The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 988 Those who bully the Lord kneel down and beg for mercy [1 update]

And just as Jiang Qingxue thought, this slap was extremely powerful, and it was slapped by Master Yin Xiang in a rage. He used spiritual power and did not hold anything back. It was much harder than the two slaps that Jun Muqian slapped casually before.

All of a sudden, Jiang Qingxue was pulled out a few feet away and slammed into the front of Step Hang's palace.

The next second, there was a boom, and one of the pillars supporting the palace broke directly!


Jiang Qingxue heard the sound of her ribs breaking, but she didn't care about the physical pain at all because she was really stunned.

Why was she the one who was beaten? Shouldn't it be Rong Mu?

Not to mention Jiang Qingxue, Jun Muxian couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. She looked at Yin Xiangzhen, who was still furious, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Shouldn't the Lord of Penglai Mountain teach her a lesson and help Jiang Qingxue vent her anger?

She was already ready for a fight. She couldn't beat him at the moment, but at least she could understand her state of mind. She was not a gentleman who could bend and stretch and run away after the fight.

But now that Yin Xiangzhen appears...

Jun Muxian looked at Yan Ting again, and Yan Ting immediately understood and shook his head: Little baby, don't look at me, I didn't do anything.

Everyone else was also dumbfounded. Apart from Jiang Qingxue, the one who was hit the hardest was Miaofa Zhenxian. He was stunned there, his mind went blank.

He placed all the responsibilities on the Three Emperors Academy and Rong Mu. Master Yin Xiang would definitely be very angry, but why did he beat Qingxue?

Miaofa Zhenxian could not understand it at all and continued to be confused.

And no one knows how Master Yin Xiang feels now. If he had the strength, he would be so angry that he could lift the sky. .

God knows, his heart is bleeding!

Originally, he thought that he would personally control this Penglai Immortal Sect exam.

Although Lord Dao just gave a simple explanation, Master Yin Xiang knew that this was a death order!

He must take good care of Daojun's junior sister and not let her suffer any injustice.

Even if she wanted the stars in the sky or the peaches in the peach garden, he would go to great lengths to pick them for her and serve them well.

This is Daojun's junior sister!

Among the three realms, how can ordinary people compare to it?

Since Daojun allows this young aunt to enter Penglai with peace of mind, that means he trusts him, Yin Xiangzhenren. As long as he takes good care of Daojun's junior sister, will Daojun be able to benefit from him in the future?

It should be noted that as long as Daojun reveals something casually between his fingers, it will be enough for him to have no worries for a lifetime.

But now...

He only received the distinguished guests for a short while, and found a few young people with good alchemy talents for Master Taiyi. As a result, in less than a month, the Immortal Sect Examination turned out like this!

Master Yin Xiang's beard was trembling. He really couldn't imagine how worse things would have been if he had come a step later. can't get any worse, it's already bad now.

In fact, there is no need for Miaofa Zhenxian to say it, Yin Xiangzhen already knows what is happening here.

That's why he was so shocked that he left Master Taiyi behind and hurried to the assessment place.

When he came here and saw Jiang Qingxue who was beaten miserably, his first thought was that the beating was good, the beating was wonderful, and the beating was so good!

Fortunately, fortunately, it was not Daojun's junior sister who was injured. If this young aunt was missing a hair, he would not be able to explain it to Daojun.

It's still not too late.

Jiang Qingxue didn't know what was going on in Zhenren Yin Xiang's heart. She was beaten so hard that tears burst out of her eyes.

She covered her face and raised her head in disbelief, her voice trembling: Master Yin Xiang?

Don't call me! Master Yin Xiang was so irritable that he wanted to kick him, but he endured it and did not make a move.

After this happened, he now looked at Jiang Qingxue more and more dissatisfied.

You really have to be idle and bald to take care of the Immortal Sect's big exam. Isn't it okay to be a cool beauty?

Master Yin Xiang! Jiang Qingxue's expression turned cold. She gritted her teeth and shouted coldly, Have you forgotten what my mother said to you?

Her mother said that except for a few people, she could never reveal her identity as the Queen Mother's daughter when she was outside, otherwise, she would sever ties with her.

But she really can't care so much now because she can't stand this kind of grievance.

Growing up, although she was fostered in the Jiang family, she was still the eldest daughter and no one ever made her suffer.

She couldn't stand any pain at all, even a look of disgust from others could make her feel sick for a long time.

Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows.

Upon hearing these words, Master Yin Xiang's face instantly darkened, as if dark clouds were closing in and heavy rain was about to pour down.

