The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 994 Admire each other and never leave [3 updates]

People with low cultivation levels are not even allowed to get close, let alone pick.

To be able to pick an exquisite ice lotus that is ten thousand years old, Daluo Jinxian will inevitably have to put in a lot of effort.

Rong Qing rolled up his sleeves in a leisurely manner and raised his eyes: There is no need to find a new father.

Jun Muqian's words of thanks were suppressed in her mouth and turned into a light cough: Cough...

It was difficult for him to remember her joke for almost a month.

But she has been really miserable this past month, and she has been hit by beauty every day.

It’s too much to be so beautiful!

Rong Qing pondered for a moment and then said: But let's not feed him for today. The little beauty ate too much in the past few days. Let him digest it.


Otherwise, he is afraid that when he is fully born, he will be a ball.

This kind of thing will not happen.

Okay. Jun Muqian nodded slightly, It just so happened that Senior Yan Ting asked us to pack our things and follow him to the spiritual tomb.

The spiritual tomb... Rong Qing's eyes moved slightly, The spiritual tomb should not be far from Kunlunxu.

Kunlunxu is the first sacred mountain in the prehistoric times and the mountain of ten thousand ancestors. It is also called the ancestor of the dragon vein by the people of Dayin.

There were many emperors in the mortal world who wanted to go to Kunlunxu just to obtain an elixir of immortality.

After all, there are such stories in the myths and legends of mortal humans.

It's a pity that the story is a story after all. Kunlunxu is not accessible to ordinary people. If you want to climb Kunlunxu, you must reach the minimum level of Taiyi True Immortal.

Kunlun Xushang is covered with snow all year round. It is located in the far north and is extremely cold.

Although it houses the palace of the Queen Mother, she does not often go to Kunlunxu.

For Jun Muzhen, the most important thing is not Kunlunxu itself, but the broken Tianzhu in Kunlunxu.

The place where Zhurong, the ancestral witch of fire, and Gonggong, the ancestral witch of water, once fought, was also the origin of Nuwa's mending of the sky.

There must be traces of the Wu clan in Buzhou Mountain!

Jun Muqian's eyes darkened, and he didn't know if Zhen Yuanzi, the innate demon god, would be fine after the disaster in Wanling Continent.

Obviously, Zhen Yuanzi left the prehistoric era before time went back.

Just because turning back time can only restore the world and the dead, but it cannot summon back the disappeared people or things that have disappeared.

Therefore, from the time when the prehistoric time went back to the past, Zhen Yuanzi was not in the prehistoric world, but has been on the Wanling Continent that was reorganized from the previously broken prehistoric times.

Only then did Jun Muqian remember that the reason why there were so many innate spiritual treasures in Wanling Continent was that they were scattered together before time went back in time.

Rong Qing seemed to have read her thoughts and spoke: When I went to Kunlunxu, I didn't find Zhen Yuanzi, but I guess he won't die.

You definitely can't die if you die. Jun Muqian frowned, He is an innate demon god. No matter how weak he is, he is at least Daluo Jinxian, and possibly Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. He is not necessarily weaker than Jiutian Kunpeng. If the Spiritual Continent is swallowed up, he should be able to survive, but he will also be seriously injured. I'm not worried about him, I'm worried about Xiao Wu.

If Xiao Wu was just an ordinary child, she would be able to relax a little, but he was the only ginseng fruit in the world, and she didn't know how much she was thinking about him.

You will find it. Rong sighed softly and reassured, The prehistoric era is so big, Mu Mu, when your cultivation level breaks through Xuanxian, my cultivation level should be able to at least return to the peak of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian Now, if the Six Saints of the Great Desolate World don’t come out, the Great Desolate World can walk as it pleases.”

Yes. Jun Muqian frowned, I will break through as soon as possible.

At this point, she seemed to have remembered something, and took out two magic talismans from her lapel: By the way, Qingmei, this is for you.

Huh? Rong Qing lowered her eyelashes and took the two talismans, What are these?

Well, I have not only been raising children this month, but I have also been practicing hard. Jun Muxian raised his eyebrows, This is my newly refined talisman. I can only refine three of each type. , I have only refined two of them now, so I will give you two.

After hearing this, Rong Qing saw the words on the talisman.

One page says Five Elements Transposition Chart.

The other one said Yin Yang Fixing Talisman.

Although this talisman is only burned on ordinary yellow talisman paper, just holding it in your hand will give you a heavy and ancient feeling, and the huge energy contained in it is shocking.

