The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 960 This Seat Is Destroyed! Goodbye old friend【1 more】

It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to come.

Luo Shifei's eyes were dark and fierce, and his face was fierce.

He had long wanted to teach this brat a lesson, but he couldn't do anything during the test, so he could only wait.

He has lived for more than twenty years, and no one has ever dared to treat him like that. It is a great shame!

Thinking of being knocked unconscious by the brat because of his carelessness, Luo Shifei wished he could peel off the brat's skin and drink his blood.

Fortunately, he also brought a few fourth-grade pills with him, which allowed him to recover from his injuries; otherwise, he would not even be eligible to enter Penglai Mountain.

The people next to them are all descendants of the Luo family, but they were scattered when they entered the mountain. Luo Shifei is the eldest son of Luo and has the right to order them.

These few people surrounded Jun Muqian, staring at him.

If Luo Shifei didn't take the initiative to jump out, Jun Muqian would have forgotten about Luo Shifei at this moment, she raised her eyebrows: Do you want gold beads?

As he said that, in front of Luo Shifei, he reached out and took out the golden bead he found earlier from the skirt of his clothes.

That golden bead was half the size of a fist, and it shone brightly in the deep blue sea water. If it was placed in Dayin, it would at least be able to buy a town.

But for the real Xianmen, gold is a worldly thing and can be thrown away at will.

Luo Shifei's eyes turned green. He has seen a lot of gold, but this gold bead is different. It is the qualification certificate for entering the final assessment!

He swallowed greedily, and stretched out his hand unconsciously, about to hold the golden bead.

The other Luo family children are also envious, but like the Luo family, the rules of the immortal family are actually stricter than Dayin's four major families. They must abide by the orders of the next Patriarch.

Naturally, this first golden bead can only belong to Luo Shifei.

However, Luo Shifei completely forgot how he was knocked out for the first time, just when his hand was about to touch the golden bead, a sudden strong force directly fixed him.

Want it? Jun Muqian's eyelashes drooped slightly, and a faint smile floated on his lips, Do you want to get it?

She raised her backhand and hit Luo Shifei's abdomen directly with her palm.

Hearing a loud bang, not only was Luo Shifei thrown out, but also the boulder on the bottom of the sea, which was tens of meters away, was also cracked at this moment.


The other Luo family children were dumbfounded. They stared blankly at Luo Shifei who was foaming at the mouth, and their hearts turned cold.

Luo Shifei is the one with the highest cultivation in their generation, otherwise he would not be selected as the next Patriarch, and even he was chopped off with a single palm, how could they beat him?

The members of the Luo family glanced at the slender young man in white with trepidation, completely unable to understand how such a powerful force erupted from such a small body.

Jun Muqian took a step forward.

Swish -

The rest retreated in unison.

She walked in front of Luo Shifei, bent slightly, and said lightly, In case you will harm other people in the future, I think it's better to abolish it.

He raised his palm again and slammed it on Luo Shifei's dantian mercilessly.


Crack, click...

Luo Shifei didn't even have room to resist, and even before his consciousness recovered, he heard the sound of his dantian shattering, and the shattering spread to the surrounding meridians, and all of them broke under one palm.

Although Jun Muqian's Yuanshen power was sealed by Rong Qing, the coercion was still there, not to mention that there is no doctor at all, even if he could be treated in time, the coercion of the Yuanshen would not be removed.

Luo Shifei, it's more painful than killing him.

You, you... Luo Shifei stared, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, You are so ruthless!

Extreme pain came from his body, he couldn't hold his breath, and passed out directly.

Plop, plop.

At the same moment, there were several kneeling sounds.

Jun Muqian turned around, looked at those pale-faced Luo family children, and raised his eyebrows: I heard that you are from Liujiabao.

Hearing this sentence, several Luo family children froze, some didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, and their faces were full of panic.

Jun Muqian raised her foot and stepped on a piece of gravel, her movements were rough and bandit, her momentum restrained, but the coercion still remained, she said flatly: I will spare your lives now, I just need you to give me a word.

Take it with you! Several Luo family children began to kowtow frantically and begged for mercy, My! Ancestor, don't say a word, even if it is a hundred sentences, I will definitely send it to you.

One hundred sentences, it's not necessary. Jun Muqian chuckled, Tell the owner of Liujiabao, Liujiabao, I'm sure I'll be destroyed, let him get ready.


As soon as these words came out, several Luo family children were stunned: What, what?

I will try to be as fast as possible. Jun Muqian retracted his feet and smiled slightly, I promise to control the time within three months.

She can conclude that what the Liu family has done in these years is inseparable from the inner demons. If you follow Liu's family, you may be able to find the black mist that once appeared in the world of Lingxuan and the illusory universe, and thus find the mastermind behind the scenes... and Mu Chenbai and Changyi!

They were definitely captured by the black mist to the prehistoric, but the prehistoric is too big, there is nowhere to find them, so they can only take one step at a time.

Leaving the words here, Jun Muqian stopped looking at those Luo family children who continued to be confused, chose a direction at random, and walked straight away.

After a long time, the Luo family disciples woke up like a dream and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Want to destroy Liujiabao?


He must be crazy!

This is the common thought of several Luo family children, they have never heard such ridiculous remarks.

Liujiabao is naturally not comparable to Penglai, but Penglai is considered an overseas force and cannot be equated with it. Liujiabao is considered a first-class power among the human race. If you want to destroy Liujiabao, you must have the strength of Mahayana.

Could it be that that kid can enter the Mahayana stage within three months?

It's a fantasy!

