The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 954 Come! The person who fell in love with Mumu【3 more】

She seems to have seen it somewhere.

But it was just a glimpse, this colossal monster quickly came out of the sea, left the sea area at an even faster speed, swept to a high place, and soared into the sky.


During this process, Jun Muqian heard a clear dragon chant.

At this moment, it seemed that the ancestor dragon, the former master of the dragon clan, descended, bringing the supreme dragon might.

The coercion was strong, but Jun Muqian was not affected.

She was hugged lightly in Rong's arms, even the air current brought up by that huge creature couldn't get close to her body.

Rong Qingzhong narrowed his pupils slightly, glanced at the direction where the giant disappeared, and said lightly: He is still alive.

It's still alive? The red dragon... Jun Muqian's eyes changed slightly, and he blurted out, Da Ri Tian Long?

Aoyue, the Great Ritian Dragon, is the eldest son of Zulong, and Wu Zhujiuyin, the ancestor of time among the Twelve Ancestral Witches, is his uncle.

However, because after Ao Yue was born, his appearance was quite different from other dragons, and his whole body was blood red, which was an ominous sign.

Moreover, his fate is also incompatible with Zulong, the leader of the dragon clan, and even at the time of birth, he devoured half of Zulong's skill. Zulong doesn't like this son.

Therefore, when the land beasts were still controlled by the dragon clan, even if Ao Yue was named the Dragon Prince, his other brothers and sisters rejected him very much. When Chuchu was born, he was bullied because of his weakness.

In the end, Ao Yue had no choice but to leave the Dragon Clan. Who knew that outside Buzhou Mountain, he was attacked by Jiutian Kunpeng Shunchu and almost fell. Fortunately, Donghuang rescued him and saved his life.

It is recorded in the book that in order to repay the Eastern Emperor for saving his life, Ao Yue willingly stayed by the Eastern Emperor's side as the Eastern Emperor's protector and mount.

After the Eastern Emperor and his brother Di Jun established the Primordial Heavenly Court, Ao Yue's status was only below that of the Eastern Emperor, Emperor Jun, and Xihe, and he was also one of the rulers of the Heavenly Court.

After the first robbery of the Long Han Dynasty, the dragon clan declined, but Ao Yue, who left early, lived the best life.

It's a pity that the second battle of calamity and lich destroyed the Primordial Heavenly Court, and both the Eastern Emperor and Emperor Jun fell in it, and Ao Yue didn't know whether he was dead or alive in the end.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed slightly. Could it be that the huge monster she saw just now is the Great Ritian Dragon Aoyue?

But why did he appear in the East China Sea again?

Although the current Donghai dragon clan is a dragon clan, it is far behind the dragon clan led by Zulong once, and can only be regarded as a collateral branch.

En. Rong said softly, After the death of the Eastern Emperor, he led the remnants of the Primordial Heavenly Court's demon clan and the god-killing guards in the Demon Palace in the name of the Eastern Emperor's Dharma Protector, just to wait for the Eastern Emperor's return.

But the Eastern Emperor is dead, he... Jun Muqian couldn't help feeling terrified, and blurted out, Could it be that the Eastern Emperor will be resurrected?

Rong slightly raised his eyebrows, and did not deny it: Otherwise, he would just stay in the Demon Palace and not come out.

Now this is making people more and more disturbed. Jun Muqian's eyes deepened, The current prehistoric desolation is ruled by the acquired demon god, if the innate demon god also comes out... I'm afraid things will be very bad.

With the Dao of Heaven, if the innate demon god wants to do something, the constraints are too great. Rong Qing tilted his head, There is no need to worry.

Jun Muqian was silent.

She knew what Rong Qing's words meant, the way of heaven in the wild is Hongjun.

As powerful as the Dao ancestor, he naturally wants to control everything in Honghuang.

That's all. Jun Muqian sighed, I don't care about these things, I just want to save my brother and the others.

She added silently in her heart: find out her life experience again.

Rong smiled softly, and said in a cold voice, I won't let them have anything to do with you, Mumu.

Jun Muqian was shocked.

He's here to protect her.

There was a pinprick-like pain in her head, as if some broken picture flashed past, hazy, but too illusory for her to grasp.

After Jun Muqian shook his head, he found that he still didn't remember anything.

She pressed her temples, her expression suddenly became serious: Little beauty, I'm asking you a very serious question.

Rong Qing looked at her: Yes.

You can tell the truth. Jun Muqian struggled for a moment, and said solemnly, At the beginning, did I chase you, or did you chase me? Or did we just see each other?

