The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 936: It's time to protect your wife! 【1 more】


The two forces collided with each other in a flash, and the place where they intersected was dazzling and dazzling.

At the same time, a big hand descended from the sky, grabbed Feng Linghan's shoulder, and took him aside.

At the moment when Feng Linghan was rescued——


Centering on the impact point of the power, countless shock waves sputtered out, shaking the space.

But what is surprising is that these shock waves that were originally going to scatter suddenly turned in mid-air and converged into a larger shock wave, all of which hit the purple-clothed woman.


Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes coldly, turned sideways suddenly, and avoided it.

This huge shock wave hit the ground, and there was a deep hole several feet in an instant.

After landing, Jun Muqian raised her head, her eyes suddenly became more serious.

The shock wave didn't hurt her, but she could feel that the cultivation base of the visitor was much higher than her at this time.

She also can't use the power of the primordial spirit before the cultivation base of the physical body matches the primordial spirit, otherwise, the physical body will not be able to bear it and collapse directly.

Just because they are in different universes, the laws of heaven and earth used by the prehistoric world are not the same as those used by the illusory universe.

Coming here, she must abide by the rules here.

Huh—? A surprised voice sounded, as if he didn't expect the woman in purple to escape.

Just when everyone was at a loss, there was another figure in the open space with a shua.

It was an old man with silver-white hair and beard. Although his face was wrinkled, his eyes were sharp and sharp, and his body was not stooped.

The old man stood there, forming a coercion of his own.

His gaze was extremely cold at the moment, so cold that everyone couldn't help shivering.

The ones with weaker cultivation even lay limp on the ground with a pale face.

Master?! Feng Linghan was stunned when he saw the old man.

Why is his master here at this time?

And hearing this title, the others were also shocked. Is this Feng Linghan's master?

Feng Yi was even more delighted: Senior!

Ever since Ling Han was accepted by the mysterious strong man, even he had never seen this mysterious strong man.

He just knew that he came from an overseas fairy mountain cave and was a fairy with extremely high strength.

Feng Yi heaved a sigh of relief, saying that there was a Shangxian who fell in love with Ming Yueqian, but this Shangxian never came out, but Ling Han's master was a solid overseas immortal.

He wanted to see how arrogant Ming Yueqian was?

This time, the old man is following... The old man raised his finger to point to the sky, and after a pause, he said, He came, and happened to be going to Dayin, so the old man also stopped by to see Ling Han you.

Feng Linghan's heart shuddered, he knew what his master meant.

Even his master came out with someone with a higher status.

His master does not have the strength to ascend to the Heavenly Court, he is just an overseas Sanxian, and the Heavenly Court has already ordered that the overseas Sanxian must not intervene in the affairs of the mortal world.

Therefore, in the mortal world, although Sanxian is powerful, he is also subject to many restrictions.

Let's have a good chat later, master and apprentice. The old man waved his hand, Now, let me solve the troubles in front of me.

As he said that, he turned around, glanced at Ming Yuesha who was almost unconscious, and then looked at the woman in purple, with a cold voice: You are so ruthless at such a young age, what are you doing with Jindan? Could it be that you want to be Demon?

As soon as these words came out, it can be said that it caused a lot of waves.

Golden elixir is useless to cultivators of immortals, only demon cultivators can refine golden elixir, so as to seize the power of others and grow themselves.

Therefore, immortal cultivators are extremely disgusted with demon cultivators.

On this point, Honghuang and Unreal Daqian are consistent.

Jun Muqian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and she never cared about her image: Never mind your business.

Hearing these four crisp words, everyone was dumbfounded.

Even if Ming Yueqian is a waste, she is also a lady trained by a big family, why is she acting like a bully now?

The old man's face darkened, and he scolded coldly: Is this how your parents taught you? Uneducated things!

No father and no mother. Jun Muqian looked lazy and his eyes were cold, You are not a thing.


Feng Linghan blurted out: Xiao Qian!

He is very aware of his master's temper, and he has a kind of master-student relationship with him, but he is also cruel to others, and he will not allow his dignity to be violated at all.

Sure enough, the old man's gaze was instantly cold, and his beard trembled with anger: What's your name? This old man doesn't kill unknown people.

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows: Oh, my name is the nameless person.

Everyone: ...

How evil! The old man shouted angrily, You have no father and no mother, so today this old man will come to be your father and mother, and teach you what it means to respect your teacher!

As soon as the words fell, the light on his body emerged.

It is light sky blue.



Everyone couldn't help but gasped, their faces showed fear and awe, and they couldn't help gloating a little bit.

