The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 998 The two giants of the three realms! Lord: Lazy【3 updates】

With a swish sound, Kong Xuan's figure disappeared instantly.

And at the same time--

A thousand miles south of Kunlun, the mist is lingering and the clouds are flowing, just like a fairyland, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

But this is only seen from a distance. If you get close, you can see the turbulent space that is constantly surging in the cracked ground.

Moreover, the space here is very unstable, and space cracks will appear every few seconds. If you are not careful, you will be caught in it.

This is where the spiritual tomb is located.

Anyone who wants to come to the tomb must pass through thousands of miles of ice and snow, or thousands of miles of hot magma.

However, no matter which path it takes, it is impossible for cultivators who have not yet become immortals to survive.

Therefore, these genius disciples all came with their own immortal sect masters. If there is no immortal protector above the golden immortal in an immortal sect, they will not be able to enter the spiritual tomb.

After Yan Ting sent Jun Maqian and Rong Qing to them, he left.

The Three Emperors Academy has always been a free-range place, and now he is the only one. He still needs to go back and protect the things left by the Three Emperors.

After Yan Ting left, Jun Muxian also came into contact with the seventy-two transformations and restored her original appearance.

She stood on a huge rock and looked at the closed door in the distance: But there is still a set time to open the door?

Yes. Rong Qing took out a cloak from his personal space and put it on her. After tightening the belt, he said, It should be another hour or two.

A lot of people have come. Jun Muqian glanced at them and narrowed his eyes, They are all above the integration stage.

But among the cultivators she saw, the lowest among them were all in the middle stage of integration.

The Penglai Immortal Sect exam that she participated in a month ago could only represent the weakest power in the Penglai Immortal Sect. Those examinees are not qualified to come at all now. The cultivators who can enter the spiritual tomb this time are few among the various immortal sects. Some have practiced for ten years, and some may have practiced for decades to hundreds of years.

But for mortals, it is still too difficult to ascend to immortality.

Rong slightly nodded and said calmly: But the spirit tomb is not just about strength. In this kind of ancient battlefield, luck is even more important.

Yeah. Jun Muqian curled her lips, I'm afraid someone will have evil intentions.

Just now, she had already seen an old acquaintance.

Jiang Qingxue.

Even from a great distance, Jun Muxian could feel the spiritual energy fluctuations coming from Jiang Qingxue.

The last issue of Overcoming Tribulation.

This speed is quite interesting.

Ever since she found out that Jiang Qingxue was the Queen Mother's illegitimate daughter, Jun Muxian no longer took Jiang Qingxue's talent seriously.

He is not a pure mortal. With the support of half of the immortal bones, this cultivation speed can only be regarded as normal.

After all, some acquired demons were golden immortals and mysterious immortals when they were first born.

Rong Qing followed her gaze and noticed it. His gaze was just a faint glance, as if her thin lips were still open: If you don't like it, I'll kill you.

No need. Jun Muqian shrugged, She will destroy herself sooner or later.

It is easy to kill Jiang Qingxue, but Jiang Qingxue has the Queen Mother behind her. It is not that she is really afraid of Heaven. It is just that at this stage, she is too lazy to cause unnecessary trouble for an unimportant Jiang Qingxue.

After hearing this, Rong Qing pondered for a moment: This trip to the tomb, both the Earthly List and the Heavenly List must be moved.

Once treasure is involved, there will be competition and killing.

Mentioning this, Jun Muxian became interested: I wonder who is on the Earth Ranking and Heaven Ranking?

The number one on the Earth Ranking is the peak of the Mahayana period. Rong Qing responded, It's not something to be afraid of, because he has been stuck in this class for decades and has yet to break through.

Jun Muqian understood.

The life span of the Mahayana period is only five hundred years. If you cannot ascend to immortality before your life span is exhausted, you will have to wait for the next life.

It is worth noting that the second on the Earth Ranking and the fifth on the Earth Ranking. Rong Qing raised his eyes and said, The second on the Earth Ranking is very strong and is at the peak of transcending tribulation. He should be able to ascend to immortality soon.

As for fifth on the Earth Ranking...the current cultivation level is only the lower stage of Tribulation, while the top thirty on the Earth Ranking are all above the upper stage of Mahayana...

Jun Muqian's eyes gleamed slightly: In the next phase of the Tribulation, will we be able to reach fifth place on the Earth Ranking?

