The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 897: Overwhelmingly Strong! The first son of Yuanfeng! 【1 more】

Two words, like a sledgehammer hitting the head of the person, his face turned pale in an instant, he was frightened.

He looked at the woman in purple in horror, unable to believe it at all.

No, it's impossible, haven't you...already ascended?

How could it be possible to reappear in Huaxu Continent again!

Already the Supreme, Nan Ming knows very well that once the power exceeds the limit of this plane, unless he reaches the level of returning to nature, that is, reaching the level of the strong, he will not be able to enter the lower plane.

Forcible entry will only lead to the collapse of the lower plane.

Nan Ming was shocked, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead: Are you already a powerful person?

How many days have passed? !

That's right, I also know about the powerful ones. Jun Muqian smiled slightly, I'm still wondering why I didn't see you in the Hongmeng Palace back then. It turns out that you came to the Huaxu Continent.

She raised her eyebrows: However, you are really cruel enough to leave all your grandsons in Hongmeng Palace.

Where did Nan Ming have the guts to speak, his legs were trembling, and he was about to turn around and run away.

But even if he is the strongest supreme level in the Lingxuan world, in the eyes of the strong in the general plane, he is still vulnerable!

Jun Muqian didn't need to use his hands at all, and only relied on the coercion radiated to control Nanming.

Fortunately, only one wisp was emitted, otherwise Nan Ming might die on the spot!

Jun Muqian's eyes deepened, and he exerted force with his hands.

With a click, the throat bone broke, and the woman stared, unwilling to die.

She glanced at Nan Ming who was trembling, and her figure moved.

The time from disappearing in place to reappearing is less than one-fifth of a second.

Lou Xingxun, who was only feeling dizzy for a while, managed to stabilize his body. When he saw the face of the woman in purple in front of him clearly, he was shocked: Ms. Mu?!

Don't talk. Jun Muqian flexed his fingers, and a very thin wisp of spiritual power swung out, covering Lou Xingxun.

In an instant, all the large and small injuries on Lou Xingxun's body recovered.

He even clearly felt that his dantian was working fast.

Lou Xingxun was stunned there, his eyes were a little dull for the first time.

Jun Muqian raised his brows: I saved you for the second time, prepare the treasury.

Lou Xingxun managed to recover from the shock: Miss Mu, you are not...

Go to your master. Jun Muqian interrupted him, Now is not a good time to reminisce about the old days.

Lou Xingxun swallowed the words Have you gone to Wanling yet?, and looked at Nan Ming who was lying there in surprise, and his heart skipped a beat.

At the beginning, it was Nan Ming who took him away from the thousands of soldiers and horses, and he knew clearly that this was a supreme being.

But now, Supreme is kneeling in front of her!

What kind of strength is this? !

In just a few minutes, the ideas of the two masters and apprentices coincided with each other.

Okay. Jun Muqian looked at Nanming coldly, Tell me what happened in the past few days, one by one!

Your Highness, I, I don't know anything! Nan Ming regretted very much, I came to Huaxu Continent long before Mount Sumeru and Wanling Continent merged, and I don't know anything about Wanling Continent. !

He came to Huaxu Continent secretly, even the Palace Master Hongmeng didn't know about it.

And the tens of days of Kung Fu in Huaxu Continent completely made him unable to think about leaving.

Unexpectedly, this world of mortals is much more comfortable than the world of swords and swords.

Everyone listened to him, feared him, and presented all of Huaxu's best genius treasures to him.

Such a happy life is completely incomparable in Hongmeng Palace.

Therefore, even knowing that the Wanling Continent disappeared suddenly, Nan Ming didn't take it seriously, and even rejoiced that he came to the Huaxu Continent early.

I don't know? Jun Mu smiled softly, You Hongmeng Palace and Honghuang people have been involved for so long, and you are the Supreme Being of Heaven, so you really don't know anything?

Your Highness... No! Your Excellency! Nan Ming kowtowed frantically, his blood was clearly visible, I really don't know, everything was done by the Master of the Hongmeng Palace himself. Forgive me!

Dozens of days of extravagance have polished off his temper, so there is no trace of majesty in him.

In that case, you are useless. Jun Muqian nodded lightly, and raised his fingers.

Spiritual power then emerged.

Seeing that he was about to take Nan Ming's life, he suddenly exclaimed: No, no, no! My lord, I remembered, I remembered!

