The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 881 A Kiss' Critical Strike! The cold fairy jade [1 more]

The coldness in his tone was like meeting an ant blocking the way.

Even a finger could be pinched to death, but because it would dirty his hands, he chose to make a detour.



After these three words fell to the ground, the entire fairy palace became even more dead silent.

Whether it is an ordinary spiritual practitioner or the Buddha and the Demon Monarch, they are all stunned.

The friendship between Mojun and Tianyu is shallow, but he is also an emperor after all, and he knows some things.

Guanghua is different, he really grew up watching Rong Qing and Xian Lingyu.

Moreover, compared to Rong Qing, Xianlingyu stayed in the Buddha's domain for a longer time.

How could...

Guanghua frowned, and wanted to say something, but when he saw the cold expression of the man in scarlet clothes, he still chose to shut up.

As an elder, he should not intervene in matters between the younger generation.

Success is a blessing, failure is not a curse, as long as these children are happy.

The fairy queen was even more panicked. She looked at Su Yang who was wearing a wedding dress, and then at Rong Qing who had always been dressed in scarlet clothes.

Is it true that as the Demon Empress said, Tianyu really doesn't like her spirit jade?

No... This is absolutely not possible. If it gets out, how will Lingyu, the emperor, be able to secure his position in the future?

The emperor needs to rely on the power of faith to control the realm.

Lingyu, Lingyu! The fairy queen kept gesturing to Xianlingyu with her eyes, telling her to save the scene, but she didn't get any response.


Because Xianlingyu is already so stupid.

The first time, it was completely stupid.

The countless words that should have been uttered were all blocked in his throat, and he couldn't utter a single word.

Those three words will injure Xianlingyu completely.

Her face was bloodless, her body was trembling, and she looked at the man in scarlet clothes with astonishment in disbelief, her lips were trembling.

Watching this scene, the Demon Empress was choked up and coughed: Ahem!

She... She thought how this kid was going to solve it, but she didn't expect it to be so fast, precise and ruthless.


The son is still with his father.

Wow... Rong Xi clapped her hands, Brother is so amazing, just three words killed this old woman instantly.

Jun Muqian was silent for a moment, and said sincerely: I think maybe your elder brother really forgot.

Fish's memory is unmatched by anyone.

But her heart...

Jun Muqian pressed her left chest calmly.


How do you jump so fast?

Is she being handsome again by her beauty?

Your Highness Shaojun really knows how to joke. The fairy queen had no choice but to come out to smooth things over by herself. She forced a smile and said, At the beginning, Lingyu lived in Tianyu for a while, and you played together. It must be too long ago, and I forgot How can you say you don't know him?

Then, he turned to the Buddha Guanghua for help: Guanghua, hurry up, hurry up, you were there at that time, weren't you?

Guanghua held the Buddha beads and smiled faintly: When the emperor went to Tianyu, this matter has already passed.

Right now, it is still unclear whether this matter is true or not.

The fairy queen's face froze, and she cursed secretly in her heart.

This Buddha thought it was a good thing, and he said it indifferently, so he probably also fell in love with Xianyu.

Now she and Lingyu's mother and widow are really helpless.

Your Highness Shaojun, I misunderstood, this is really a misunderstanding. The fairy queen twitched the corners of her mouth and showed another flattering smile, You and Lingyu have already become husband and wife, even if you didn't know each other, you do now. Say it?

Hearing this sentence, Rong Qing's expression fluctuated a little.

His eyes turned towards Xian Lingyu.

Coincidentally, it landed on her slightly hideous face.

After looking up and down for only a second, the man in scarlet clothes slowly curved his lips, but it was cold: Is my vision so bad?


The fairy queen got there too.

After finally sorting out her emotions, Xian Lingyu was shocked again when she heard such a sentence.

What did she hear again?

Is it bad to see her?

In an instant, Xian Lingyu felt her heart explode.

Her legs couldn't hold on any longer and went limp.

With a bang, he collapsed to the ground.

She stood there dumbfounded, already beaten to pieces.

The spiritual practitioners below were also very confused, and some of them couldn't react to the development of the matter.

Isn't today the wedding ceremony of the emperor of Xianyu and the young emperor of Tianyu?