Rong Qing's eyes darkened: This talisman is not simple.

Of course. Jun Muqian curled her lips, Although I can't enter the Dead Bell now, I have memorized the refining methods of the several spiritual talismans inside. I have learned a lot about the Emperor of the Earth in these days. From the books left behind, I finally succeeded in refining these two talismans.

She pointed at the two talismans and explained: This five-element transposition talisman can ignore any obstacles. Even if the space is blocked, it can be activated instantly. It can switch positions through the five elements. It is a life-saving thing.

If you encounter any danger in the future, you can use the five-element transposition talisman to switch places with the enemy. Isn't it very convenient?

Yes. Rong Qing responded, with warmth flowing through his heart, It's very useful.

And this Yin-Yang body-fixing talisman... Jun Muqian continued, It is much higher than the body-holding technique. The body-holding technique only fixes the physical body. Once the soul leaves the body, there is nothing you can do.

But my yin and yang holding talisman can freeze the physical body and the spirit, so that the enemy cannot escape. Similarly, regardless of cultivation level, the saint of heaven can also be immobilized, but the immobilization time will naturally be shorter.

The ten spiritual talismans displayed in the Hunyuan Bell are extremely terrifying to Xuan Tong.

Therefore, each spiritual talisman has a refining limit. Whether it is a yin-yang fixation talisman or a five-element transposition talisman, only three can be refined.

And only one Chaos Tracking Talisman can be refined!

However, Jun Muqian had not yet thought about how to use the Chaos Tracking Talisman, and had nowhere to use it, so he first refined the Yin-Yang Fixation Talisman and the Five Elements Transposition Talisman.

No matter what, in the wilderness, it is still important to save your life.

After listening, Rong Qing extremely carefully put the two talismans into his lapel and hid them close to his body.

He raised his head, stared at the person in front of him, and drew an arc on his lips: Thank you, Mumu. I will keep this thing well and never leave it.

Huh? Jun Muqian was startled, Who asked you to keep it properly? I gave it to you for your use.

Rong Qing didn't answer, just smiled faintly: I naturally have to keep the things you gave me, at least, I don't expect to use them.

That's right. Jun Muqian thought about it and nodded, It's best not to use it.

The less danger, the better.

Rong Qing crossed her arms and looked at her quietly: Didn't you say that you refined two?

Well, I'm going to give the other two to... Jun Muqian's expression darkened, They are for Ying Zijin, who is the guide. I don't know if you have heard of it. She has saved me at least twice. Life, but I didn’t do anything for her.”

But now, her only close friend in life and death has disappeared.

But according to her master's wife, Ying Zijin is not in the eternal purgatory.

If she had known that Wanling Continent would collapse so quickly, she should have stopped Ying Zijin from going back.

Don't worry, she'll be fine. Rong Qing raised his hand and rubbed her head, God's calculation of the world is more than just a title.

Sure enough, he had forgotten all about it. He had never heard of it before, but he had also seen it before.

Rong Qingzhong's eyes narrowed, the power of the universe was indeed huge, and with his help, this power had not yet been eliminated, and he didn't know when her memory would be restored.

Well. Jun Muzhen regained some strength, It's getting late, let's go.

Rong Qing nodded, took her hand, and walked out together.

But when she saw Yan Ting, Jun Muxian pulled back again.

Are you ready? Yan Ting saw the two coming, and his smile broke out, Then leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late.

Teng Yun had already been recruited by him, so Rong Qing would naturally not expose his true strength and set foot on the cloud with Jun Mu Qian.

After the three of them stood firm, Yan Ting waved his hand and laughed loudly: Let's go——

The wind blew past my ears and the sound of hunting was heard.

Not only the Three Emperors Academy, but also all the immortal sects at this moment sent their elders and elite disciples to rush towards the spiritual tomb.

The spiritual tomb is only opened once every one thousand years, and every time it is opened, 99% of the geniuses in the mortal world will gather.

The Heavenly Court also acquiesced in the existence of the spirit tomb, allowing mortal creatures to enter the spirit tomb to experience in order to improve their cultivation.

Once upon a time, there was a very lucky mortal who received the inheritance of an ancient demon god in the spiritual tomb, and directly jumped from the integration stage to the level of the immortal.

This is a birthday extra update~ There will be another chapter soon which will be an extra update with a monthly pass of 450 votes~

Huh! Why do I have to give you more updates on my birthday o(╯□╰)o

It's really difficult for me, a science student, to think about this kind of thing

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