The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 948 Supporting your wife is king! 【1 more】


The unprecedented majestic pressure swarmed from all directions at this moment, covering the entire hall in an instant, making everyone breathless, as if being submerged in a black tide, unable to break free.

Plop, plop—

Several bangs sounded one after another, and within a second, in the resplendent and resplendent hall, everyone fell to their knees.

Even the emperor sitting on the dragon chair is no exception.

Everyone was forced to kneel on the ground, and it took all their strength to raise their heads.

They all looked out of the hall in horror, with increasingly terrified expressions.

Who? Feng Yuan was also extremely embarrassed, he was paralyzed on the ground, and he didn't care to protect Feng Linghan, his heart was horrified, Who is it?!

He is already a celestial being, even if he is placed in Penglai, his cultivation is at the forefront, among Dayin, how could there be someone stronger than him?

Could it be the mysterious angel behind the Mingyue family?

But this is impossible, the Feng family and the Mingyue family joined forces, who would not object to it except Mingyueqian?

Feng Linghan was only at the golden core stage, so how could he possibly withstand this fall.

He suddenly spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, his face was as pale as paper: Old ancestor...

Just when everyone was in extreme fear and was at a loss——


A slender figure suddenly appeared outside the palace gate.

The man in scarlet clothes walked down from the pitch-black sky step by step, every step seemed to be on the ground, light yet steady, forceful.

Behind him is the bright moon, dotted with stars among the clouds.

The brilliance is scattered and the waves are rippling.

Even if it is the world in all directions and the vast expanse of the Milky Way, it is not as splendid as it is at this time, and it is overshadowed.


All life is silent.

Everyone stared blankly at the man who stepped on the moon, and panic grew even stronger.

Jun Muqian was startled, but also saw it.

He happened to be directly opposite her, and she raised her head slightly, just in time to meet those dark double pupils.

At a glance, he could not restrain himself from sinking.

Boom, boom, boom.

At this moment, Jun Muqian could clearly hear the beating sound from her left chest that had been silent for a long time, as if it was about to jump out of the atrium.

Although she has lived for almost two hundred years in the third life, she has to admit that compared to the vastness and boundlessness of practitioners, she is still a girl in terms of tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years of life.

It's just because she has to bear too much, she has to force herself to grow up, to be calm, to mature, not to rely on others.

But seeing a gentleman, Yunhu doesn't like it?

Jun Muqian raised his hand to caress where his heart was, and barely stabilized himself.

In an instant, she got closer, and she could see her reflection in those double pupils, which was deep and clear.

However, the others were startled by the golden light that bloomed from Rong Qing's body, and their bodies became even colder.

Blue represents earth immortals, cyan represents heavenly immortals, and what is gold?

Of course it can't be Jindan period!

This kind of pure gold, let alone seeing it, they have never heard of it!

Most of the mortals have never been in contact with real cultivation, even if they have entered the golden core stage, they are still just frogs at the bottom of the well.

Feng Yuan is also at a loss, but he has read more books, and vaguely seems to have heard the description of this kind of gold, it seems to be...

No! impossible!

How could an immortal of this level appear in the mortal world?

Feng Yuan immediately denied his conjecture, and then laughed to himself, as expected he was too nervous, thinking that everyone is strong.

The hall was still silent, Rong Qing's eyes swept coldly, and the coercion increased again.

The strength is well controlled, and these mortals will not be crushed to death.

Mortals are weak, and the protection of heaven is greater.

If killings are carried out in the mortal world, they will be entangled in sin for several lives and enter the cycle of animal reincarnation.

Hi, Qingmei... Jun Muqian called out just now, but the next second her waist tightened, and a slight coolness covered her, causing her to shiver involuntarily.


There was a gasping sound from below, especially the group of female relatives represented by Jiang Jie.

The female relatives were afraid, but what attracted their attention more was naturally the nobility and nobility exuded from Fei Yinan's body.

Some women had already seen Rong Qing yesterday, and when they saw each other tonight, they couldn't take their eyes off him at all.

They had never seen such a man before, and it was difficult for them to look directly at the extreme face that was too alluring, and it was inevitable that they felt ashamed.

Even the immortals in the sky would not be so beautiful.

