A gloomy laugh rang out, like a broken bellows, hoarse, harsh, and sharp.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed slightly and he scanned the surroundings, but did not find any other figures.

She was in a state of trance now, and she had known for a long time that someone would come to trouble her, so she deliberately relaxed in order to lure out the people behind her.

But now, as expected, someone came and invaded her sea of ​​soul.

It is true that there was a reason for her letting go, but in this case, this kind of inner demon directly attacks the soul and spirit, which is really difficult for ordinary people and even the immortals under Taiyi True Immortal to guard against.


This cold laughter came from the leader. The overly strong soul in front of him was like a delicious pastry, making him forget what Wu Jumang, the ancestor of wood, had told him before.

He didn't think that a Jindan stage that could defeat the Nascent Soul stage could compete with his Distraction stage.

The distraction stage is even above the Nascent Soul stage!

He must take this soul as his own, otherwise he will have no chance when someone from the Witch Clan who is higher than him comes.

Fortunately, he had already found several experimental subjects before, and he was already very comfortable with this kind of magic method.

This was just a mortal at the Golden Core stage, so it was easy for him to clean up.

The leader suppressed his excitement, laughed a few more times, and said majestically: Junior, I am the immortal in dreams. I just happened to come to the East China Sea for a trip today. I saw that you are troubled by many things, so I came to see you.

Jun Muxian: ...

Dream fairy?

She is also a fairy in paintings.

You don't even have a brain to lie.

However, to mortals, a fairy character is already greater than anything else.

In almost just a moment, Jun Muqian's expression changed, with fear mixed with surprise: Immortal, immortal?

That's right. The leader secretly smiled scornfully and said, Junior, you are destined to me. Whatever wishes you have, I can fulfill them for you. As long as they are among these golden words, you can choose whatever you want.

Sure enough, no matter how much better a mortal at the Golden Core stage is than someone of the same class, he is still just a newborn calf with such a psyche that he does not even have the slightest ability to resist temptation.

Jun Muqian seemed to hesitate for a moment, then suddenly took a step back: No, Immortal, I am a mortal and I am not worthy of having an Immortal fulfill my wish.

I say you are worthy, and you are worthy. The leader patiently tried to trick him, Don't you have what you want?

The reason why this mortal's soul is strong is because his soul is too pure and does not contain any desires.

The purer the soul, the more growth it can get once it is planted with a demon.

On the other hand, Liu Qian, who is very power-minded, will not bring him much benefit.

Because even if he is not given a demon, Liu Qian will be haunted by his inner demon sooner or later.

Of course I have my wish. Jun Muqian's lips curled up slightly, and the expression she showed was just right, but her eyes were indifferent, Immortal, I just seemed to see among these golden characters, there are three thousand beautiful men. Four words.”

That's right. The leader became more and more excited, If you choose Three Thousand Beautiful Men, I can make your wish come true immediately.

After saying that, seeing that the young man in white seemed very hesitant, he added: Not only are there three thousand beauties, you can also choose three thousand beauties. If you don't like men and women, I also have spiritual secrets and armor weapons here.

With a wave of the leader's hand, the golden characters began to rotate, and they all flew towards Jun Muzhen, wrapping her in them.

As if dazzled, Jun Muxian considered it for a moment: Can you only choose one?

Of course. The leader said decisively, Although I have strong spiritual power, I cannot abuse it. One person can only realize one wish.

In my heart, I was even more disdainful.

He seems to be a decent man, but I didn't expect him to be so greedy.

The leader stared closely at the boy in white and sneered secretly, Hesitate, hesitate, the longer you hesitate, the stronger the demonic energy in your body will be.

Immortal, what should I do if I can't choose? Jun Muqian lowered his eyes slightly, looking very embarrassed, I don't want to choose.

Hearing this, the leader's voice was gloomy: Can't choose? If you can't choose, you will be trapped here for the rest of your life and will never be able to get out. Is it possible that one wish is not enough?

That's it!

Soon, he will receive a loyal servant.

However, to the leader's surprise, Jun Muxian was very tough this time: I don't choose.

Don't choose? The leader sneered and began to press, You are in the realm of my wish, you must choose! Choose quickly!

If you say you don't want to choose, don't choose. Jun Muxian was also angry. She snorted coldly, Only children make choices, and I want them all.

Originally, when he heard the first sentence, the leader wanted to increase the power of his soul and force him again, but when the second sentence came out, he was confused and a little dumbfounded: Wha, what?

Jun Mu Qiansu waved his hand and directly received the golden lights in his palm. He looked at each one one by one. While looking at it, he was surprised: Not bad, you have not only three thousand beautiful men, but also two cultivators. They are all top-notch. Why don’t you take all of your things?”

The leader really didn't expect that this mortal would act so irrationally. He was furious: How can you want both of them? You want three thousand beautiful men, but you can't want a couple who cultivates them!

Jun Muqian stared at him, his aura suddenly rising, but his face was blank: Why not?

Because the three thousand handsome men and the two cultivators are completely opposite! The leader felt a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat and was so angry, You are contradicting yourself if you want both. How can you want both?

He has never seen such a person!

Who said you are contradicting yourself? Jun Muqian raised his eyes slowly, I know a few girls, and I just gave these three thousand beautiful men to them, otherwise they will never get married, and I feel worried.

Leader: ???

He immediately became furious: No, you can't give it to others! If you don't choose, you will die.

With a swish sound, more soul power surged out and began to oppress.

However, the leader had no idea that Jun Muxian had already figured out this so-called demon-growing process with the power of the heart without making a move.

