The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 908 Forgot? Junior sister is back! 【1 more】


As soon as she regained consciousness, she felt a sharp pain in her head, as if being run over by an axle, a bone-piercing pain.

Jun Muqian tried her best to raise her hand and pressed her temple.

It was as if he had been beaten up, and his whole body hurt.

Does she have to suffer this kind of sin every time she is reborn?

Her vision was still a little blurry, but Jun Muqian could still see clearly that someone was looking at her.

The man's tone was worried, but he was relieved when he listened carefully: Little brother, are you awake?

Well, I'm awake, I... Jun Muqian was about to thank her, but her expression froze suddenly.


Little brother? !

This person calls her little brother? ! !

Her incarnation on Honghuang's side is a man?

Jun Mu was stunned, his eyes were a little dazed.

Little brother, are you okay? The person in front of her was still concerned about her, and tried to persuade her, You have been seriously injured, it is not easy to wake up, you must have a good rest.

Jun Muqian said nothing, suddenly seemed to think of something, turned around abruptly, and bent down.

Hands, almost trembling, caressed up.

When he felt that he was still a real daughter, Jun Muqian let out a long breath, wiped the sweat from his head, and felt relieved.

Fortunately, it's still there, just a little flat.

Once it was wrapped, it became flatter, as if it was nothing, no wonder she didn't even feel it unless she checked it carefully.


Jun Muqian was a little worried, she pressed the center of her eyebrows, and couldn't relax for a long time.

It shouldn't be, they are all her incarnations, how come one is better than the other?

Forget it, it's not impossible to grow in the future.

However, what happened to she here, who chose to disguise herself as a man?

Little brother? The person who rescued her was confused by her sudden movement, Little brother, are you alright?

It's okay. Jun Muqian's vision was completely clear now, she supported the ground, and stood up with some difficulty, Thank you for saving your life.

She looked up and saw the scenery in front of her clearly.

This is a forest path, and there is no end in sight at a glance.

And standing in front of her on the left were two people, both dressed in plain robes, without any ornaments, they were not from wealthy families at first glance.

Seeing her reply, before the worried man could speak, the other man had already sarcastically said, Of course I'm fine, I guess I don't want to see you, or I'll just turn around when I wake up, probably I don't want to accept your kindness at all, it's a waste of time!

Hearing this, no matter how good-tempered the man was, he was also annoyed: Jiang Wenhao, can you say a few words less?

Hmph! Jiang Wenhao sneered, but still sarcastically said, Ji Xuanqing, I think you have a lot of sympathy. You have to save every beggar you meet on the roadside. You are so indecisive. No wonder the Ji family doesn't want to recognize you.

When Ji Xuanqing heard this, anger appeared in his eyes, and his fingers were tightly clenched into fists.

He moved his lips, wanting to say something, but in the end he was silent.

After all, there is nothing wrong with these words.

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, ignored Jiang Wenhao, and smiled at Ji Xuanqing: Dare to ask Your Excellency, where is this place?

Jiang Wenhao sneered coldly: You don't even know where this is, and your mind is broken once you're in a coma?

Jiang Wenhao! Ji Xuanqing was completely irritated, Just say one more word, and you won't even think about entering the imperial capital this time!

You... Jiang Wenhao's face changed suddenly, and he held back, he finally mocked, I'll just watch how you ruin your bright and smooth path.

With a flick of his sleeve, he walked to the other side.

I made my little brother laugh. Ji Xuanqing said with a little apology, This is a very remote road leading to the imperial capital, and no one else will take it, because there are many dangers, and there is a possibility of encountering evil spirits. How did the little brother come here? here?

Imperial capital?

Jun Muqian thought for a while, and dug out the memory about this place in his mind, but he couldn't find it.

This time, she didn't inherit the memory?

It's a little tricky.

She looked at her hands, and found that there were no calluses on them, and they were more delicate than her previous two bodies.

But because of this, just a little scar will stay for a long time.

I forgot too... Jun Muqian was silent for a moment before saying, I don't even remember how I got out.

