The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 928 Rong Qing: run away when pregnant? 【3 more】

Who would bathe in such a desolate place at this time?

Moreover, if you put your clothes here, aren't you afraid of being stolen?

As Jun Muqian thought about it, her eyes lit up as she looked at the scarlet robe.


The material of this dress is first-class at first glance, and it also has a fragrance. It must be some prince or nobleman. Even if she takes this dress away, it shouldn't be a big deal, right?

She just needs a piece of clothing to wear now, and she has no money on her body.

But it's still kind of immoral.

What if the owner of the clothes has nothing to wear after washing them?

However, since this person dares to take a bath here, he should not be afraid of being seen.

What's more, Dayin has clear rules, princes and nobles have followers when they go out, and they will not lack a piece of clothing.

Jun Muqian struggled for a while, but still stretched out her claws towards the folded scarlet clothes.

Two minutes later—

After she finished putting on her clothes, she found that it had grown a bit, and...

Men's clothing? Jun Muqian was a little surprised, she said to herself, That's right, which good woman would go to a mass grave to take a bath, isn't she waiting to be caught by bullies?

But even if he is a man, he is too insecure. What if he loses his innocence?

Fortunately, it was her who met her. She could only straighten clothes, but not pick flowers.

Jun Muqian looked at the clothes that dragged the floor, pinched his chin and evaluated: Wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, you have a good figure.


No, stop it, she just borrowed a piece of clothing to wear, and she couldn't have animal thoughts.

Beauty, I'm in a hurry today. I've offended you by lending you a piece of clothing. Please forgive me. Jun Muqian took off a leaf and carved words on it, If we meet each other by fate in the future, I will definitely make a promise with my body. Goodbye!

He decisively used his spiritual power to cut off the part of the clothes that had grown out, and as soon as the ground escape technique came out, the person slipped away.

In doing this kind of thing, she must not be able to let go of her feet.

Anyway, the owner of the clothes will not know who she is.

No loss no loss.

And just a few breaths after Jun Muqian slipped away, there was a rustling sound in the bushes.

The first thing exposed to the air is a pair of slender and well-proportioned legs, without any cover.

Not slender, not stout.

The radian of the lines is just right, and every inch is exquisitely carved.

The world is stunning.

If Jun Muqian could stay here a little longer, she would be able to see the wide shoulders and narrow waist she was talking about.

Not only that, but the man's figure was tall and straight, with a slender back and no strands of hair.

After deciding for two seconds, he bent down and picked up the leaf on the ground.

After reading the above words, with a move of his finger, the leaves turned into ashes and drifted away with the wind.

And in an instant, his perfect figure exposed to the air was completely hidden, and his intact crimson clothes fluttered slowly.

The man raised his head, looked at the direction in which the woman in purple was leaving, and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

In the next second, the figure also disappeared.


At this moment, at noon, in the capital.

The sun was high and the air was hot.

Because both the prime minister and the Minister of Rites reported that the immortal would come to watch this genius conference, the emperor paid more attention to it and set this genius conference directly in front of the palace.

Not everyone can participate in the Genius Conference, only those who have reached the seventh floor of the day after tomorrow can participate.

But this time there was an exception, because everyone saw that on the roster of the conference, Mingyue Qian, the trash of the Mingyue family who caused a sensation in the capital, was on the list!

On the second floor of the day after tomorrow, you can even participate in the genius conference?

Immediately, everyone hated Ming Yueqian even more.

I'm not strong enough, but I still have to occupy a spot, it's really shameless to the extreme.

At the beginning, Jiang Mo was the most beautiful woman and the most talented woman in the capital, so why is the only daughter of this virtue?

Among those present, apart from the emperor, only the prime minister and the Minister of Rites knew the whole story.

The prime minister wiped his sweat secretly, his hands were trembling.

He was born as a civil servant, but his cultivation level also has five levels of acquired.

He has already observed that Ming Yueqian, who was named and sexually wanted by the Shangxian, is undoubtedly the second floor of Houtian!

The strength of this kind of trash can't even pass the first round of the genius conference.

The prime minister couldn't understand at all, how could Ming Yueqian catch the eyes of that Shangxian, he looked left and right, and she couldn't compare to Mingyuesha by a single strand of hair.

Alas... The prime minister sighed a long time, leaned closer to the emperor and whispered, Your Majesty, it's time to draw lots.

En. The emperor responded majestically and gave an order, Start with Mingyue's family.

He was also very curious, what was there about Ming Yueqian that deserved a celestial being to come in person.

No one would have thought that Jun Muqian pretended to be the immortal himself.

Thank you, Your Majesty. Ming Yue Ya bowed and saluted, and winked at Ming Yue Fei, Fei'er, you go first.

