The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 895 Unexpectedly! ! Queen of Saint Yuan【1 more】

In a word, Jun Muqian's eyes changed suddenly.

She grabbed Gongyimo's lapel and asked forcefully, What is the Lingxuan world? At the very beginning, there was no Wanling Continent?

Could it be that everything that happened in Wanling Continent was also her dream?

It might have been before, but she has already started to practice the Dao of Heart, even the dreams and illusions of the past will never bother her.

She has always been very clear.

Cough cough cough... Gongyi Mo almost lost his breath. He still didn't understand that the woman in purple clothes would appear here, and he was a little flustered, Miss Mu, you, you put me down first, let's sit down and relax. How about speaking slowly?


When Gongyimo's feet successfully landed on the ground, he lay facelessly on the table and poured three big pots of tea before he managed to calm down.

No, I said Miss Mu... Gongyimo stared at the purple-clothed woman sitting opposite, extremely unbelievable, I heard that kid Shen Ye said, did you shatter the void and ascend? How did you come back?

He was stunned when he knew that it was above the Huaxu Continent, not only the Wanling Continent, but also a higher plane.

Immediately, Lord Yanshi deeply felt that he was just a frog in a well.

Moreover, Gongyimo clearly felt that when he faced the woman in purple this time, he felt inexplicable awe from the bottom of his heart.

Although he couldn't detect any energy fluctuations in her body at all, he could feel how powerful she was right now.

She was already different from the seventeen-year-old girl who had to fight with all her strength when she faced the Lord of the Blood Domain.

Gongyimo sighed and sighed again.

It's a long story. Jun Muqian frowned, but didn't try to explain, Have you summoned Shen Ye?

She calculated the time, and it was less than four days since she left the Lingxuan world.

That's right. Gongyimo was silent again for a moment, You might not believe Miss Mu, the summons between Shen Ye and I happened at the third watch.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian raised his head and glanced at the twilight sky.

Before the clouds dispersed, the sun had already risen, and what shone down was the hazy, fragmented sunlight.

At this time, it was only five watch days, just two hours.

Jun Muqian suppressed the restlessness in his heart: Since you have sent a message to Shen Ye, why can't I contact him at all now?

Shen Ye and Baili Changsheng share the same body, and there is still no way to separate them right now.

Before she left, of course she left a sound transmission talisman for them.

Because— Gongyimo smiled wryly, Just after he sent me the message, Wanling Continent disappeared.

Jun Muqian's eyebrows frowned even tighter: What's the disappearance method? The Wanling Continent collapsed, wouldn't they come to Huaxu for refuge?

After returning to the Huaxu Continent, she was a little surprised to find that the Huaxu Continent was still as stable as ever after the battle with the three ancestor witches Di Jiang, Qiang Liang, and Zhu Rong.

Even, as time goes by, the concentration of aura is getting higher and higher.

Because the Wanling Continent does not belong to the Lingxuan World at all. Gongyimo whispered, The reason why I said that the Lingxuan World does not have the meaning of the Wanling Continent is that.

After a pause, he said again: Ms. Mu, you have already gone to the main plane, and you must have some understanding of other lower planes. Do you know that there is a lower plane that is the same as the Lingxuan world. One continent is on the other. On a continent?

Jun Muqian's heart shuddered.

Yes, no.

This was a point that she had been wondering about at the time. With the stability of the lower plane, there shouldn't be two layers of space at all.

I only found out later. Gongyimo continued, It turns out that at the beginning of the birth of the Lingxuan World, there was only the Huaxu Continent.

Jun Muqian nodded slightly.

This logic would make sense if there was only the Huaxu Continent.

But 50,000 years after the birth of Huaxu Continent, an accident happened. Gongyi Mo's eyes darkened, This accident caused the vitality of Huaxu Continent to directly return to the original point.

Jun Muqian's expression paused, and he said lightly, The appearance of the Wanling Continent?

Gongyimo nodded: No one knows how the Wanling Continent appeared. It seemed to be built directly on top of the Huaxu Continent as if out of thin air. After that, there was another step up to the sky.

Huaxu Continent's vitality disappeared, and it took tens of thousands of years before the creatures gradually evolved. Miss Mu, you should have read the history.