——If this lord made the first move, I would chop off my own hand now, and then swear that I will never have any contact with any man. Holding the little beauty, I will be very happy, and I can be romantic, killing two birds with one stone. .

The voice came in time, Rong Qing was silent for a moment, swallowed the truth back, with a serious expression: Mumu, I'm the one who fell in love with you.

Really? Jun Muqian was a little disbelieving, and looked up and down the perfect figure in front of him, What do you like about me?

Rong Qing: ...

There is a feeling of dying.

He squeezed the center of his brows, and said lightly, I've taken a fancy to Mu Mu's person.

This answer should be correct, right?

Oh— Jun Muqian replied thoughtfully, elongated her tone, and lost a meaningful look, I understand.

—— I know it, he is my body! Alas, I blame me for being so beautiful.

Hearing this heartfelt voice, the peace in Rong Qing's eyes shattered for a moment: ...

If so, there seems to be nothing wrong.

Mumu. Rong Qing chose to change the subject, Penglai Mountain assessment, you...

I'll go by myself! Before he finished speaking, Jun Muqian said with dangerous eyes, If you dare to show up, I'll let the little beauty have no father.

She has just stepped into the path of cultivation, and she is in a critical period, so she cannot be misled by male sex.

Of course, she also knew that with his escort, it would be easy for her to enter Penglai Mountain.

Rong Qing: ...

This threat is really ruthless.

In order to protect himself as the little beauty's father, Rong Qing was silent for a moment, and then said lightly: You are not allowed to use the power of the primordial spirit.

Don't worry. Jun Muqian waved his hand, The highest one who can participate in the assessment is the Nascent Soul stage, and I haven't reached the point where I can use the power of the Nascent Spirit.

Hearing this, Rong Qing glanced at her, but said nothing, instead, he grabbed her hand, very decisively, and directly poured the power of his primordial spirit into it.

This loss prevented Jun Muqian from using the power of Yuanshen.

But as long as she is in danger, he can arrive in an instant.

Jun Muqian: ...!!!

Still bring this?

Her throat rolled hard: Are you cheating?

It doesn't count. Rong Qing withdrew his hand and said leisurely, You can also block me.

What did I seal you for? Jun Muqian held his breath in his throat, What if you lose your cultivation and are seen by bullies on the road, what should you do if you take them back?

Yeah. Rong nodded lightly, Mumu doesn't need to arrest me, I will go back with Mumu myself.

Jun Muqian was stunned for two seconds, then suddenly came to his senses, slapped it with one hand, and said angrily, You are the bully!

Leaving, leaving, whoever loves this man wants to go.


September is the busiest time in Penglai Mountain.

The whole month is the day of the Immortal Sect's assessment.

Not only the fairy sects of Penglai Mountain, but also the sects of Abbot and Yingzhou, two fairy mountains will rush to Penglai to recruit people.

Even during the assessment, demon gods from Heaven, Western Paradise, and other powerful forces will come, just to pick out a few good seedlings.

Therefore, all the young talents who received the examination order came to the foot of the mountain early in the morning, waiting for the mountains to open, their expressions were filled with excitement, and they wished they could rush in now.

Jun Muqian also arrived. She played a fan and looked with great interest at the misty fairy mountain that went straight into the sky and shrouded in mist.

Her true appearance was too eye-catching, she used seventy-two transformations to transform into an ordinary young man.

The strength of the primordial spirit is no longer higher than hers, and it is absolutely impossible to tell.

Now she can use the seventy-two transformations for a long time.

Among the crowd, Jun Muqian was unremarkable.

Her eyes swept lightly, and she had already seen the cultivation bases of tens of thousands of practitioners around her.

The tallest one is in the early stage of Yuanying, and the realm is still a little unstable.

If the assessment is just a single battle, it would be easy for her, just afraid...

In the ears, there were several people's conversations.

Hey, do you know that this time the Immortal Gate Exam is much more difficult than before, I'm afraid not many people can pass it.

Tell me quickly! What's so difficult?

I don't know either. Although someone in my family is in Penglai, it's a small sect with only such a reputation. But it seems that I heard that this time not only depends on cultivation, but also depends on luck.

What? Lucky? How does this work?

Who knows? Well, I only have the next phase of the golden core, anyway, I'm just here to join in the fun, at most, I'll come back in a few years, and I'm still a good guy.

The Immortal Gate Examination in Penglai Mountain only happens once every three years.

Moreover, the age must be under the age of thirty-five.

If you miss it once, you may be ineligible after three years.

While the practitioners were arguing endlessly, suddenly——

Boom, boom, boom—

The sound of the morning bell rang, shaking the mist in front of the mountain.

A misty fairy voice fell at this moment, extremely pleasant to the ear.


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