The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1072: The future of the virtual world

Mo Xie immediately handed the dragon scales in his hand to the elder Jin Ling, and asked the other party how long it would take to prepare.

"Dear warriors, please stay here with peace of mind for a while. Our people will look at this dragon scale immediately and find the weakness of the fire dragon. Then we will have a way to deal with this evil dragon." Elder Jin Ling took the dragon scale. , Said excitedly.

"Why are you sure that you can know the weakness of the fire dragon as long as you get the dragon scale?" Li Hong asked suspiciously from the side.

"Because we are the elemental spirit race, we have a total of five tribes. We have a very good understanding of the five elements in this world. No matter what it is, it must have its own shortcomings. As long as you find out, you can deal with it." Jin Ling said. .

"Elder, go quickly, we will be waiting for you here." Mo Xie nodded, urging him to act quickly.

"Warriors, please wait a moment." Elder Jin Ling immediately turned around and, surrounded by a large group of people, quickly passed through the hole and entered the nest underground.

Mo Xie led his teammates to the center of the hall. Waiting was boring anyway. The teammates looked around at the temple and found that there was only half of the statue left in the middle of the hall, and there were two temples on both sides of the hall. The idol, just made up the number of the five elements.

"Xiao Mo, can you believe the words of this elemental spirit race? They must be able to find the weakness of the dragon. That is the ten thousand year fire dragon!" Liana asked.

"This is a task set by the system. We won't be able to complete the task if we don't believe it, and they won't be able to return to the ground to live. I believe they will find ways to get rid of the fire dragon." Mo Xie nodded without worry.

"The task has been accepted, and it's useless to regret it now. It just depends on what to do next. Anyway, this copy cannot be killed by anyone. We must be careful in a while." Mo Xiaolang reminded.

"Got it." Everyone replied in unison.

"Xiao Mo, although we need help to deal with the fire dragon, we also have to have a corresponding strategy. What are you going to do?" Mo Xiaolang turned his head and asked.

"It's very simple. The elemental spirits will find a way to deal with the fire dragon. We only need to ensure that our teammates can complete the task safely. Therefore, the task location is still on the ridge. If we can't beat it, we can withdraw. If we can't complete it, we will go to another island Catch three pets on one side, it is considered that this time is not in vain." Mo Xie replied with a smile.

"It's still Xiao Mo's thoughtful thoughts. Anyway, if I really want to get rid of the fire dragon, we will go to catch three outstanding pets." Zhou Jianing laughed.

After being comforted by Mo Xie's words, the teammates became excited again, and they didn't seem to care too much about this dangerous mission.

Seeing the mood of his teammates calmed down, Mo Xie smiled faintly. He is also curious now, what kind of method can the elemental spirits think of to fight the fire dragon?

After waiting in the hall for a while, there was no news, so he took his teammates out of the hall, wandering around the square, watching the surrounding scenery.

"It's such a magnificent city. I have traveled to Europe before. The ruins of ancient buildings there look magnificent, but compared with the setting here, it's really insignificant." Zhou Jianing sighed.

"This is a virtual world. All settings can be completed with just one set of data. You can be as magnificent as you want." Ouyang Jiaojiao smiled.

"The scenery in the virtual world is too beautiful, and sometimes I don't want to go offline when I stay in the game. Is the application of this kind of virtual technology really good for us humans?" Li Hong suddenly asked.

Her question immediately stunned everyone...

The emergence of the Eternal God Realm has made people gradually obsessed with the beauty of the virtual world, and their dissatisfaction with the reality is growing day by day. They are willing to stay in the virtual world for a long time, and are unwilling to face the life in reality...

But people can't play games all their lives, they have to eat and drink, they have to support their families, and they have to continue to reproduce.

But the emergence of the virtual world has subverted all players' feelings about real life. If this continues, it is really not a good thing...

"You are all too sensitive, in fact it wouldn't be like this." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Oh, what do you think differently?" Zhou Jianing asked curiously.

"This kind of virtual game is not affordable for everyone. The reason why it is so popular now and so many players participate is because the game operating company deliberately compressed the cost, so that many players can easily buy it. Control the device to participate in the game, so as to experience the grandeur and magnificence of this virtual world. Therefore, the Eternal God Realm will not run for a particularly long time. This public beta will be at most two or three years." Moxie said.

"Mo, did you get any internal news?" Lianna asked in shock.

"What kind of internal news? You didn't pay attention. When the official website announced the opening of the zone on the first day, it was said that the public beta will last for about two to three years. It's just that too few people are paying attention and they are eager to play. The game is gone." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"There is nothing wrong with this sentence. Many games have such a time limit when opening zones, but some still open new zones as usual after five or six years of operation." Mo Xiaoyuan said.

"But this time is different. After my recent exchanges with Uncle Guang and Ma, the Eternal God Realm cannot continue to run. Even if the game company is willing, the consortiums in the world will not agree." Moxie said .

"Xiao Mo now understands more and more about business opportunities. Don't dispute, what Xiao Mo said this time will definitely happen." Mo Xiaolang said seriously.

"But why is this?" Li Hong asked puzzled.

"It's very simple, because this kind of game cannot be popularized on a large scale for a long time. Its invention was not originally for games, but a cutting-edge trial run for intelligent technology and virtual technology. Once a large number of players flood into virtual The world, and it can run as usual without errors, has achieved the designer’s goal. What they have to do is to obtain some core key data in daily maintenance. After two or three years of operation, everything is stable, this The mission of the game will also end." Mo Xiaolang analyzed.

"Brother Wolf’s opinion is the same as mine. Didn’t Sister Hong just say that they all come to play games? Is there anyone in the world? Three years later, I will tell you that not everyone can use such high-end technology, it will definitely become A commercialized virtual kingdom, even if there are virtual games, it is also a kind of consumption for high-income people." Mo Xie said sternly.

"I understand what you mean. Now the world has too many people, and the wealth gap is huge. Governments have never been able to solve this problem."

"But the emergence of virtual games will resolve these disputes, and will also allow the overly bloated crowd to divert some of them to the virtual world, thereby alleviating social contradictions?" Zhou Jianing said in surprise with her eyes wide open.

For those who like online games, please collect them: ( The literature of online games is the fastest to update.

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