The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 992 Little Beauty: Don’t poke boys in the face! 【Birthday event】

Rong Qian slightly nodded, slowly arranging her hair that was messed up by the wind, and said calmly: What mother said is not wrong.

But who has the ability... For the first time, Jun Muqian's heart stirred up a storm. She pondered for a long time, and suddenly she was startled, It can't be...

Just when a name was about to blurt out, a cold hand pressed her lips, and she could clearly feel the thin calluses on his fingertips, like cold branches in the snow.

Rong Qing's eyes tightened slightly: Mumu, don't say anything.

Jun Muqian's expression was stern, and her heart sank.

Rong Qian slightly nodded, slowly arranging her hair that was messed up by the wind, and said calmly: What mother said is not wrong.

But who has the ability... For the first time, Jun Muqian's heart stirred up a storm. She pondered for a long time, and suddenly she was startled, It can't be...

Just when a name was about to blurt out, a cold hand pressed her lips, and she could clearly feel the thin calluses on his fingertips, like cold branches in the snow.

Rong Qing's eyes tightened slightly: Mumu, don't say anything.

Jun Muqian's expression was stern, and her heart sank.

God knows, there are some things that cannot be said.

Rong Qing then removed the hand that was holding her lips, shook his head slightly, and said, But, it's not him.

Jun Muqian fell silent and rubbed his head: If this matter comes out, I'm afraid the entire Three Realms will be in chaos.

So, it won't be spread. Rong Qing said calmly, As long as the Three Realms are peaceful on the surface, all forces will not move.

But chaos will happen sooner or later. Jun Muqian frowned, I must rescue my brother and master before the chaos in the Three Realms.

This means that she must ascend to heaven as soon as possible.

However, there is at least an 80% chance that the Jade Emperor will not give her the right to go to the endless hell.

Is it possible that she really rebelled against the Jade Emperor?

Yes. Rong Qing responded with a faint expression, I will accompany you in everything.

He looked at her quietly: How are you going to do it?

I'm going to conquer the Dibang. Jun Muxian thought for a while and asked, But where is the Dibang?

The Earth Ranking is in Kunlunxu. Rong Qing nodded, But it's not the one on Wanling Continent, although it is exactly the same. In front of the mountain in Kunlunxu, there are two stone tablets. The stone tablets record the hundreds of masters on the Earth Ranking and the Heavenly Ranking. Whenever someone is killed, Defeat and the name on the stone tablet will automatically change.

I see... Jun Muqian nodded, and suddenly his expression changed, Then when I defeated Zhong Xingchun, wasn't my name already on the stone tablet?

She also plans to use her true appearance when competing on the Earth Ranking.

Although she was seen by many people when she defeated Zhong Xingchun, it was only limited to the thousands of assessors. Zhong Xingchun himself would never go out and say that he was defeated by a Nascent Soul stage.

So, I also went to Kunlunxu. As if he had already known her inner thoughts, Rong Wei smiled slightly, I will help you remain anonymous.

Jun Muqian was startled, and there was a long-lost thumping sound in his chest, which was very clear in the silence.

She prides herself on being romantic and unrestrained, walking through thousands of flowers without even a leaf touching her body, but in fact, she is blank when it comes to feelings.

Maybe she has experienced it before, but now her memory has been forgotten, she has turned back into a baby who knows nothing, and she still has a baby in her soul. It is really too strange.

While I was lost in thought, a voice suddenly sounded above my head: Junior sister.


Jun Muqian raised her head and saw the man in scarlet clothes standing among the flowers, smiling lightly at her.

His thin lips were slightly raised, and his voice was shallow: Are you still happy with Senior Brother's beauty trap?

Beauty, beauty trap?

After Jun Muzhen repeated this sentence in her heart, she suddenly came to her senses.

Is this saying that she likes his beauty?

In anger, she picked up the teacup on the stone table and threw it at him.

But this attack was really not threatening. Rong Qing didn't need to look at it. He just raised his hand casually and held the teacup firmly.

He tilted his head and said slowly: Junior sister, you are so angry that it will hurt your fetus.

Jun Muzhen stared at him, obviously on the verge of explosion.

But at the right time, Rong Qing held her hand with a slight smile on her lips: So Mu Mu, it's time to go and raise the baby.


In the sea of ​​souls.

In addition to the increasingly intense golden light of merit, there is also an extremely thick Hongmeng Purple Qi, which is spread out one by one, weaving into a sea of ​​Hongmeng Qi.

The little beauty's soul is lying quietly in the center of Jun Muqian's sea of ​​soul, with a faint golden light flowing around it, as if it is wrapped into a huge cocoon.

It has extremely strong vitality, flowing out from this small group of souls, and the breath is fresh.

Jun Muqian stretched out her hand and couldn't help but poke the little soul.

