The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1037: Finally found

A large group of elves crowded around a woman in white dress with a graceful figure and noble posture, and quickly walked to the front of the light curtain, their eyes were also curious.

Finally found her Royal Highness the Holy Princess, Mo Xie was extremely excited. Since the rescue of General Anode, his mission goal has been locked on the legendary Princess!

If you can't find her, even if you put in a lot of effort, this task may not be able to be completed.

But now, all the hard work has finally been repaid, and the Holy Princess is standing in front of him...

As the elves lined up on both sides of the tension, ready to protect the princess at any time, behind the graceful figure of the holy princess, a beautiful girl with a fiery red leather armor and bright red feathers, with a fiery figure, He also quickly came behind the princess, watching Mo Xie vigilantly.

Looking at the girl in red armor, Mo Xie's eyes were even more surprised!

It's not because of this beautiful woman, whose figure is more popular under the tight-fitting leather armor, nor is it because her beautiful face has a peerless appearance as much as Qing Binger, and it's not because the exposed leather armor makes her plump body. Most of it appeared in front of Mo Xie.

This hot figure, wearing flaming red leather armor, flaming long hair, white face, slender waist, carrying a flaming quiver, holding a fire phoenix longbow in his hand, looks like Very dazzling.

But what surprised Mo Xie was that the girl's white forehead was engraved with a pattern of phoenix spreading its wings, and on top of her head, there was a line of big characters with colorful glare...

Fairy Blazing Phoenix!

The phoenix divine bird, the male is a phoenix, the female is a phoenix, this hot figure is a legendary divine bird, the phoenix divine beast!

Now Mo Xie understood that there was a divine beast guarding her Royal Highness, so the divine beast seal here must be a defensive barrier laid by Fairy Blazing Phoenix.

By the way, the Fire Phoenix Divine Beast had entrusted itself to find his long-lost sister in order to use the power of the Phoenix blood to completely eradicate his injuries.

Then this Fairy Blazing Phoenix is ​​the girl of the Fire Phoenix Divine Beast?

However, the fire and phoenix animal is very clear. The Phoenix family possesses powerful divine power. When facing death, they can regain their vitality through Nirvana rebirth, but after Nirvana once, the memory of the previous life will be completely erased and a new life will begin. .

And his sister, who has encountered dangerous Nirvana once, can't remember the existence of this brother.

Therefore, if Mo Xie wanted to ask Fairy Blazing Phoenix for help, he could only rely on his own efforts to persuade him, and he wanted to impress the beast with his family, that was impossible.

Now the two beautiful women are the targets he is looking for, but they all stand in front of him, making Mo Xie extremely excited!

Mo Xiaoyuan has sent him a message just now. As the guardian beast of God Realm Town, the Fire Phoenix Great God has recovered a lot of strength by accepting the worship of the players, but he has always been seriously injured, and his strength cannot be restored to half of its original level. .

It seems that they still have to use their Phoenix blood to completely treat his injuries.

Mo Xie looked at the two beauties and stood there blankly, holding the Pearl of Life in one hand and the General's Order in the other...

The beautiful eyes of the holy princess were shining, and she seemed to be very interested in the two props in his hands.

Across the light curtain, I couldn't hear the other party's voice, but saw Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess turned her head and whispered a few words in Fairy Flaming Phoenix's ear. This hot beauty stretched out her jade hand, turned her wrist, and had slender five fingers. A strange seal...


The turquoise light curtain in front of Mo Xie suddenly dissipated, revealing a large hole just enough to allow him to walk alone.

"Come in, honorable Governor." The holy princess's clear and sweet voice finally rang in his ears...

"His Royal Highness, I finally found you." Mo Xie walked through the light curtain excitedly, a halo flashed behind him, and the seal returned to normal.

"Stop, don't move, be careful that I squeeze you to death!" The cold woman's voice sounded, the flames flashed in front of her eyes, and Fairy Blazing Phoenix's tall body blocked Mo Xie's front...


Mo Xie was also speechless for a while, his height was originally bruised, and Fairy Blazing Phoenix was so tall, blocking him, just to send his tall chest in front of him.

In addition, her leather armor is also too exposed, a piece of snow-white skin, and high mountains, his heart not only jumps wildly...

"Xiao Yu, he is not a bad person, don't worry." The Holy Princess said lightly.

"I got it." The flame flashed, and Fairy Flaming Phoenix stood aside.

Mo Xie wished that the fairy would leave later so that he could see more of the beautiful scenery, but seeing the twin shining eyes of the holy princess seemed full of doubts, he hurriedly raised the general's token. Before you.

"See Your Royal Highness Saint Princess, you can make me find it hard." Mo Xie said with a smile.

"Oh, have you been looking for me? Who ordered you to find my whereabouts?" The holy princess' eyes flashed. Although she was covered with a light gauze, she could still see her unparalleled face clearly.

"His Royal Highness, I was originally an unknown person, but in a legion mission, I accidentally rescued the anode general of Sunset City. Since then, I have become more aware of the imperial chaos and rescued the elves. Her Royal Highness and Princess Zixin worked all the way to solve the conspiracy of the Protoss until they defeated the Orc’s captive Beast King and completely cut off the wings of the Protoss..." In order to quickly clarify his identity, Mo Xie gained the trust of the princess and fairy. , Then briefly listed his achievements...

"Boy, are you bragging about it, saving the general anode, saving the elf queen and princess, these are all, why dare you say that even the beast king is captured?" Fairy Flaming asked in surprise.

"These things can be easily dismantled just by bragging. Now all the imperial soldiers in the three towns of Jintang participated in that battle. Whoever asks can quickly figure out the truth. And I will tell you, The hundreds of thousands of orc army has been wiped out, and the gods have no orc ally." Mo Xie said proudly.

"Is it really like this? Xiaoyu, can you please call and listen, okay?" The Holy Princess couldn't believe it, so she softly pleaded.

Hearing her such gentle voice, Mo Xie couldn't help but her heart trembled. As a high princess, she was so humble even to give orders...

If Her Royal Highness the Holy Princess came to give instructions to herself in this way, even if she knew she was going to die, he would not have any ability to refuse...

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