The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 990 The power of the three emperors! You, you, you...【1 update】

She seemed to have heard an extremely ridiculous joke. She couldn't help laughing and her eyes rolled up: Master Yin Xiang, what did you say?

Her mother is the Queen Mother, and her master is one of the Twelve Golden Immortals. She is full of calculations, and she can barely be regarded as a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. Who among her peers in the Three Realms has a better backstage than her?

Rong Mu?

She had already checked it out, and it was clear that there was no background.

Master Yin Xiang did not want to talk to Jiang Qingxue, and Lord Dao also ordered him not to reveal the identity of the aunt.

He shook his head in extreme disappointment, hating that iron could not become steel: Control the arrogance in your heart and calm down to practice is better than anything else. If you continue like this, one day you will regret it.

After saying that, he stopped looking at Jiang Qingxue and walked away.

Jiang Qingxue bit her lip, and her lips turned white.


No, she won't regret it.

She never did anything she regretted.

Jiang Qingxue's eyes changed from blank to firm, and finally to cold.

Since no one helps her, she will help herself.

One day, she will get rid of Rong Mu... she will definitely do it!


On the other side, Jun Muzhen was following Yan Ting to the Three Emperors Academy.

At the moment, she has not ascended to immortality and cannot fly here in the prehistoric world. Therefore, she is now standing on the clouds condensed by Yan Ting.

Jun Muzhen felt the power in her body and slowly made a fist.

The distraction period... The distraction period, in the Wanling Continent, is the level of a spiritual saint, enough for her to protect herself in the mortal world.

But when it comes to being strong, he's still far from it.

She defeated Zhong Xingchun and became number ninety-three on the Earth Ranking.

She heard that the Earth Ranking and the Heaven Ranking were the only rankings that competed for strength in the mortal world, so she started from the Earth Ranking and conquered the mortal world.

Jun Muqian closed her eyes and was meditating when she suddenly heard Yan Ting's voice coming from the front: Little baby, what do you think of Jiang Qingxue?

Huh? Jun Muqian was startled for a moment, then opened his eyes, Jiang Qingxue?

Yan Ting did not explain, smiled and nodded: Tell me about it.

Jun Muqian soon understood, and she smiled faintly: Some people don't expose their bad qualities because they have everything at their fingertips.

You can get all the good things without working hard or making progress, and you will naturally develop an arrogant and unyielding temperament. However, this so-called arrogance and unyielding nature can easily lead to the wrong path.

Jiang Qingxue has always looked perfect in the past. That's because she never encountered anything she couldn't get or anyone who opposed her.

Once encountered, no matter how beautiful the image is, it will instantly collapse with the ever-expanding malice in the heart and be gone forever.

Yes, you can see people's hearts thoroughly. Yan Ting had admiration in his eyes, and suddenly asked, If I'm not mistaken, you have already come into contact with the great road, right?

Hearing this, a sharp light flashed across Jun Mu's eyes, and she said in a calm voice: What is the Great Dao? This junior is still confused. I just saw this mysterious word in a book.

She learned from Rong Qing that the so-called great road was very important in ancient times.

The longer the universe is born, the more perfect the institutional laws will be.

The three thousand avenues derived from the prehistoric times are divided into nine thousand minor avenues, which are still being derived. The nine thousand minor avenues are also major avenues, but they are much weaker than the major avenues, so another one has been replaced. kind of title.

For example, under the Five Elements Tao, it is divided into five small ways: the Tao of Metal, the Tao of Wood, the Tao of Water, the Tao of Fire, and the Tao of Earth.

Each of the three thousand avenues has its own ranking, and the top 100 avenues can only be understood by one cultivator at a time.

She came from ancient times, and what she realized was the Great Way of the Heart. Then there would be no second person who could also practice the Great Way of the Heart.

But in prehistoric times, if you want to get in touch with the great road, you have to reach the level of a true immortal.

Although Jun Muzhen didn't know how Yan Ting saw it, she didn't want to tell him.

Okay, okay. Yan Ting shook his head and smiled, Actually, people with high talents will be exposed to the Great Dao earlier. If they have enough mental understanding and the power of the Great Dao is added to them, their strength will increase exponentially.

As he spoke, his palm suddenly turned over, and a faint white light appeared on his fingertips.

Jun Muqian immediately noticed a familiar power from the white light, and it was... the power of the great avenue!