What surprised her was that when she poked it, it was like poking a marshmallow, which was very soft and bouncy.

A little baby with a bun-shaped face suddenly appeared in Jun Muzhen's mind. The little bun was jumping on the ground and happily calling her mother.

She couldn't help but poke again, and watched as her fingers were wrapped in the faint golden light, sinking in, popping out, and sinking again.

Just when Jun Muxian was about to continue poking, suddenly, this small group of souls moved, dodged her hand, and then floated behind Rong Qing, and the golden light flowing out scattered on his Feiyi. .

Two distinct colors, but they blend together very well.

It's vague, as if there is sunset pouring from the sky at dusk, and red gold flows.

Huh? Jun Muqian was slightly surprised and couldn't help laughing, Are you still shy?

She is pregnant with some kind of pervert. Others may not be able to condense the soul even if they have to practice for hundreds of thousands of years, but this little beauty can already have the soul before she is born.

The little beauty is obviously unconscious at the moment, but there is no difference among the other children.

And as if he understood this sentence, the little soul shook, and a ray of golden light grabbed Rong Qing's clothes, and then cautiously explored it.

Miraculously, no sound was heard, but a sentence appeared in Jun Muzhen's mind, with a very soft and cute tone that made people want to poke it.

——Mom, you poked the little beauty’s face. You can’t poke random boys’ faces! Otherwise...otherwise it will become ugly! Becoming ugly, just, just...

The words were cut off at this point, and at the same time, she clearly saw the small ball of soul energy hiding behind the man in scarlet clothes, and she became even more shy.

Jun Muqian's heart skipped a beat, she grabbed Rong Qing's hand and said eagerly: Beauty Qing, did you hear that?

Rong Qing's eyes narrowed and she shook her head slightly: Nothing.

Although he didn't hear it, looking at her expression, he could guess that their child might have some kind of connection with her.

Jun Muxian became excited for the first time: The little beauty called me mother, and he also said he was a boy!

Oh? Hearing this, Rong Qing's eyebrows moved, as if the clouds dispersed in the sky, and she was obviously a little surprised, Is it a boy?

When he first came here, he found that this little group of souls was very lively.

I thought boys wouldn't be so lively.

It's a boy, I definitely heard you right. Jun Muzhen couldn't hold back her overflowing motherly love and wanted to reach out and poke him again.

But when I thought of what the little beauty just said, I took it back in time.

He patted his chest with lingering fear and said happily: Yes, yes, it can't be broken. Since it is a boy, the little beauty has to rely on his face to deceive the girl.

Hearing this, Rong Qing's expression paused slightly, and he said calmly: You're relying on your face to deceive a girl?

Why does this sentence seem to have the meaning of pointing at mulberry trees and scolding huai trees?

He suddenly remembered a whisper he inadvertently heard his mother say to his father a long time ago.

At that time, his mother was very sad and sighed: With such a temper, Qing'er will probably only have one face left to use in the future. will teach Qing'er how to abduct a wife?

Rong Qing pinched his eyebrows and fell silent.

That's not the case! Jun Muqian didn't know what he was thinking. She touched her chin and smiled with squinted peach blossom eyes, Oh, look at me, I'm so handsome, and you're pretty pretty too. A little beauty must be better than someone who's better than others. Lan, the most beautiful girl in the world, how many girls will she have to deceive?

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a pop sound, and the little Yuanshen hiding in Rong Qing changed from transparent to pink. The golden light was still flowing, like a ripe flat peach, which reminded people of the horizon. of morning glow.

Jun Muqian was surprised: Wow...

Rong Qing: ...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Jun Muzhen couldn't hold back this time, and hugged the little ball of soul in her arms, My son is so cute, he is so cute even if he is shy.

a long time later--

A certain grown-up little beauty: (refuses) No, this is not me.

Rong Qing: Ha...

Lord: Son, don’t be shy


Well, I’m a year older today_(:з」∠)_

Thank you to the baby who still remembers my birthday. It’s my third birthday in Xiaoxiang. Thank you to the lovely people who have been with me since then. I love you across the network cable (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭

The older I get, the less I want to celebrate birthdays. Every year after college, it’s exam week, and I have to review today and it still hurts o(╯□╰)o

The holidays have been busy lately, so let’s buy some peripherals today.

The way to grab a building, which floor is kept secret for the time being, but it is definitely more likely to leave a message, the deadline is 0:00 on the 7th^_^

I drew a golden phoenix hairpin (158rmb) from Qingmei to give to the Lord, a pillow for the Lord and Qingmei, and a book for Qingmei and the Lord~

There are not many people around, so the chances of winning are quite high! The baby who didn’t draw will be rewarded with book coins ~ I haven’t had time to reply to comments recently, so I’ll post them after my exam week is over!

The latest updates are scheduled. In order to review, I cut off all Internet connections during the day o(╥﹏╥)o

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