Why did the married person become the young master of the Eastern Region, but the young master of the Tianyu said that he didn't know Xianlingyu at all?

And since the young master Tianyu appeared, these few words can be called lore!

Saying such words to a woman who loves him deeply is indeed the most ruthless punishment.

Brother is so ruthless, it can be said to be rough. Rong Xi supported her elbow and rubbed her heart exaggeratedly, I feel distressed when I hear it.

The corner of Rong Nian's mouth twitched: Why do you feel distressed, is Big Brother treating you badly?

Although, he also felt that his elder brother was a bit cruel.

Hey, what I'm talking about is pity for that billionaire woman. Rong Xi slapped her, hating iron for being weak, Sigh, you two men, you two are not as good as I can feel pity for women.

Rong Nian was confused in the wind: Pity the fragrance and cherish the jade...

For a girl who said that she felt pity for beauty and beauty, something was wrong in this world.

Jun Muqian also had lingering fears in her heart. She patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief: It's okay, okay, your elder brother wasn't so cruel to me back then.

Unexpectedly, her beauties are so ruthless.

Oh, that's not right, she has seen Rong Qing's attitude towards other women.

It seems that at that time, he also said the three words who are you?

Moreover, even if other women even have the slightest intention to get closer, they will be beaten out with one palm.

To you, sister-in-law? Rong Xi's curiosity was immediately aroused, and her eyes lit up, Sister-in-law, tell me quickly, how did you and brother know each other?

She was really curious, she needed to ask her sister-in-law for advice on how to chase a husband.

This... Jun Muqian paused, and coughed lightly, It's really not easy to say this is the first time we meet.

It can't be said that Rong Qing's men caught her by mistake and captured her, and she died once in the middle?

Then after waking up, the first thing she did was to tease Rong Qing?

Jun Muqian's body trembled, it was better not to say anything.

It's all dark history that I can't bear to look back on.

It's not easy to say? Rong Xi thought for a while, and then she suddenly realized, Sister-in-law, I understand. It's not easy to say. Did you see all of Big Brother at that time?

Jun Muqian: ...!!!

Does her sister-in-law know fortune-telling?

Can you guess this too?

However, it is not considered light, it can only be regarded as half light.

Hey sister-in-law, I understand. Rong Xi's eyes were very profound, It seems that sister-in-law and elder brother are also very harmonious.

Jun Muqian: ...

She didn't know if it was what she understood.

At this time, the spiritual cultivators who watched the ceremony finally sorted out the matter slowly, and all of them seemed to have suddenly realized.

Let me tell you, this is His Royal Highness Young Master of Tianyu, how could he fall in love with women from other realms?

Hey, didn't you hear, His Royal Highness Shaojun doesn't know Xianlingyu at all, even if he has never seen it before, it is not so cruel. It must be that Xianlingyu has done something that His Highness Shaojun hates so much.

Tsk tsk, look at Xian Lingyu's expression, it's just wishful thinking. Now that it's been exposed, it probably collapses soon enough.

That deserves it! It's not good to meddle in anyone, but to meddle in the eldest son of His Majesty Shuangdi. He has just become an emperor, and he has already drifted so far that he doesn't know who he is. He thought that the fairyland can be compared with the heavenly realm.

That's right, and I think Xianlingyu's position as an emperor is strange. Normally, when an emperor dies, Heavenly Dao will definitely choose the strongest person to integrate, but is her Xianlingyu the strongest? Isn't that even Jun Muqian? Can't beat it?

Extremely, extremely...

In just a few minutes, the spirit cultivators looked at Xian Lingyu differently.

It's ridicule, mocking Xianlingyu's overreach.

Although Xian Lingyu has become an emperor, she is only a newborn emperor, and her prestige is far less than that of Tianyu.

No matter how things turn later, this marriage ceremony has become a joke.

A joke that made Xian Lingyu lose all face and lose her majesty.

Auntie and Guanghua are also here today, and I just happened to introduce them. Rong Qing slightly nodded at the demon queen, then turned around, and walked to the side of the purple-clothed woman who was still watching the play under the eyes of everyone.

Jun Muqian looked at the handsome face that suddenly enlarged, and was slightly taken aback, before she said, Light...

The following words were not finished yet, and they were all swallowed into the stomach.

In the next second, there was a coolness on the lips.

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