It's just that the power of this avenue is not very strong, and it is obviously not an attack-related avenue.

Yan heard her look carefully and smiled: I feel ashamed to say that although I have been with Your Majesty for many years, my talent is not good. In fact... I should have followed Your Majesty a long time ago. .”

His eyes were distant, as misty as the auspicious clouds under his feet: However, my talent is not good, but the great avenue I have realized has given me other comforts. Although it is not ranked among the three thousand great avenues, it is enough for me.

The great path you have realized is... Jun Muqian's eyes flickered and he blurted out, The path to longevity?

Otherwise, the three emperors would have gone, and Yan Ting would not have survived for such a long time.

Huh? Yan Ting was a little surprised, You guessed it right, it's the way to live longer, but it's just longevity, not immortality.

The way to immortality ranks among the top 100 among the three thousand avenues.

Another avenue that is closely related to the path of immortality is called the path of immortality.

Recalling what happened a long time ago, Yan Ting sighed softly: After so many years, the brothers who have fought together in the north and south have long since died. It is not interesting for this person to live.

Jun Muqian was silent.

When she came to the prehistoric world, she naturally had to familiarize herself with the history of the prehistoric world. Many of the histories were similar to those she had read in the Illusory Universe, but in more detail.

She had seen the remnant soul of Jingwei in Wanling Continent, so she became more familiar with these things.

The era of the Three Emperors was the most prosperous and powerful era for the human race. Thanks to the powerful strength of the Three Emperors, the human race was almost comparable to the demon clan without the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn.

Not to mention, the three emperors also recruited many acquired demon gods. For a while, the three emperors were so prestige that they benefited the entire mortal world.

This will naturally cause dissatisfaction from other races.

At that time, a million years had passed since the end of the Lich War. Both the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan were greatly damaged in strength, especially the top strength, which had retreated to the background. However, the Witch Clan was still ready to make a move. In addition to the old great witches, there were also There are more new witch clans.

The human race had a battle with the witch race.

After the three emperors worked together to kill the great witch Xingtian and the great witch Chiyou, they once again defeated the witch clan, and the human race finally ushered in an age of peace and prosperity.

Later, tens of thousands of years later, the three emperors passed away, and the third calamity battle to confer gods came. Many heroes from the human race were conferred to the heavenly court, and the Wu tribe no longer came out.

The only war Yan Ting mentioned about the southern and northern wars was the earth-shattering battle with the Wu clan.

Your Majesty is devoted to the human race and puts his family second. Yan Ting paused and then said, Twice, the white-haired man sent the black-haired man... When the young highness went down, I saw that he was old. a lot of.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian recalled in a daze the Yanyue she saw at the place where the ancestral dragons were inherited. The girl smiled at her with her hands behind her back, her ponytail swaying, smart and cute.

Once upon a time, she was also a princess who was pampered and grew up.

In the past, she couldn't understand the feeling of being a parent, but now...

Jun Muqian lowered her eyelashes slightly and raised her hand to touch her abdomen. Even though she was not physically pregnant with the child, she could still feel the blood connection. She would never let her child be harmed in any way.

After only a few minutes of conversation, the wind gradually stopped, and only Yan heard: We're here.

Jun Muqian jumped down from the cloud and looked up——

This is a cave hidden among countless mountain peaks. It is not eye-catching at all.

His Majesty has left, but some people are still there. Yan Ting whispered, The academy cannot be too ostentatious.

The Three Emperors Academy once stretched across the East China Sea, but now only this hilltop is left.

Jun Muqian keenly heard the deeper meaning from this sentence.

Could it be that the passing of the Three Emperors was not as simple as it seemed?

But she didn't ask again. She followed Yan Ting all the way through the cave entrance and into the depths of the cave.

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Jun Muqian's eyes brightened slightly.

Although it is not big, it is unique.

Birds singing and flowers fragrant, small bridges flowing over water, quiet and peaceful, this is her favorite place.

Actually, the Three Emperors Academy should have been disbanded a long time ago, but I still can't bear that your majesty's hard work will go to waste. Yan heard, So I moved the Yuanling essence here, which can generate countless Yuanling stones, and the spiritual energy is sufficient. , enough for you to practice.

Jun Muqian nodded: Thank you, senior.

She glanced at it, then looked at the scenery in front of her, but suddenly, a slender figure broke into her sight, and she couldn't help but be confused: You, you, you...

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