First, he lowers the vigilance of the creatures in the mortal world in the name of an immortal, and then throws out the temptation of wish fulfillment, allowing the creatures in the mortal world to choose one among many wishes that are sure to win but hard to obtain.

But at this time, the mortal creatures trapped in this realm of wishes have long been carried away and cannot choose at all, because they all want it.

But if you don’t choose, you can’t come out.

After being forced to choose one in the end, you will fall into the trap prepared by the inner demon, and the demonic energy will enter the body.

Jun Muqian's eyes were cold, and a cold smile appeared on his lips.

What a good plan!

If things go on like this, the entire mortal world will be conquered by inner demons.

The soul has fallen and will never recover.

After figuring it out, Jun Maqian was too lazy to deal with the leader.

She no longer concealed her soul as a soul, and the majestic power of her soul exploded directly.


In an instant, it directly broke through the leader's organization's dream state.

Then, all the soul power mixed with the light black mist was swallowed up in an instant.

Ah——!!! The leader, who was not far from the magma pool, suddenly let out a heart-rending scream.

His closed eyes suddenly opened, filled with disbelief.

However, before he could react, suddenly——

Bang bang bang!

The leader's seven orifices all burst open at this moment, and the smelly and thick black blood spurted out, polluting a large area of ​​sea water.

Senses... destroyed!

The leader was trembling all over, and unexpectedly... he was not an ordinary mortal, but Daluo Jinxian!

However, this sentence could not be said.

His face covered with blood was hideous and terrifying, and he fell down as soon as he tilted his body.

Jun Muqian opened her eyes and entered meditation.

She stood up and walked to the leader. She raised her palm and, without allowing any resistance, went straight into his soul and extracted the memory.

Sure enough, it's the Witch Clan! While extracting, Jun Muqian quickly checked these memories, his pupils shrank slightly, Jumang?

The person in this distraction period is actually Wu Jumang, the ancestor of wood?

It’s the Twelve Ancestral Witches again!

Jun Muqian's expression became a little colder, and then he looked down.

However, at this moment, the leader with all his seven orifices suddenly made a ho ho sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent bang sound, and his body and soul exploded.


Jun Muqian's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly retreated, avoiding the space that was cracked by the explosion.

After standing still, there was only a piece of powder in front of him, fluctuating with the sea water.

Restriction... Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed.

It turns out that this Wu Clan person has been banned in his body for a long time. As long as the secret is leaked, whether actively or passively, he will immediately self-destruct and die.

Yes, if you want to peek into the real people behind the scenes, how can it be so simple?

Moreover, a distracted person does not have a high status in the witch clan and cannot access the core secrets, but she is not without success.

Jun Muqian stroked his clothes, sat down next to the lava again, and began to practice.

She was not distracted this time, and concentrated on absorbing the energy of the magma, and began to summon the fire of chaos.

However, what Jun Muqian didn't notice at all was that there were occasional splashes of water in the rolling magma, but nothing could be seen.

Ao Lie actually didn't know that the crocodile fish was transparent and hidden in the magma. Practitioners couldn't find it at all, because the crocodile fish had no soul and naturally couldn't be captured by the power of the soul.

All things in the world are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.

The poison produced by the couplet fish is also two-way.

On the one hand, it can increase the energy of the extremely sunny place, and on the other hand, it can target the physical body and make people impulsive. Moreover, only humans can understand it.

But if it can be lifted within two hours, the benefits will increase exponentially, and there will be no disadvantages.

This poison has long been melted into the magma. As long as the energy flows, the poison will follow.

Jun Muqian had absorbed the poison of an unknown amount of fish without even realizing it.

But her soul was so strong that she was still in a suppressed state at first, and she didn't notice it at all.

The energy of Extreme Yang circulated back and forth in the Dantian and meridians, and began to impact again and again.

After some time, Jun Muxian suddenly felt something was wrong.

No, she was summoning the fire of chaos. The heat was understandable, but why did this kind of heat make her feel wrong?

Jun Muzhen paused absorbing energy and checked her body, but found no problem.

So, she started practicing.

His cultivation is growing rapidly, but his body is also getting hotter and hotter.

It was like being in a sea of ​​fire, with his mind completely swallowed up and blurred.

Jun Muqian gritted his teeth, beads of sweat dripping from his porcelain white skin, rolling down his cheeks.

Damn it, she had never been so hot before. It was so hot that it felt like there were ten thousand ants gnawing in her heart, making her unbearably anxious.

She has great endurance, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

Because all the strength was being used to suppress this heat, the seventy-two transformations could no longer be maintained.

With a swish, Jun Muxian returned to his original appearance.


Rong Qing realized something was wrong immediately. His expression changed and he was in front of the purple-clothed woman in an instant.

His fingers quickly rested on her wrist, and his heart sank.

No, it's poisoned.

But he also clearly checked here, and there was no such thing as the fish that Ao Lie said.

Mumu, wake up. Rong Qing released the power of her soul and began to force out the poison, Don't fall asleep, wake up.

As if she heard someone calling, Jun Muxian suddenly opened her eyes.

A pair of deserted black eyes were completely covered by red fireworks, which were rich and deep, even more charming and alluring.

Rong Qianqian was slightly startled: Mumu?

Jun Muqian tilted her head and looked at him with misty eyes. Suddenly, she curled her lips and smiled: What a beauty. If I meet her today, don't even think about running away. Come and serve me obediently.

She decisively turned over and directly pressed the man in scarlet clothes in front of her.


Happy Christmas Eve~

Lord: I will take you to eat the light beauty together

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