The Demon Sage of Online Games

Chapter 1032: Sealed forest

"I am not worried about the danger now, I am worried that the seal of the beast cannot be cracked. I only have five days." Moxie said.

"This is true, but we have never seen the seal of the beast, so I can't help you." Liana said.

"Who of you is in God Realm Town, help me see the Fire Phoenix Divine Beast, how is he recovering now?" Mo Xie asked.

Mo Xie immediately thought of the divine beast Huofeng.

At the beginning, he could not find a suitable treatment for his injury, but after becoming the guardian beast of the kingdom of the gods, the players' continuous worship did not make his injury worse.

However, it has been a long time since no one asked about the extent of the recovery.

"Don't worry, I'll ask someone to take a look." Mo Xiaoyuan said quickly.

"That's all right, I'll go to the map of the location of the seal of the beast to see what is strange about it," Moxie said.

The map hidden by the Holy Princess, how can it be mixed with the divine beast? Could it be that the Holy Princess received the help of the divine beast?

And where does the powerful force in her hand come from?

Mo Xie was curious, and the mount was constantly flying across the large map, all the way to the remote area southeast of the imperial city.

Within ten minutes, Mo Xiaoyuan's voice sounded on the channel.

"Xiao Mo, my people went to the temple and took a look. The beast is very temperamental. No one can enter except you, but from the outside, it seems that the blood of this beast is full, and the mana is also full. Xiao Yuan said.

"Then his injury should be almost done. Keep busy. I'll see the situation clearly before speaking." Mo Xie nodded.

After flying over lakes and plains, a large mountain map finally appeared in front of it. According to the signs on the big map, it was about to fly to the edge of the country's big map, a stretch of mountains.

However, on the world map, at the edge of the country's borders, that is, in the southeast corner of the Evernight Imperial City, in addition to the large mountains and forests, there are large areas of shady in the border corners that have not been opened.

These shady scenes should be some special areas on the edge of the map, but it is too far from the imperial city, and there are no resources and monster refresh areas in the surrounding large maps, so generally no one comes here to level up.

Flying over the tall ridges, Mo Xie continued to fly towards the blue sky in the air, looking for the mysterious world at the end of the map...

Gradually, flying over a horizontal ridge again, the map ahead suddenly became brighter. The huge green plains and countless small patches of lakes were clearly revealed on the ground, and the scenery was unusually beautiful.

But what is even more spectacular is that in front of the large map of lakes and plains, there is an incredibly beautiful view on the skyline...

The sky is half dark and half light.

The light zone is the environment Moxie is currently in, with a round of sun hanging high in the sky.

And at the end of the opposite plain, in front of a forest, a black curtain appeared, and a crescent moon hung in the distant air...

The sun and the moon appear at the same time, this is an amazing scene Mo Xie has never seen before!

This situation made him immediately understand that he has reached the end of the map of the imperial city, which is the border area of ​​the entire region!

The black area further ahead is just a small corner map on the world map, but this place is blocked by a black screen.

What situation will the system set here, so that the Beastmaster is so afraid?

Anyway, I have left the border, which means that there are many possibilities in the map ahead...

Either a high-level map, or an extended corner of a map, or a specific task area specially set.

But no matter what kind of map it is, the risk factor is now three numbers and three! number!

Now that he came, Mo Xie did not give up the idea of ​​exploring, but ordered the mount to continue to fly forward...

Fortunately, there are flying mounts. If you come here on foot or riding a pet, players will have to spend half a day just running!

Because he now, flying from the imperial city to here, it has taken him nearly two hours...

It can be seen how vast the map area under the jurisdiction of the imperial city, and how remote this corner is.

Fly across the map of lakes and plains quickly, and continue to approach the black area, the sun and moon are very close to him...

Soon, Mo Xie flew to the edge of the black night curtain. After thinking about it for two or three seconds, he continued to command the mount to rush towards the black curtain!

Ding...System: Sorry, players are not sad, this area belongs to a special sealed map, and the air mount cannot pass through, please cancel the flight state! The first warning, the second will be punished by lightning!

As the mount flew forward, it seemed that it was about to approach the black curtain, but it suddenly seemed to hit a transparent soft film, and it couldn't fly over.

But as the system prompt popped out suddenly, Mo Xie also understood the setting here.

Special seal map...

Looking at the name, Mo Xie took a sigh of relief. Since it was not said that this was a private area, he had not yet encountered the seal of the beast.

Immediately ordered the mount to land slowly and land on the lawn in front of a dark forest.

Standing in the daytime world where the sun is shining, with the darkness of the night in front of him, this experience is really the first time Mo Xie has tried.

Recalling Xiaofeidian into the space, stretched out his hand, Mo Xie watched as his fingers slowly stretched into the dark, turning into a black appearance.

Found that there was no abnormal situation, Mo Xie raised his foot, half of his body slowly entered the night environment...

Ding...System: Don’t be sad for the player. You have successfully found a special sealed map of Shura’s Forest, which has a level of 100+. Since your current strength is too low, please return immediately!

Damn it, 100+ level map!

As soon as he entered the dark night environment, the system information suddenly jumped out, and Mo Xie's eyes widened when he saw the content above...

How could this be!

The border map is actually a special map of 100. What is this Shura Forest for?

Knowing the level of the map, the so-called copy map guess is completely wrong, but in the border map, setting such an advanced environment, what exactly does the system do?

Although system messages and warnings appeared, he still did not intend to give up.

Striding across the dark screen, the environment in front of him suddenly turned into a dark night, and when he stretched out his hand, he could no longer see the five fingers.

But without clarifying the situation here, he dared not use the torch, so he could only temporarily discredit and continue on his way.

But before moving forward, the system information appeared again...

Ding...System: Warning! Players are not sad, you have entered the special seal map Shura's Forest, which belongs to a 100+ level map and is sealed by a special curse.

Once you die, you cannot go to a nearby city to reincarnate. You must return to the body to continue the resurrection. Please be careful!

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