." Mo Xie laughed.

"I have a good deal, but you have to specify the time, how long will the hit." Mo Xiaoyuan asked dissatisfied.

"Ten minutes, I can destroy a dragon scale again." Mo Xie replied lightly.

"Ten minutes, impossible!" Lianna exclaimed.

"It's not easy. Who is willing to support Xiao Yuan, who is willing to support Xiao Mo, bet freely and buy away." Mo Xiaolang said with a smile.

"Boss, when is this, do you still want to bet?" God Realm Dragon Soul asked silently.

"Entertainment, anyway, our mission is still in progress, we have to make a choice quickly." Mo Xie also smiled.

"Okay, I support Brother Xiao Yuan. It is absolutely impossible to hit the dragon scales by luck in ten minutes. I bet 10,000 gold coins." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"I support Brother Xiao Yuan, twenty thousand gold coins!" God Realm said violently and excitedly.

"I also support Brother Xiao Yuan. I'm sorry, Xiao Mo, 50,000 gold coins!" Zhou Jianing laughed.

"You guys are ruthless, all betting on tens of thousands of gold coins, do you want me to ruin my family?" Mo Xie said silently.

"Hey, you are the boss, you must bet a little more, I also support the young boss, 30,000 gold coins." God Realm Dragon Soul smiled.

"I will come to you all to play, support Xiao Yuan, 40,000 gold coins." Mo Xiaoyu also joined in the fun.

"Sister Hong, who do you choose?" Mo Xie asked.

"I...I'll support you, it's pitiful to see you, I support Xiao Mo, 10,000 gold coins, and then support Xiao Yuan, 50,000 gold coins." Li Hong thought.

"Sister Hong, how could you treat me like this..." Mo Xie put on an expression of pain.

"Haha, even A Hong doesn't believe you, I also support Brother Xiao Yuan..." Lianna laughed.

A group of teammates made bets one after another, almost one-sidedly choosing to believe in Mo Xiaoyuan. They couldn't believe that they could knock down the dragon scales in ten minutes by taking a chance.

"The wolf is big, you are the only one left, so hurry up and choose." God Realm Dragon Soul cleared the bet and found that only Shao Mo Xiaolang was alone.

"Let me think about it, Xiao Mo and I are the best partners, of course I have to support him, I choose Xiao Mo, one hundred thousand gold coins." Mo Xiaolang said at last.

"Let me go, boss, do you just want to lose all your underwear?" Mo Xiaoyuan exclaimed.

"Brother Wolf, you are not bad, you still have one hundred thousand gold coins for private money?" Mo Xie smiled.

"Yes, dead wolf, where did you get the 100,000 gold coins?" Mo Xiaoyu suddenly reacted, only to rush to him and pull his ears.

The players burst into laughter...

"Die Xiaomo, I am the only one who supports you, you actually framed me!" Mo Xiaolang said silently.

"Stop talking, talk about business, what was your bet just now?" Mo Xiaoyu asked loudly.

"The only supporter is Wolf Da with 100,000 gold coins, and the remaining 17 people all support Brother Xiao Yuan, with a total amount of 470,000 gold coins." God Realm Dragon Soul quickly replied.

"How to bet? Xiaoyuan lost, 470,000 me and Xiao Mo split equally, we lose 100,000 gold coins, do you split equally?" Mo Xiaolang asked curiously.

"You prodigal man, if Xiao Mo loses, these 100,000 gold coins will go to us, and then you have to pay out 470,000 gold coins to us. Who made you choose him alone." Mo Xiaoyu said angrily.

"No, it's not killing me... Wait, what if Xiao Mo wins?" Mo Xiaolang asked.

"The 470,000 are all yours alone." Mo Xiaoyu said.

"This is a bit unfair." Mo Xiaolang frowned and calculated, feeling that there was something wrong with the rules.

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