The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 919 It's Your Father! Black and white impermanence【1 more】

As soon as the words came out——

Suddenly, there was silence.


In the entire hall, it was so quiet that the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.

But Jun Muqian didn't seem to realize how shocking she said, so she leaned on the back of the chair with cold and indifferent eyes.

Everyone who was swept away felt that their blood was frozen.

Mingyue Sha frowned, doubts gradually arose in her eyes.

In the past, she was a concubine, and Ming Yueqian was a concubine. Until the two of them lost their positions, they still didn't have much contact, but it was only for her to look down on Mingyueqian.

But she remembered that Ming Yueqian had always been shy and cowardly.

Why did you run away from home and change your sex?

Is it stern and soft-hearted, or is it a desperate attempt after knowing that he will die tomorrow?

Ming Yuesha drooped her eyes, the look at the bottom of her eyes was dark and unclear, and she was a little more thoughtful.

Ming Yuesha was still calm, but Ming Yueya was stunned, he looked at the woman in purple in disbelief: What did you say?!

Please, I'll go. Jun Muqian yawned lazily, and said lightly, Otherwise, we won't talk about it.

Mingyue Qian! You, you... Ming Yueya was shocked and furious, Do you know what you are talking about?

I know. Jun Muqian tilted his head, and chuckled, I'm a second-floor Houtian, so going to the Genius Conference means dying? I'm not a fool, I have to die.

Hearing this sentence, Ming Yuesha breathed a sigh of relief, and laughed secretly that she was thinking too much.

Ming Yueya was even more angry, his chest was heaving heavily: Your life alone, for the entire Mingyue family, are you not satisfied?

Oh— Jun Muqian slightly curled his lips, and drew out his tone, So in the eyes of General Mingyue, I, an orphan who has lost my mother, can be abandoned at will.

A light sentence, in front of everyone, exposed Ming Yueya's most unbearable thoughts.

He is the head of the family, and everyone respects him. How has he ever received such a responsibility?

Shut up! Ming Yueya was furious, picked up the teacup on the table, and slammed it at the heart of the woman in purple.

Jun Muqian's eyes turned cold, she didn't even look at it, and let the teacup hit her.

Almost at the same time, traces of blood flowed down from her lips, staining the skirt of her clothes.

Ming Yueya was born as a military commander, and his cultivation is also at the late Jindan stage.

It's just that his mediocre talent doomed him to be unable to break through again, and he stopped here for life.

He used 30% of his strength to smash it, and he wanted her life at all.

If she is really only the second floor of Houtian, she doesn't have a powerful primordial spirit.

It's a pity that she is really back now.

No one can hurt her again.

The light in Jun Muqian's eyes was faint, and the power of the primordial spirit surged again, and his complexion turned pale in an instant, almost bloodless, indistinguishable from a seriously injured person.

The blood left drop by drop, bright red and dazzling.

She sat there, her body precarious, as if she might fall down at any moment.


What kind of thin body is that?

Ming Yueya widened her eyes in surprise, as if she didn't expect such a scene to happen.

He was stunned for a long time before he remembered that his third daughter was only on the second floor of Houtian.

He could kill her with just a single throw.

But it's okay, it's just a serious injury.

Ming Yueya breathed a sigh of relief, he really wanted Ming Yueqian to die, but he definitely couldn't die by his hands.

Otherwise, not only the Jiang family will be held accountable, but he will also bear the name of murdering a daughter, and the Mingyue family will definitely be hindered in the future.

Rebellious girl, it's really getting worse and worse to run away from home. Ming Yueya reprimanded coldly, Hurry up and go back to rest, and go to the genius conference early tomorrow morning.

Fortunately, starting tomorrow, he will never have to see this disobedient woman again.

Jun Muqian sat there without moving, just staring at him fixedly, her peach blossom eyes were exceptionally dark and clear.

Ming Yueya felt angry and guilty when he saw this look, he then scolded: What kind of look is that?!

Daddy, don't be angry. Ming Yuesha finally put down her teacup, and hastily patted him on the back, Xiaoqian is only on the second floor of Houtian, so it's understandable that she doesn't want to die. I still have a second-grade purple jade pill with me. After Xiaoqian takes it, at least one life can be saved, so I'll go get it right away.

Ming Yueya sneered: Purple Jade Pill? Is she worthy?

Big sister! Mingyue Fei cried out, Why don't you give me Ziyu Dan, if you give it to me, maybe I can break through to Xiantian.