The disciples of the Luo family swiftly picked up the unconscious Luo Shifei, and with the wind blowing from their feet, they quickly ran to report to Liujiabao.

They want to see how that ignorant boy died.


Although there is one month for the initial exam, it is not enough for the examiners.

The Haohao East China Sea is so huge, even if there are millions of gold beads, it is just a needle in a haystack.

The assessors are now very regretful that they were not the first to jump down. In this way, they can also guarantee that they will definitely be able to enter the next assessment.

A few days was enough for the assessors to unite with each other to search for the gold beads. During this period, there was no killing and competition. Not long after an assessment had just started, thousands of people had already lost their qualifications for the competition.

But everything has nothing to do with Jun Muqian, she is very leisurely.

She thought, maybe it was really because of her primordial luck, she was just walking along the way, and she had already found four gold beads along the way, including the first one, a total of five.

Jun Muqian took out the handkerchief in his hand and looked at it, and found that the number of gold beads recorded on the handkerchief had changed a lot compared to the initial one.

There are a total of 9.99 million gold beads, and now there are 8.74 million left. More than one million gold beads have been found by the examiners, but they are definitely only in the hands of a few people.

After all, a golden bead can only guarantee passing the examination, and for those arrogant geniuses, ranking is the most important thing.

Jun Muqian weighed the golden bead in his hand, decided not to look for it anymore, and chose to look at the genius treasures recorded on the handkerchief.

Well, let me take a look... She looked at the names and began to gradually rule them out, Dragon Blood Vermilion Fruit? No way... Illusory Sea Jade? There is still such a thing? Suppressing Demon Secret Flame? Someone dug the Crystal Palace? And...

After a stick of incense, Jun Mu put his handkerchief together, and finally, with great difficulty, selected a medicinal herb named Tianxinghua in the list.

The Tianxinghua attribute is yin, and it usually lives in extremely cold places. If there is such a place in the East China Sea, it can only be in the cold eyes not far from the Crystal Palace where the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea lives.

Han Xinyan is not an important place, but it is relatively close to the Crystal Palace, and few examiners dare to set foot there.

Jun Muqian thought about it, and went anyway. If it really caught the attention of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, at worst, he would just run away.

After having a goal, Jun Muqian, relying on the guidance of his spiritual sense, used the earth escape technique, and soon came to the place where the eyes of Han Xin were.

The Han Xinyan is not really an eye, but a cave with cold air, and even the immortals under the earth cannot get close to it, otherwise the body will be frozen directly, and then freeze to death.

To her surprise, there were already several people around here, all of whom were practitioners participating in the assessment.

Moreover, the cultivation bases of these examiners are all in the next level of distraction!

She is only at the Jindan stage now, and she can deal with the practitioners of the previous Nascent Soul stage at most, but the gap between her and the distracted stage is too great.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed, and he became more cautious.

The assessment this time was really different from the previous ones. After the Nascent Soul stage, the distraction stage came. These distraction stages were no weaker than the old disciples in Penglai Mountain.

The star flower that day...

Jun Mu turned his head slightly, and saw a blue plant ten meters away from Han Xin's eyes, but only one petal had grown, and the other petals were still closed. Obviously, it hadn't fully opened yet.

A fully bloomed Tianxing flower must be plucked within a stick of incense, otherwise it will wither.

Therefore, those few periods of distraction are waiting there.

From a distance, Jun Muqian could hear their conversation, their voices were uneven.

Penglai Mountain has helped us a lot this time. It didn't take any effort, and we came directly to the East China Sea.

Isn't it? I thought this mission would definitely fail, but I didn't expect Mount Penglai to be so stupid. After picking the star flower, I will go find the poisonous weed.

I don't know what kind of injury Master Xizi suffered. It hasn't healed after so long. Having said that, the voice became even lower, Also, I heard that Lord Zhu Rong and Lord Qiangliang are both dead, I don't know Can they come back, they have died once before.


Hearing three very familiar names, Jun Muqian's heart shuddered.

The ancestor of electricity, Wu Xizi, was the enemy she met in the Huaxu Continent. He took away the body of Baili Qingfei, the ancestor of the Baili family, and transformed himself into the Lord of the Blood Domain, intending to seize the power of luck in the Huaxu Continent. power, and the vitality of thousands of creatures.

Wu Zhurong, the ancestor of fire, and Wu Qiangliang, the ancestor of thunder, were killed by her because they wanted to destroy the Wanling Continent.

No... wait!

Jun Muqian suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head, which made her almost faint.

Compared with the Twelve Ancestral Witches at that time, her strength was not high. How could she kill Zhu Rong and Qiang Liang?

Her memory... seems to be missing a lot.

This pain made Jun Muqian's heart beat faster for a second.

It was this moment that those few distracted assessors caught.

One of them sharpened his eyes and swept over like a knife: Who?!

As soon as the words came out, as soon as he moved, he was already rushing towards the hiding place of the boy in white.

Jun Muqian's eyes changed slightly.

was found!

But in the next second, before she could use the Earth Escape Technique, suddenly!

A hand came out of nowhere, directly pressed her shoulder, and pulled her into the ground, at this moment!


That distracted period slapped the palm of the water grass, but it was empty.

Huh? His eyes became sharper, No one?

Brother! The other three distractions also rushed over, What did you find?

The man ran away. The man's eyes were heavy, Look, we must find it. What we are going to do must not be revealed.


A few periods of distraction hurriedly dispersed towards the surroundings, and the remaining man stood by the Starflower, waiting for the flower to bloom.

But at this time, Jun Muqian's eyes were plunged into darkness.

At this time, a voice sounded behind her: Miss Mu, it's me.

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