Only now did he suddenly remember that in the past, when Jiang Qingxue was in Penglai, whenever Jiang Qingxue had any dissatisfaction, she would move out the Queen Mother. Naturally, he did not dare to neglect her.

But in front of Dao Lord, the Queen Mother is nothing!

Not to mention the Queen Mother, adding a Jade Emperor is not enough.

Maybe the Heavenly Court has summoned the Western Buddhas to resist.

What's more, the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor both have so many children. It's really surprising that an illegitimate daughter can turn the world upside down.

Master Yin Xiang sneered: In Penglai, family wealth is never considered, Jiang Qingxue, you are overstepping your bounds.

One sentence made Jiang Qingxue confused again, and her lips couldn't help but grow bigger.

what happened?

It didn't work even after she moved out with her mother?

Is Master Yin Xiang crazy and wants to fight against the Mistress of the Heavenly Realm?

Jiang Qingxue's mind was buzzing, and she didn't even know where she was.

The Immortal Miaofa was even more surprised. The reason why he turned to Jiang Qingxue in everything was firstly because of pressure from heaven, and secondly because of Immortal Yin Xiang.

It is precisely with the tacit approval of Master Yin Xiang that Jiang Qingxue's status in Penglai is unmatched.

Seeing Master Yin Xiang's change of attitude, the other immortal sect masters and elders felt a thump in their hearts, and immediately felt that something was wrong.

In Penglai Mountain, the Lord of Penglai Mountain naturally has the greatest power.

Whether Xianmen can move into Penglai depends on the words of Master Yin Xiang.

They all chose to side with Jiang Qingxue because they wanted to succeed Jiang Qingxue to gain more glory and power. Why are things going in the opposite direction now?

Master Yin Xiang glared at Jiang Qingxue who was in despair, shook his sleeves heavily, and quickly came to the young man in white.

However, before he could take a step closer, he was blocked by Yan Ting: Prime Minister Yin, what are you going to do?

No! I... Master Yin Xiang tried his best to smile, I'm here to apologize.


Hearing these two words, Yan Ting and Jun Maqian looked at each other, obviously not believing it.

Yan Ting's cultivation was higher than that of Yin Xiang, so he naturally didn't need to give him face. He just said coldly: Yin Xiang, just stand here and don't move.

Prime Minister Yin really stopped moving.

Yan Ting was also stunned.

So obedient?

Jun Muqian narrowed her peach blossom eyes, what kind of medicine was in the gourd of the Lord of Penglai Mountain?

I really don't know about this matter. Master Yin Xiang thought about it for a moment before speaking hesitantly, I was receiving Master Taiyi earlier, so I was not able to manage the Immortal Sect Examination in time.

Yan Ting sneered: You are quite sensible, but do you know that if I were a step too late, Rong Xiaowa's pubic area would be broken by your Penglai force!

I'm also curious. When did Penglai have such a rule? If you pass the assessment, if you don't choose a sect, you will be deprived of your Dantian. It's really awesome.


This strong mockery made Master Yin Xiang's eyes darken and he almost fainted.

What did he hear?

These stupid noobs actually want to break the Dantian of Junior Sister Daojun?

Do they know what they are doing?

Master Yin Xiang didn't even dare to look at Jun Muzhen. He turned around in embarrassment and looked at the elders of the Immortal Sect who were still sitting on the long table with cold eyes, their faces as dark as the bottom of a pot.

He gritted his teeth and asked ruefully: Did I really say that there are such rules in Penglai?

Even if there is one, can it be used on Daojun's junior sister?

Immortal Miaofa sensed something was wrong. He wiped the cold sweat from his head and hurriedly said with a smile: Master Yin Xiang, Lord Yan Ting, this is all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding.

The ancestors and elders of the Immortal Sect were also trembling and their faces were pale.

The arrogance that forced Jun Muqian before was long gone, and only fear remained.

Misunderstanding? Yan Ting frowned, You guys have already taken action. Rong Xiaowa is only in the Nascent Soul stage. How dare you say there is a misunderstanding?

In one sentence, the explanation of Miaofa Zhenxian was directly broken.

He suddenly felt like he was facing a formidable enemy and secretly screamed something bad.

Hoho... Master Yin Xiang was so angry that he could hardly stand still. He raised his fingers tremblingly and pointed at Immortal Miaofa and the masters and elders of the immortal sect, You, you, you still have you--

He yelled loudly, his tongue bursting with thunder: Everyone...get out of Penglai for me!


Lord:? I haven't done it yet

Rong Qing: Do you understand my previous mood?

You all are so awesome, the third replenishment is not far away, and the Lords at the beginning of the month really need monthly tickets!

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