But when they saw the man in scarlet clothes holding the woman in purple clothes in his arms, their expressions couldn't help changing, and they felt a little dissatisfied in their hearts.

And Qing Feng, who was also oppressed to the ground by the coercion, turned completely pale, with an unbelievable expression on his face, instantly cold and dry, and his body became limp.

wrong! He was wrong!

Yesterday at the Genius Conference, the reason why this lord forced him to dig out his own Nascent Soul was not because he wasted time, but because of this mortal woman!

At this time, how could Qing Feng fail to see that the man in scarlet clothes came to Dayin for the sake of this mortal woman.

Thinking of how he persecuted this mortal woman yesterday, Qingfeng's face turned paler, and his whole body was soaked in sweat.

It hurts, it hurts! Jun Muqian realized that her body was adapting faster than her consciousness, and she protested, Don't hug her so tightly.

—— Wow, this seat is over, if the little beauty's father finds out that this seat is planning to use the power of the primordial spirit, how will he punish this seat?

——Could it be that I was often punished before? If so, I should kick it as soon as possible.

Hearing this heartfelt voice, Rong Qing squinted her long eyes, her tone was cold, but it sounded more sexy: It hurts? Then you still come here?

Although this is the safest Dayin, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Didn't I also find food for the little beauty? Jun Muqian coughed a few times, her chin resting on his shoulder, Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't come, Qingmei, I think I'm fine.

As soon as these words came out, the big hand covering her waist became more forceful, and her whole body was almost rubbed into his arms.

In the ear, his cool and faint voice fell: Well, use Yuanshen.

Jun Muqian: ...

There is nothing she can do about it, all her magic weapons are sealed, no matter how strong they are, they can only suppress the Nascent Soul stage.

She is too far away from the realm of transcending tribulation and becoming an immortal, and she is only cultivating spiritual power, so it is naturally impossible to compare with the immortals.

Otherwise, if it is possible to fight across the ranks anytime and anywhere, what is the use of practicing the law?

Rong pinched his brows lightly.

When he came to Honghuang, he naturally did not bring any innate spirit treasure, and now Mumu is only a mortal body, using the innate spirit treasure, it is inevitable to attract the attention of the heavens, and I am afraid that many innate demon gods who have already hidden in the world will be drawn.

Rong sighed slightly, and didn't say anything else, just said: Let me hug you for a while.

Ah? Oh. Jun Muqian really let him hug her obediently, but her mind was full of thoughts.

——What kind of punishment is this? He is punishing himself, right? I have such a good figure, wouldn't he hug me for a while...

Rong Qing: ...

He paused, without showing any emotion on his face, and after a while, he let go of his hand.

Feeling the changes in his body, he felt a little helpless in his heart.

It was to punish himself.

Who are you? Feng Yuan was able to stand up now as the coercion was relieved, and he glared at the man in scarlet clothes, Disturbing this immortal's family affairs?

Oh? Rong Qing raised his head, his brows and eyes were cold, housework?

I am marrying my grandson a wife, and you hurt someone even if you disagree, but is that the way of a gentleman? Seeing that this was an extremely young face, Feng Yuan was determined and sneered, It seems that you are in the same group Yes, exactly, they all came over to apologize.

Feng Yuan! Qing Feng roared, almost fainted with anger, Shut your mouth!

Qingfeng, it's you who should shut up! Feng Yuan's voice was gloomy, If you hadn't messed up the matter, my grandson wouldn't be so humiliated.

Qing Feng's fingers trembled, his eyes were about to crack: You, you know what a fart!

Feng Yuan's cultivation level is higher than his, but he is only a loose immortal. He has not been recruited by the Heavenly Court, let alone in Penglai Mountain. It is impossible for Feng Yuan to know who is a real person.

Does Feng Yuan know who he is talking to?

Feng Yuan ignored Qing Feng, he said coldly, Apologize quickly.

Of course, it was not words that answered him.

Rong lightly raised his hand, and squeezed his slender fingers in the air.


In the next second, a circular token appeared between his fingers.

Impressively, it is exactly the same as the one Feng Yuan took out earlier.

Examination order!

_(:з」∠)_Now the monthly pass is limited and cannot be voted. If you have an evaluation vote, you can vote for the Lord~

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