The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 917 Rong Qing: Becoming a father? Face slapping begins【2 more】

When she smiled, it was like a pool of clear water flowing slowly, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Sha'er, you're confused! Ming Yueya's complexion became even darker, When is it, you still treat this disobedient girl as your younger sister? She doesn't regard you as her older sister.

As he said that, he snorted coldly: If she really regarded you as her sister, she should have known your intentions long ago, please come down, and give you the position of the young lady of the Feng family.

Ming Yueya doesn't like Ming Yueqian, the third daughter, not only can't cultivate, but also has a weak temper.

Occupying one of the most honorable positions in the Dayin dynasty, but not being able to give him any help, is really useless!

And Ming Yueqian's mother who died early, Jiang Mo.

If it weren't for the family's pressure on him at that time, he would never have married her.

I thought that when she died, he could completely get rid of control and take power.

But Ming Yueya never expected that he still miscalculated one thing, that is Ming Yueqian and Feng Linghan's marriage.

As the descendants of Emperor Fuxi, the Feng family is the strongest.

The Mingyue family is just a family that has risen within a hundred years, and it is still relying on an unconfirmed angel, so it is no match for the Feng family.

In this way, Ming Yueqian couldn't move, he could only loathe him even more.

Why is Daddy so angry? Ming Yuesha reassured, Sister Qian is only eighteen, still young, and it's normal for some things to be wrong.

She frowned in embarrassment: Besides, Ling Han is Sister Qian's fiancé in the first place. Dad, if you say this kind of thing, if it gets out, you're forcing me to be unrighteous.

Hearing this sentence, Ming Yueya was startled, and then breathed a sigh of relief: It's because Dad didn't think carefully, Sha'er, it's lucky to have you, otherwise Dad would have offended a group of colleagues.

Ming Yueya didn't want to admit that he was able to take charge of the entire Mingyue family temporarily because of Jiang Mo.

In terms of talent and strength, he is much worse than the others. Fortunately, he has his proud eldest daughter to take care of him.

Daddy's absurd. Ming Yuesha smiled, It's my duty to help Daddy.

Sha'er is still smart. Ming Yueya stroked his beard and smiled heartily, In this way, even if the Feng family is held accountable, Ming Yue's family will not be involved.

The eldest son on the left and right was also born of Jiang Mo, he was disgusted to see it, but it's a pity that he couldn't kill two birds with one stone this time.

Ming Yuesha took a sip of tea, lowered her eyes for a while: Daddy, but the Jiang family...

Although her mother is already the mistress of the Mingyue family, there is no big family or other background behind her.

Even though Jiang Mo's family was the weakest of the four major families, they were descendants of the Emperor Shennong.

There have always been rumors in Dayin that there is a treasure left by the emperor Shennong in the Jiang family, which can influence the world.

Because of this rumor, the emperor was afraid of the Jiang family, but at the same time had to keep wooing them.

The Jiang family... Ming Yueya's eyes changed, and he said coldly, You don't need to worry about them, Sha'er, Jiang Mo is already dead, so what can they do?

Ming Yuesha tilted her head, showing an obedient smile: Then I'll thank Daddy here first.

Sha'er, remember, you must make sure of tomorrow's genius meeting. Ming Yueya warned again, You have to choose that fairy.

Ming Yuesha smiled brightly: Yes, Daddy.


In the inn——

After Jun Muqian ran the Nine Revolutions of Good Fortune for hundreds of cycles, he slowly stopped practicing.

Opening her eyes, she also entered the sea of ​​primordial spirits again, and found that the group of small primordial spirits were still the same, neither growing nor increasing.

Alas... Jun Muqian sighed, What should I do?

The little beauty is hidden in her primordial spirit, and now her disadvantages are also revealed.

Like falling asleep, not moving at all, only know to eat and eat.

But after eating it, there was no change, so she didn't even feel like she had a baby in her pocket.

Could it be that the little beauty will spend her whole life in the sea of ​​primordial spirit?

Jun Muqian was thinking about it when there was a knock on the closed door.

Tuk tuk.


Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, and looked directly through the door with the power of Yuanshen, and found two old men who looked like ministers standing outside the door.

Is it someone from the palace?

There was confusion in her eyes, she wouldn't attract the emperor's attention, would she?

There was no response for a long time, and the prime minister who came and Shangshu from the Ministry of Rites looked at each other, a little at a loss.

Didn't the high priest say that the immortal is here?

Yes, but why didn't you respond?

Maybe he has already left?

Impossible, probably just went out, we are here waiting for the fairy to come back.

Well, let's think again about how to invite the immortal to the palace.


Hearing such a conversation, Jun Muqian changed his mind for a while, and then he understood.

It seems that the movement of her feeding the little beauty last night was regarded as a fairy descending to Dayin.