All the earth immortals have come out, this is a real immortal, Ming Yueqian is dead now.

The emperor's face was very ugly. He didn't expect that the situation was completely out of his control when he was still in Dayin.

Jun Muqian's eyes darkened.

She has recovered her memory, and she has already understood the cultivation rules of the prehistoric world.

The ready-made golden elixir, then transformed into a nascent soul, followed by distraction, and then reunited, and then crossed the kalpa, and finally reached the Mahayana!

After the Mahayana period, one can ascend to immortality.

Earth Immortal is the lowest level of Immortal.

But in fact, the old man should not be regarded as an orthodox earth fairy.

Otherwise, he would not be able to enter Dayin at all.

Jun Muqian could guess that the old man should have not carried it through the tribulation period, and his physical body collapsed. Only the Nascent Soul escaped and reshaped his physical body.

Therefore, it is only loose immortals, whose strength is far inferior to that of earth immortals.

But right now, she really can't beat it.

Jun Mu slightly raised his eyes.

This is the old one who beat her up, and there is no old one behind bullying her?

Master! Feng Linghan's expression changed, Master, no!

Originally, he was sorry for Ming Yueqian, he almost killed her, and now she wants to return it, he has nothing to say.

Apprentice, you are too soft-hearted, how can you ascend? The old man frowned and scolded, but he still let go, For the sake of my apprentice, I spare your life, but the palm of this old man must be paid back for my apprentice.

There was no buffer time at all, he raised his hand suddenly and it was a palm.


It can be clearly seen that ripples appear in the air, and huge spiritual energy is flying, like layers of ocean waves, overlapping!

Swish -

The stones on the ground were also shattered into powder by Zhang Feng, and they stormed towards the woman in purple.

Jun Muqian's eyes were cold, she raised her eyes slightly to look at the old man, her face was calm, without any disturbance, and she didn't put this sharp palm in her eyes at all.

In the next second, she moved.


The violent sound fell, and a five-finger palm print suddenly appeared on the spot and was branded on the ground.

Clatter clatter——

The surrounding tree palaces couldn't withstand the blow of the earth fairy at all, but they collapsed inch by inch in an instant.

The emperor's heart was twitching and bleeding when he saw it.

However, no one was injured.

Jun Muqian had already moved to another place, with her right leg bent, and she was lazily standing with her arms folded.

Feng Linghan's expression changed suddenly, and his heart was full of turbulent waves.

Although his master didn't use all his strength in this palm, it was easy to kill a Nascent Soul Stage, and Ming Yueqian actually...

Very good, this talent is worthy of my apprentice. The old man's eyes narrowed, his face revealed a look of surprise, he suddenly smiled strangely, Junior, this old man will now give you a chance to redeem your sins.

Oh? Jun Muqian raised his brows, Atonement?

Did this old bastard stay overseas for too long and lose his mind?

That's right. The old man stroked his beard and said proudly, This old man is the elder of the Wangxian Sect on Penglai Mountain, and this apprentice of the old man is the successor of the next head of the Wangxian Sect.

The old man is looking for the daughter of my apprentice who is a double cultivator. In the future, both of you will be able to ascend to heaven. Your talent is not bad, and you are barely worthy of this old man's apprentice.

The old man put his hands behind his back, and said calmly, Take a look back at the fairy gate with this old man, and this old man will preside over the double cultivation ceremony for you, and all the previous things will be written off.

Hearing this sentence, Ming Yueya became excited first: Yes! Yes, quickly!

This is simply a good opportunity for his Mingyue family to soar into the sky!

The old man's eyes were sharp: How is it, junior?

Such a good thing, absolutely no one will refuse.

Of course, the next second he was slapped in the face.

Not much. Jun Muqian said lightly, I don't like your apprentice.

The old man's complexion sank, and the black clouds instantly covered him.

Ming Yueya yelled, and looked at the woman in purple in disbelief: Are you stupid?

I'm uneducated, and I don't know what to do! The old man's beard trembled, and the words were squeezed out between his teeth, I can't keep you!


The old man no longer listened to Feng Linghan's words, and used his hands this time.

He smiled coldly, disdainful: The gap between immortals and mortals, let you take a closer look today!


More ferocious energy exploded, pulling out the violent wind and hunting.

In the air, the aura instantly turned into a sharp blade, and when the cold light flickered, it seemed that it was about to pass straight through the chest of the purple-clothed woman!


A hand suddenly appeared in front of Jun Muqian.

In the wind, she was dressed in a crimson dress.

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