Jun Muqian did not withdraw her coercion, and kept her brows still: One minute.

Just, just last night! Nan Ming was sweating profusely, I wanted to go to the Wanling Continent to take a look, but I didn't expect that after I climbed to the heaven rank, I couldn't enter the Wanling Continent, but I am still a supreme being. You can’t go up, but you can see it.”

He couldn't express the pain in his heart, and it was even more desolate.

He is the Supreme Being of Heaven, the pinnacle representative of the Lingxuan world, but now he is nothing more than an ant.

Jun Mu's eyes deepened: What did you see?

I saw the entire Ten Thousand Souls Continent rising continuously, the ground cracked, and the mountains and rivers collapsed. Nan Ming almost used all his strength to say this sentence, Countless creatures are fleeing everywhere, but they can only Being strangled by Gangfeng, many people died, and there were not many people left.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian's expression suddenly changed: A lot of people?!

Yes, yes, Your Highness, I absolutely dare not lie to you, because I still know some people. Nan Ming panicked and stammered, The protoss, at least half of the protoss are dead, even, even the elder Zhenzhi is dead , As for Junshang and Yunyi... I haven't seen them, and I don't know how they are doing.

Elder Zhenzhi... Jun Muqian closed his eyes, surprisingly calm, Where is Dongsheng Shenzhou?

Dong and Dongsheng Shenzhou were the first to collapse. The human race is weak, and the seven major families... Nan Ming swallowed, and said with difficulty, No one remained.

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly!


The dormitory collapsed in an instant.

No, it didn't simply collapse, but turned into nothingness!

An extremely violent aura instantly enveloped the entire Huaxu Continent!

For a moment, all the creatures in Hua Xu felt the fear and panic from the bottom of their hearts.

In the western desert, the Beast Venerable, who became the ruler after Yu Hen's death, was frightened back to his original form.

No one knew what happened, Jun Muqian's eyelashes drooped, and he was so calm that people were scared: It's all gone?

Nan Ming was so frightened that he was speechless, he hurriedly said: Your Highness, Dongsheng Shenzhou was gone when I went, I didn't see the whole process, maybe there are still people alive!

He seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly blurted out: Yes, it is Your Highness, your brother, Your Highness, I saw His Highness Mu Ying, he is alive, he must be alive!

But there was one sentence that Nan Ming didn't dare to say.

Because when he saw Mu Ying, he also felt a coercion from ancient times, which made him unable to even raise his head.

But he still caught sight of the young man standing alone in the black sky,

Clear, unlike Mu Ying.

It is true that Mu Ying was also frivolous and uninhibited, but at that time, what he revealed on his body was a majesty that looked down on the world.

Behind him, there is still a faint clock.

Nan Ming knew what this clock was, the one in Di Yao's hands was the imitation version - Chaos Clock.

The companion treasure of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

But Nan Ming still couldn't understand, who would that young man be if it wasn't Mu Ying?

Jun Muqian's eyes finally fluctuated, and his voice was calm after restraint: I see.

His fingers trembled slightly.

Is the Mu Ying that Nan Ming saw really her brother?

She had also discovered long ago that there was another force in Mu Ying's body, which was different from the remnant soul of Jiufeng sealed in Shu Wei's body, and it was instead helping him improve his cultivation.

Your Highness, I have already said what I should say. Nan Ming began to kowtow again, Forgive me, please forgive me.

Jun Muqian tilted his head, and a smile slowly appeared on his lips: You were not there at the time, so you probably didn't know. I swear to the sky that I will destroy Hongmeng Palace.


Nan Ming looked up in shock.

It's my mistake to miss you. Jun Muqian said lightly, Now, this mistake must be corrected.

Nan Ming suddenly widened his eyes, as if he couldn't believe it.

His body twisted in a very strange posture, slowly floating in mid-air.

But at this moment, Nan Ming's body suddenly disappeared.

The white sky suddenly darkened and was covered in black.

Jun Muqian raised his head, his eyes narrowed.

It was a huge bird, and it really deserved the phrase I don't know how far away it is. At a glance, there was nothing but it.


It's not the innate profound power brought by Cangliu Shenmai, but the real... Nine Heavens Kunpeng!

Well, it's the end of the month, ask the Lord for a wave of monthly tickets and evaluation tickets~

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