The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 962 Honorable Lord: Only care about yourself? run! 【1 more】


As if he had discovered something exciting, the sound of the silver bell became louder and louder, almost deafening.

Jun Muqian's eyes froze, and he glanced at Ao Lie who was still standing there without any reaction, and immediately realized that only she could hear the silver bell, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not a big deal to be discovered by others, but if it really attracts the East China Sea Dragon Clan, it's really hard to eat and walk away.

After she left the illusory world, traveled through the gate of the universe, and came to the prehistoric world, Hunyuanling has been sealed in her primordial spirit. At least she will have to wait until her cultivation base enters the realm of the earth fairy before she can unseal it again. .

But now, facing so many treasures collected by the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, this shameless bell couldn't sit still.


Two more bells rang, and Jun Muqian suddenly felt a slight heaviness in his waist.

As soon as she lowered her head, she saw the Hunyuan Bell, which had been sealed for a long time, hanging around her waist as before, with the blue flow speed floating gently in the sea water, as if it was showing off something.


Immediately afterwards, a very light mist spread from the silver bell, and then rotated on thousands of crystal shelves at an extremely fast speed.

Jun Muqian also saw that the mist didn't even have time to stay, and it rushed back and forth one by one.


The long-lost belching sound also sounded, and it was very loud.

Ao Lie finally recovered from the richness of the East China Sea Dragon Clan. He said in surprise: Ms. Mu, after you become a man, you don't pay attention to your image anymore. How can you hiccup?

Jun Muqian: ...

She didn't change her face: Because I have a problem, I will hiccup excitedly when I see something too good.

Hey, Miss Namu, we are really destined. Ao Lie clapped her hands, Not only will I be excited, but I also want to bring the good things back.

He couldn't stand anymore, and walked straight towards the first crystal shelf.

It's rare that Ao Guang's brain twitched today, he left the door of the treasure house wide open, and he didn't bring a few things back, he really didn't deserve to be a dragon.

Let the prince see what this is... Ao Lie looked at the label on the front of the crystal box, his eyes lit up, Hey, it's ice crystal jade leaf, eating a piece of this, ordinary people can prolong their life by a thousand years.

After he couldn't wait to open the box, he looked at the empty box and curled his lips in disappointment: Tch, it's an empty box, so what are you doing here?

Ao Lie grumbled dissatisfiedly, then looked at the next box, his eyes became brighter: Phaseless Divine Stone? This is a good thing for refining armor. It can be changed back and forth according to the user's ideas. This prince must move it. Let's go.

However, after opening this huge box, there was only gravel inside.

Ao Lie was even more disappointed, but he could accept it.

After all, the Donghai Dragon Clan is such a big family, it is impossible not to use the things in the treasure house.

Thinking of this, Ao Lie walked towards the next box with high spirits.

Long Ganoderma lucidum? Well, it's also a good thing. After all, this stuff is only available to the dragon clan. It can also make our men undiminished. The prince wants to take it.

The excitement lasted no more than two seconds before it was replaced by disappointment: It's empty again? Do the dragons eat these every day? It's not okay.

Dragon scale armor, this one is good. It is made of dragon scales. It is extremely hard. It is invulnerable to swords and guns. Even golden immortals can't hurt it. The crown prince wants to wear it... and don't you have it?

It doesn't matter, the crown prince can use a keel bow. Although the crown prince has never used bows and arrows, it would be a loss not to take things from the family... What is it, or not?

After opening hundreds of boxes and finding that they were all empty, Ao Lie was so angry that he finally threw the box on the ground and began to stomp on it: This treasure house is empty, Ao Guang is playing with people!

Looking at this scene, Jun Muqian: ...

She felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Although she was a robber sometimes, she was no more than a certain bell.

Obviously, Hunyuanling's function of stealing wealth has been upgraded to a new level. In just a few seconds, all the treasures hidden here by the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea were plundered.

Although she also wants to find some treasures from the East China Sea Dragon Clan, it is best to find all those geniuses and treasures identified by the assessment. In this way, she will not waste energy looking for Jinzhu, and the East China Sea Dragon Clan will not care less anyway. A few gadgets.

But...she didn't expect to evacuate Ao Guang's treasure house. Is this dead bell going to turn her against the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea?

She remembered how the wealth of the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea was described in those books. It was really I am the richest in the world!

Jun Muqian took a mouthful of old blood in his throat, gritted his teeth: Spit it out, do you hear me?

Hunyuan Bell shook, expressing his displeasure.

Don't vomit, right? Jun Muqian said with a blank expression, Then I will go in and get it myself.

After saying that, when the consciousness was about to sink into the sky, it was suddenly bounced back in the next second.

After two seconds of silence, Jun Muqian suddenly realized that although Hunyuanling had been unsealed from her primordial spirit, she still couldn't use it now. If she really wanted to use it, she had to wait until she ascended to immortality. Can.

So... Dare to just come out and collect the treasure?

Jun Muqian grabbed the shameless and money-greedy Hunyuanling, and was immediately laughed angrily: Well, you Hunyuanling, how about patronizing yourself?

What use would she want the bell for!

Hearing these words, Hunyuan Ling hiccupped again confidently.

Jun Muqian was out of breath, lowered his voice and said angrily: You say you have a bell, what do you want so many treasures for? They can't be eaten or used, and it's fun to put them there as decorations?

Ms. Mu, what are you talking to yourself? Ao Lie, who was greatly disappointed, was at a loss when he heard it, and his boyish heart was even more damaged, and he covered his chest, Aren't you scolding me?

He really likes to bring back a bunch of treasures and put them at home for offerings.

No. Jun Muqian was depressed, I was just wondering what would happen if Ao Guang saw his treasure house was empty.