Jun Muqian was silent.

She recalled that period of history, saying that the Wanling Continent was rich and prosperous, but human beings were not able to get enough places to live because they were weak, and some humans were driven to the Huaxu Continent.

Actually, if there hadn't been that accident, the Huaxu Continent would have continued to prosper. Gongyimo sighed softly, Also, what Ms. Mu may not know is that after the Wanling Continent suddenly disappeared, instead Huaxu Xu Dalu's vitality has recovered faster.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed: So, Wanling Continent has robbed Huaxu Continent of vitality?

It seems so. Gongyi Mo was puzzled, I also tried to contact Shen Ye again, and went to climb the ladder, but no matter what, I couldn't reach the Wanling Continent.

I probably guessed what the Wanling Continent is. Hearing these words, Jun Muqian closed his eyes and murmured, I should have guessed it a long time ago.

The Wanling Continent should be several plates in the total plane of the Great Desolation!

It's just broken and reassembled!

Dongsheng Shenzhou, Kunlunxu, Mount Sumeru...all of them are famous places in the wild.

There are also the afterimages of Zhenyuanzi, the ancestor of the Eight Immortals of Shangdong and the Earth Immortals, Emperor Wa and Daode Tianzun.

But there is another doubt.

Jun Muqian pressed his temple, Hong Huang was running steadily, if even Mount Sumeru, the center of the world, collapsed, Hong Huang should also be destroyed.

No... no!

She suddenly remembered that Rong Qing had told her that 129,865 years ago, the prehistoric time was reversed.

When thinking of this, Jun Muqian couldn't help being horrified: Could it be that it's not the current prehistoric, but the prehistoric prehistoric one...

She didn't know how to turn back the time of the prehistoric, but since the prehistoric is gone, it must be irreversible.

Then it is very possible that when Honghuang died for the first time, those damaged continental plates formed the Wanling Continent, and then came to the Lingxuan World!

Then, the prehistoric time began to flow backwards!

It must be so!

What before now? Gongyimo was confused, What is the prehistoric?

It's a big trouble. Jun Muqian's eyes were deep, I have to go to Honghuang.

The Wanling Continent must have been swallowed by the current prehistoric times.

If so, she can hardly imagine the people who are still on the Wanling Continent, her brothers and sisters, her friends, they...

Seeing the sudden murderous intent on the woman in purple, Gongyi Mo was taken aback: Miss Mu?

It's nothing. Jun Muqian came back to his senses, and said slowly, Gongyi, I can't tell you too much. I came back this time beyond my expectation. I have to rush back to Unreal Daqian immediately.

She has to ask her mother-in-law for a way to go to the wilderness, she has no time, and she can't wait a second longer!

Ah? Gongyimo didn't expect the woman in purple to leave when she arrived, he hesitated to speak, Miss Mu, actually...

Before the words fell, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the bamboo gate, accompanied by the sound of thunderous horseshoes.

In the meantime, there were also a few shouts.

Quick! Quick, Gongyimo's bastard is right here, he can't let him run away this time!

We must capture him alive and return to His Majesty the Queen!

Hearing these few words, Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, looked at Gongyimo, and smiled half-smile: Senior Yanshi, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you still have so many enemies.

No. Gongyimo gritted his teeth with an ugly expression on his face, They're just a bunch of bastards!

The time of two sentences is enough time for people from outside to surround him.

With a bang, the bamboo door was kicked open.

A few men who looked like soldiers walked in, aggressive.

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, a little surprised: The red-faced cavalry?

When she was still in Shengyuan, she had seen the red-faced iron cavalry under Su Qingli, and she admired Su Qingli's military training talent very much.

The name of the beauty cavalry will always be the most resounding in the Huaxu Continent.

Gongyi, you can. Jun Muqian turned his head, Have you offended Ali's Shengyuan Dynasty?

I don't know who is sitting on the throne now.

But Su Qingli, as the most outstanding queen of Shengyuan, her prestige will never disappear.

Miss Mu, it's been several years. You may not know what kind of situation Hua Xu is in now. Gongyi Mo looked at these red-faced cavalry, and sneered, Return to Her Majesty? What kind of family is she? Queen? Pooh!

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