Even the high priest of Dayin thinks so?

This is a beautiful misunderstanding.

The high priest is the person with the highest cultivation level in Dayin's dynasty, and also inherited part of the power of heaven.

In addition to protecting the country, the high priest has another role, which is to allow the heavens to firmly control the affairs of the mortal world.

The current High Priest of Protecting the Nation should be about nine hundred years old, and his cultivation base is in the period of crossing the catastrophe, only one step away from the immortal.

Jun Muqian's eyes moved, and his lips curled up.

In the next second, the door opened automatically.

The prime minister and the Minister of Rites outside the door were startled and almost fell down.

They stared blankly at the wide open door, a little dazed.

Until a cold voice sounded, with supreme majesty: Didn't you come to find Ben Shangxian?

It was found out!

The prime minister glanced at the Minister of Rites in horror, and the two of them almost supported each other before walking away with trembling legs.

As soon as I entered, I heard a bang, and the door was closed again.

The prime minister trembled again in fright, knelt down and shouted in shock: Immortal, spare your life, spare your life.

The Minister of Rites also turned pale and trembled all over.

Jun Muqian's expression was light: Raise your head.

The prime minister and the Minister of Rites were excited and immediately looked up.

When they looked up, they stayed again.

A slender fairy in white clothes sat on the bed, surrounded by mist.

When the Prime Minister and the Minister of Rites found that they couldn't see the appearance of the white-clothed immortal at all, they became more certain in their hearts.

Absolutely a fairy!

Only immortals can possess such spells.

I, I... No, villain, the villain is Prime Minister Dayin. The prime minister clattered and knelt down again, I greet the immortal, long live the immortal.

The Minister of Rites hurriedly followed suit.

Jun Muqian looked at the two kneeling on the ground with great interest, and said slowly, Is there something to do with Ben Shangxian?

Still immortal!

Hearing this sentence, the prime minister and the Minister of Rites were both shocked.

Although the mortal world is not qualified to know the affairs of the heavenly court, Dayin is also connected with the heavenly court.

To achieve their official positions, they all vaguely know the ranks of those immortals in the heavenly court.

Shangxian, that can enter the Lingxiao Palace!

They Dayin, a Shangxian came!

The two old ministers were almost weeping with joy, and hurriedly bowed again: I wonder if it is possible to invite Shangxian to the palace. His Majesty has set up a banquet tomorrow evening, just waiting for Shangxian to visit.

Oh? Jun Muqian curled his lips, It's been a long time for the Immortal to come down to earth, just to invite the Immortal to eat the food in your world?

No, no, no... dare not! The prime minister was so frightened that his heart almost stopped beating, Da Yin is willing to do anything for Shangxian.

If one offends a Shangxian, the whole Dayin will be destroyed.

That's it... Jun Muqian seemed to ponder for a moment, and then said lightly, I came to Dayin to find someone. If you can help me find this person, I will give it to you. A promise.

The prime minister suddenly raised his head, his eyes were burning: May I ask who the Shangxian is looking for?

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, and said slowly: I am looking for a woman named Mingyue, I don't know where she is now?

Looking for Mingyueqian?

The two were stunned.

Jun Muqian said again: This Mingyueqian has a good talent, and Ben Shangxian wants to take her as a disciple.

In a word, both the prime minister and the Minister of Rites were shocked.

Is Ming Yueqian talented?

What a shocking joke this is!

Shang, Shangxian... The Prime Minister hesitated for a while before asking cautiously, Could you have misidentified the person? If it belongs to Mingyue's family, it should be called Mingyuesha.

The Minister of Rites also eagerly said: Or, or Mingyue Fei can, can.

Huh? Jun Muqian's eyes sharpened sharply, and he sneered, You mean that the immortal's memory is wrong?

After saying that, he got up abruptly, and said coldly, In that case, I am going to find my disciple by myself.

No, no, no! The prime minister was crying anxiously, and he kowtowed repeatedly, Look for it! The villain will look for it now!

Then hurry up. Jun Mu glanced at him lightly, Tomorrow's genius meeting, Ben Shangxian will go to see it, if you don't see me, this disciple...

After a pause in his tone, the meaning of killing suddenly emerged: This place will also change the dynasty.


When the prime minister and the Minister of Rites fled the inn in a frenzy, their clothes were soaked through.

But they didn't dare to be negligent, and hurried into the palace to ask the emperor for an imperial edict.

That night, Mingyue's family received the imperial edict.

Ming Yueya's face turned livid immediately.

Little Beauty: (curious) What did Daddy eat?

Rong Qing: (calmly) Your mother

Jun Muqian: ...


There is another update~ The plot has been slow recently, so I will squeeze in time to write more~

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