I'll give it to you when Eldest Sister gets it later. Ming Yuesha gently patted her head, Now Xiaoqian is more important, Fei'er, don't make trouble.

Mingyuefei snorted unhappily, and gave the woman in purple a hard look.

What are you doing sitting there? Ming Yueya found that as long as he faced his third daughter, he couldn't suppress his anger, If you don't go with Sha'er to get it, is it possible to wait for Sha'er to come to you?

He somewhat regretted why he did it just now, wasting a Purple Jade Pill for nothing.

The second-grade elixir was sold in Dayin, and each one sold for 10,000 taels of silver, enough for the entire Mingyue family for a year.

Daddy, stop talking. Ming Yuesha could clearly feel that the breath of the woman in purple was gradually weakening, Xiaoqian will participate in the genius conference tomorrow.

Only then did Ming Yue Ya reluctantly respond: Then let your maidservant fetch the Purple Jade Pill.

Yes, Daddy. Ming Yuesha waved to the maid beside her.

Within a few minutes, the maid presented a wooden box.

Xiao Qian, what's in it is the Purple Jade Pill. Ming Yuesha stood up and walked over with the wooden box, her voice was gentle, Take it as soon as possible.

Jun Muqian just nestled on the chair, although her complexion was pale, she pulled the corners of her lips and smiled.

Still two words.

beg me.

Ming Yuesha's expression changed instantly, she frowned: Xiao Qian, what are you messing around with?

Okay, Sha'er, come back! Ming Yueya shouted angrily, Since she doesn't know what is good, then don't give it to her, and let her go to the genius conference like this!

Ming Yuesha did not leave, she advised her patiently: Xiao Qian, don't be petty, please? Eldest sister knows that you have resentment in your heart, but this is an order from the Holy Majesty, and no one can refuse it.

Could it be that it was really just for desperate resistance?

Jun Muqian still smiled, she raised her eyes lightly: So?

Ming Yuesha felt a little disgusted.

She stood there, her eyes gradually turned cold.

The sacred purpose was beyond her expectations, but it didn't mean things were out of her control.

It was with great difficulty that she helped her mother to the position of wife, and she became a daughter-in-law. The future is smooth.

It must not be destroyed by Ming Yueqian!

Sister understands. Ming Yuesha sighed softly, and returned to her seat holding the wooden box with a lonely expression.

Her eyes drooped and she couldn't see any color clearly.

Why not! Seeing his most beloved daughter being so humiliated, Ming Yueya burst into anger, he raised his palm suddenly, Believe it or not, I'll kill you!

Then let's die. Jun Muqian coughed weakly, and the smile on his lips deepened, It just so happens that our family is reunited in the Palace of the King of Hell.

She raised her head, her eyes swept over every member of the Mingyue family present, and she tilted her head: You, you, you, and you, you are all going to die.

The smiling voice was extremely pleasant, but it made everyone feel fear.

However, Jun Muqian said again at this moment: It's all because General Mingyue wants to kill me.


Brother, big brother, think twice...Think twice! The other rooms panicked, The emperor must know that we have found our niece, and we are just waiting for tomorrow's genius meeting.

If you kill your niece at this time, we can't escape.

Yes, brother, if you are angry, you can't take it out on your niece. Erfang said, and then said to the woman in purple, Third niece, second uncle is begging you here, the lives of our Mingyue family are all in your hands .”

The other rooms also stopped pretending to be noble, and became humble.

However, Jun Mu didn't even care about it, she kept looking at Ming Yueya: Please.

Ming Yueya's veins throbbed violently at his temples, his eyes protruded, and he gritted his teeth: Mingyue Qian, don't be presumptuous!

Brother! The other rooms kept winking, Be soft first, let's talk about it later.

That's right, brother, you can't put our Mingyue family on fire, the emperor blamed it, how can we face our ancestors?

One sentence made Ming Yueya feel aggrieved, his eyes were red with anger, and he couldn't speak a word out of breath.

He glared at the woman in purple angrily, unwilling to give in no matter what.

He is her father!

When a woman is at home, she should obey her husband in everything.

Jun Muqian was still propping up her elbows, but her ears moved suddenly, and she heard a slight rustling sound, like iron chains rubbing against each other.

She turned her gaze, and immediately froze.

I saw two figures, one black and one white, walking slowly, directly... passing through the wall!

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