Ji Xuanqing had no doubts, she nodded: Little brother suffered a brain injury, which may lead to memory loss. Although I'm not sure, I suspect that the little brother was hunted down to this point.

Saying this, he was also very puzzled in his heart, and there was a bit of pity in his eyes.

This little brother didn't even arrive at the third floor of the day after tomorrow, but he was injured almost to death. Who could be so cruel?

Your Excellency said that, I seem to have a little memory. Jun Muqian rubbed his head, I still want to ask Your Excellency again, what time is it now?

Ji Xuanqing looked up at the sky: It's already noon, little brother, do you want to go to the front for dinner together?

Cough cough cough... Jun Muqian coughed, What I want to ask is, what year is it now, and what dynasty is it?

Huh? Ji Xuanqing was stunned, and he said, Little brother, you...

Your Excellency, to be honest, my brain may really be broken. Jun Muqian looked serious, and his tone was so serious that he couldn't doubt it, Now, I only remember my name.

So that's how it is. Ji Xuanqing sighed, Little brother is really suffering. It is the 83rd year of Dayin, July 15th.

Thank you for letting me know. Jun Muqian clasped his fists and asked again, Is this the way to go to the imperial capital?

Little brother is going to the imperial capital too? Ji Xuanqing was surprised, and immediately invited, Brother Jiang and I are going too, how about going together?

After a pause, he persuaded again: Little brother, your cultivation is only at the second level of Houtian, I'm afraid you won't be able to reach the imperial capital by yourself.

Jun Muqian thought about it, then smiled and replied, Then thank you very much.

She came to Honghuang for the first time, and she had no memory, and was unfamiliar with the place, so it was really inconvenient for her to be alone.

But what level is the second floor of the day after tomorrow?

As it sounds, it seems weak.

It seemed that she needed a set of words when she was on the road.

Just call me Xuanqing. Ji Xuanqing was very straightforward, Haven't you asked my little brother's name?

Without even thinking about it, Jun Muqian said, My surname is Rong, and my single name is Mu.

Rong? Ji Xuanqing frowned and said to himself, It seems that I have never heard of such a family.

Brother Xuan Qing laughed. Jun Mu smiled faintly, Where do I have any family, it's just a family from all over the world.

Hearing this, Ji Xuanqing glanced at the young man, but hesitated to speak.

Although the clothes have become tattered, it is not difficult to see that they are high-quality silks and satins, which are only available in the imperial capital.

It's the same person who has fallen into the sky. Ji Xuanqing didn't ask any more questions, It's getting late, little brother, let's go.

He turned his head and called out to Jiang Wenhao again: Wenhao, let's go.

Although Jiang Wenhao stood far away, he also heard the conversation between the two. He was very dissatisfied: Do you really want to take him?

Save people to the end. Ji Xuanqing's attitude was unusually tough, And it's me who saves, and it has nothing to do with you.

Jiang Wenhao choked for a moment, and said angrily: It's up to you!

Little brother, take this elixir first. Ji Xuanqing shook his head helplessly, and took out an elixir from his jacket, Although the quality is not very high, it can still heal your injury.

Thank you, Brother Xuanqing. Jun Muqian took it, his eyes moved slightly, I will remember the favor of Brother Xuanqing.

Ji Xuanqing smiled, but didn't take this sentence to heart.

Therefore, he didn't know how great this favor would be in the future, and what kind of terrifying existence would be created because of it.

Jiang Wenhao, who was walking in front, became impatient: Hurry up, when this goes on, when will we be able to reach the imperial capital?

After Jun Muqian took the pill, he followed slowly.


At the same time, a place independent of the Three Realms——

This is a very hidden mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist.

In a wooden house in the mountain, a person is meditating on a futon.

But suddenly!


As if he felt something, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a strong light burst out from them.

After pinching his fingers for a round, this person couldn't believe it at first, and then he laughed out loud, heartily: Hahahaha——

Junior Sister is back, she is finally back, I must tell all my senior brothers the news.

He smiled, and disappeared from the room in a flash.

Big brother.

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