What about it? Ao Lie was at a loss, Isn't this all for his own use?

Jun Muqian sat directly on the ground, looking at the sky in pain.

How could she have such a shameless bell? Could it be that the gods inspired her shamelessness, so they gave her an even more shameless bell?

She thought for a while and began to discuss: Spit half of it?


Spit out a third?


Okay, then spit out the treasures I mentioned, if you don't spit it out, I will crush you to pieces...


Jun Muqian and Ao Lie, both in the treasury, did not know that the treasury of the East China Sea Dragon Clan was opened today because Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, suddenly found that there was not enough manpower when he was entertaining distinguished guests.

So hastily summoned all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the Crystal Palace, and they all gathered in the reception ceremony.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were ordered to guard the treasury were naturally the highest in cultivation, so they naturally wanted to go, but they left in a hurry, and the guard on duty today was a little confused, so he went to lock the door.

The Dragon Clan has always been self-confident, and they don't even bother to install any traps or traps in the treasure house. They don't think that anyone has the guts to come and steal their things from the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea.

Therefore, Ao Guang had no idea that his treasure house had been stolen by a bell.

He was pouring wine with a smile: I don't know why the real person has time to visit my East China Sea today? But what does Tianzun want to use my East China Sea for?

Sitting in front of him is the real Taiyi, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, under the sect of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although their strengths are not much different, but in terms of status, he is still weaker than Daoist Taiyi.

After all, he was appointed by the Jade Emperor to manage the East China Sea, while the real Taiyi was a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although Ao Guang has never met Yuanshi Tianzun, he also knows that this innate demon god is the real master of the three realms.

Where is there. Taiyi was holding the wine bowl, and his fleshy face was almost buried in it, Now, even this real person... hiccup, this real person can't see hiccups, master hiccups, just thinking of you Donghai’s wine is delicious, so Benzhen came to see Hiccup.”

Looking at the fat baby who was only three feet tall in front of him, the corners of Ao Guang's eyes twitched: But real person, why did you become like this?

What? Taiyi raised his head, raised his short hand, lowered his head to look hard, and sighed, Isn't it just that I got an alchemy method of Zhuyan recently and tried it, and it became like this.

He is obsessed with alchemy, but he can't improve the alchemy technique.

Originally, he wanted to take his apprentice to try a medicine, but when he went to Nantianmen, his apprentice heard that he had brought a pill, so he just hid and disappeared.

Unexpectedly, after he took it, the medicine was a little too strong, and he immediately rejuvenated.

Oh—— Ao Guang sat a little further away with lingering fear in his heart, My real man, if you want to make alchemy, you might as well go to Penglai, there are quite a few alchemists there.

Really? Taiyi's eyes lit up, and he waved his little hand, The real person will go in a while.

He buried himself in the wine basin and drank a few more sips, he seemed to remember something: Ao Guang, where is your third son?

Bing'er? Ao Guang was stunned for a moment, uncertain, Should he be practicing kung fu? He should also attack the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Benzhen just remembered that Benzhen brought a gift for your son. Taiyi loosened his belt, revealing his chubby belly, and threw out a jade bottle, My apprentice gave it.

Ao Guang understood: I'll send a message to Bing'er and ask him to come over.

Hi... Taiyi slapped the table with a slap, full of pride, I want to come to another ten altars!

But this time it was Ao Guang who was too late. Before he could send a message to his son, the message had already arrived.

——Father, two thieves have entered the treasury, and I am waiting for my son to go and capture those two thieves to my father.

Seeing Ao Guang's face turn green all of a sudden, the fat baby Taiyi asked curiously, Ao Guang, what's wrong with you?

Two thieves came in from nowhere, and they stole something from me. Ao Guang's face turned greener, I'm going to catch the thieves, real man, keep drinking.

After finishing speaking, they got up together and hurried towards the location of the treasure house.

At this time, Ao Lie, who was still sitting on the ground, was gnawing on the chicken leg in grief and anger: It's too difficult, this prince is too difficult, why can't I even get a treasure.

On the other side, Jun Muqian, who had been struggling with Hunyuanling for a long time, managed to let him leave half of the treasures for the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, and got the genius land treasure used in the assessment.

Ao Lie, let's go. Jun Muqian got up satisfied, After I pass the assessment, I will treat you to dinner.

Hey, let's go. Ao Lie was even more depressed, There are still a few roast chickens that I stole from the land in the cave where I live, let's eat them together later.

The two were about to turn around and leave, but they knew that just after they left the treasure house, five words fell from the sky.

Little thief, where to escape!

It was clearly an angry tone, but Naihe's voice was too soft to be heard at all.

My prince is a god! Ao Lie looked up from a distance and exclaimed, Why is he here, it's over, it's over, it's over.

Jun Muqian's eyes froze slightly, before he had time to look at them, he stepped faster: Who?

Whoever it is, they've all been spotted by now and need to get out of here quickly.

Ao Lie panted, and quickened her pace: Miss Mu, you, have you heard... the third prince of the East China Sea Dragon Palace who was skinned and cramped by the Marshal of Zhongtan hundreds of thousands of years ago?

Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment: Shouldn't he be dead?

This dragon has been skinned and cramped, can it still live?

What's dead? Not only is he not dead, but he is also a brother of the Marshal Zhongtan. His strength is amazing. Ao Lie glanced again, where there was no time to care about his image of being wise and mighty, he threw the drumstick and rubbed He jumped up and shouted, Run!!!

The setting of Honghuangliu is still based on the original works of Fengshen Yanyi and Journey to the West ~ there is a private setting

The answer is Ao Bing_(:з」∠)_As long as the genuine baby who answered the answer has a reward of 520xxb (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭

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