Everything has been arranged, and he wants Mingyue Qian to die in the first game.

Yes, Daddy. Ming Yue Fei happily ran forward, and according to Ming Yue Ya's previous instructions, drew the second lottery on the left.

The eunuch waiting at the side took it, unfolded it to take a look, was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he shouted: Mingyuefei is to Mingyueqian—


Everyone was in an uproar, and looked at a thin girl beside Ming Yuesha with some pity.

This Mingyueqian's luck is too bad, isn't it, the first round is coming?

Although it is a death anyway, it is really a round of death now.

Hahahaha, Ling Han, it seems that we don't need to take action. Feng Yi was extremely happy, his eyes flickering, Mingyue's house is going to clean up the house.

Hearing this, Feng Linghan looked up, and when his eyes fell on the thin girl, he frowned: Father, is the Mingyue family going to be so ruthless?

After all, Ming Yueqian is still Ming Yueya's own daughter!

Ling Han, you're going to ascend in the future, so you don't have much contact with him. Feng Yi disagreed, What do you call ruthless? This is called being selective.

Otherwise, will Ming Yue Ya allow Ming Yue Qian to discredit Ming Yue's family?

Feng Linghan didn't say a word, just watched lightly.

Mingyue Qian, come up quickly. Mingyuefei walked up to the competition stage, raised her chin proudly, Hurry up, you are not afraid, are you?

She is very comfortable now, although she can't kill Ming Yueqian herself, but this person pretending to be Ming Yueqian is also a concubine she hates so much, killing her will make her happy.

The thin girl trembled again, and walked up extremely unwillingly, with tears in her eyes, trembling like a flower about to wither in the wind.

Mingyueqian, I'm most annoyed by your appearance! Seeing this, Mingyuefei snorted coldly, Aren't you showing such aggrieved appearance to Brother Ling Han? Have you forgotten what you did in private? What kind of face?

She laughed contemptuously: Seduce big brother, and adulterer, shameless, do you think you can win brother Ling Han's sympathy by doing this?

After listening to this, everyone suddenly realized.

If it wasn't for Mingyue Fei's reminder, they would have forgotten that it was such a thin girl who did something that shamed the Nine Clans.

Really can pretend!

Everyone despises her, now she pretends to be wronged, what did she do earlier?

Brother Ling Han is a gentleman, and he couldn't bear to resign, but you hurt him again and again, and your father broke his heart for you, but you are still stubborn. Mingyue Fei's eyes flashed coldly, Now, I will remove the scourge of you for the Mingyue family!

Before she finished speaking, she had already rushed out, so fast that no one else had time to stop her.

Mingyue Fei clenched her palms into claws, pressing straight to the thin girl's throat.

The eighth floor of the day after tomorrow versus the second floor of the day after tomorrow, the result will not have any suspense at all.


The thin girl stared at Ming Yue Fei, blood soon oozed from her mouth, and she fell down slowly.

After a few seconds, there was no breath.

I won. Ming Yuefei took out a handkerchief and wiped her hands with some disgust, then turned around and saluted reservedly, Uncle Prime Minister, please announce the result.

However, what made her a little puzzled was that the prime minister seemed to have seen something horrific, trembling all over, his eyes glaring.

He raised his hand and pointed at Mingyue Fei, unable to say a word.

The Minister of Rites beside him was also pale, and his clothes were soaked in cold sweat.

There are only two words constantly circling in the minds of the two of them——

It's over... It's over!

Is the Mingyue family a family of idiots?

The people whom the Shangxian called for, they actually killed them just like that?

Now that the person is gone, how should they explain to the immortals?

The emperor was also shocked by this too fast scene, he couldn't believe it, his heart stopped beating when he looked at the girl who couldn't die anymore on the competition platform.

However, Ming Yuefei still couldn't understand their reaction, so she smiled embarrassedly: Uncle Prime Minister, I admit that I have made great progress, so you don't have to be so surprised, right?

Could it be that because of Ming Yueqian's notoriety, even the emperor can't stand it?

That's why he was so excited after seeing her kill Ming Yueqian?

It must be so.

Mingyuefei's mood became more comfortable, and she couldn't wait to ask for a reward.

Look, how powerful she is, she has removed a disaster for Dayin.

And this sentence almost made the prime minister faint from anger, he slumped on the chair, foaming at the mouth.

It's over, it's over.

After all, the emperor has been in a high position for a long time, and now he can barely recover a bit.

He took a deep breath, slapped the table, and roared angrily: Everyone in the Mingyue family, take them down!

Now, I'll kill them all!

His Holiness: Didn't expect that?

Rong Qing: A woman who is always in chaos and always abandons

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