This proves that this fifth person on the Earth Ranking can defeat practitioners from the upper stage of Mahayana and even the peak of Mahayana with his cultivation in the second stage of Tribulation!

Before a cultivator ascends to immortality, he will go through three heavenly tribulations - the forty-nine heavenly tribulations when the innate person is promoted to the golden elixir stage, the sixty-nine heavenly tribulations when the golden elixir stage is promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, and the peak breakthrough to the transcending tribulation stage. The ninety-nine tribulations of the Mahayana period.

Each calamity is stronger than the last. Similarly, after surviving the calamity, the awareness between classes will become greater.

There is only one ninety-ninth calamity between the lower stage of Mahayana and the peak of transcending tribulation, but the gap between it is larger than the gap between the transcending tribulation stage and the golden elixir stage!

The fifth place on the list is really not easy.

Well, it's just that the fifth on the land list is also anonymous. The outside world is guessing who the fifth on the land list is. A glimmer of light flashed across Rong Qing's eyes, and she smiled slightly, But Mumu, you don't have to worry. , the top ten on the Earth Ranking will generally not come to the spiritual tomb, but with your talent and state of mind, you will at least be in the stage of transcending the tribulation.

Of course I'm not worried. Jun Muqian nodded, I'm still fine against ordinary Tribulation Stage people.

Within a month, her cultivation had successfully broken through to the middle stage of integration.

The couple stood quietly in the east, while the wind blew in the vast sky and the white clouds were changing. Time was passing quickly, and soon it was time for the tomb to be opened.

The gate floating in the air was already surrounded by people, all cultivators from all walks of life. Compared with the Penglai Immortal Sect exam a month ago, the formation was hundreds of times larger.

That can't be... Jun Muxian noticed that there was a rather special person in the first team, Monster clan?

It's the demon clan. Rong Qing said, Except for the human race, the demon clan has the largest number in the world. Even in the capital of Dayin, there are many demon clans, mainly fox demons.

Jun Muqian suddenly thought that because she was bored, she happened to read the story of a scholar and a fox demon in a sadistic love in a book, which made her feel like a bucket of blood was on her head.

Mumu. Rong Qing tilted her head, That Bai Que is from the nine-tailed fox tribe.

I guessed it. Jun Muqian was not surprised. She raised her eyebrows, However, he may have regarded me as a similar person, so he helped me at that time.

Just like Bai Che's memory inheritance, the Qingqiu Nine-tailed Fox Clan is a declining clan after the Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin Clan, and only Bai Che is left of the pure Qingqiu royal family.

The nine-tailed fox tribe is so rare that Bai Que would help her without knowing her. It was just because she raised a fox and her body was tainted with the aura of the nine-tailed white fox.

Jun Muqian glanced at the sea of ​​people in front of him, and easily spotted Bai Que's figure at the Sword Dao Sect's location.

She thought for a while, if Bai Que was from the nine-tailed fox clan, why not give Bai Che the fox to him?

At this moment, Rong Qing raised her hand: Mu Mu, look over there, those are the people from Heaven.

Jun Muqian looked in the direction he pointed and found that, as expected, there were several Xuanxian-level immortals standing there.

The reason why they can be judged to be from heaven is because they wear the exclusive clothes of heaven officials.

Heaven... Jun Muqian's eyes were fixed for a few seconds, and she looked away. When she looked to the other side, her heart sank a little, The West is also here.

On the other side, she saw several lotus thrones floating in the air. There were men and women sitting on them, and the golden Buddha light around them was shining. They were obviously Buddhas and Bodhisattvas sent from the Western Paradise.

The Western Paradise is similar to the Buddha Realm of the illusory universe, but the overall strength of the Western Paradise is several times stronger than the Buddha Realm.

The current Lord of Buddhas, Tathagata, can be regarded as the first person among the saints of heaven. He is so powerful that he can build a mountain with one palm.

It seems... Rong Qing's eyebrows were light and his expression showed no fluctuation, There is something in the spiritual tomb this time that is worthy of being wanted by both Heaven and the West.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian's eyes darkened: The innate spiritual treasure is born.

Only this is worthy of sending people from the two giants of the Three Realms.

There are many innate spiritual treasures in the ancient world, but they are all in the hands of the most powerful demon gods. There are not even some powerful acquired demon gods, let alone ordinary gods and Buddhas.

Being able to obtain the innate spiritual treasure, Daluo Jinxian can also fight against Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at a different level.

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