The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 878 My wife dares to move! 【8 more】

It was a bloody body, and the face was so rotten that the original face could not be seen, and the blood was still dripping down, which was shocking.

The spiritual practitioners couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

Oh my god...

Jun Muqian's method is too cruel, how can she do it?

The four servants stood still, and slowly placed the blood man on the laid silk before retreating.

When they got closer, everyone saw that there were still tiny white bugs wriggling back and forth on it.

Immediately, many female spirits with poor endurance vomited while covering their mouths, their complexions turned pale.

But in the next second, they were shocked to see Xian Lingyu walking in front of the blood man and slowly squatting down.

Regardless of the blood stains on the ground, she picked out those disgusting bugs with her white hands like porcelain.

The immortal cultivators were all moved: Your Majesty...

This is His Majesty Lingyu who they have infinite love for.

However, what Xian Lingyu said immediately after that shocked everyone.

I can't help Guzhu, you heard clearly, this is the person you love with all your heart.


Medicine can't?

This turned out to be impossible for medicine? !

Yao couldn't be at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, but he turned into this appearance?

The light in Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly turned cold, and in an instant, the frost flew, and it was extremely cold.

On the wrist, there is a patch of ferocious veins.

She thought that she had never had any worries, that she was alone and chic.

But no matter in the previous life or in this life, the people she loves, her relatives, and the brothers she fought side by side are all her weaknesses.

The dragon has reverse scales, which can never die if touched.

She is not a dragon, but her weakness cannot be poked.

Immortal Lingyu caught the girl in purple's gaffe, her lips curled up again, and she said again: Please forgive me too, I can't help Guzhu, I hated you for a long time because of my father's death, but now I know that you are also a raped person deceive.

Hearing this sentence, Yao couldn't move, barely opened his eyes, and opened his chapped mouth.

I'll help you up right now. Xian Lingyu didn't care about the blood falling on her wedding dress, and carefully helped the medicine to get up, What do you want to say, I will convey it for you.

When Yao couldn't sit up and faced down, many spiritual practitioners who had gone to Yaowang Valley shouted excitedly.

It's really impossible for the owner of the valley!

I absolutely did not admit my mistake, but Guzhu's eyes can't deceive people, and his little finger is missing.


Jun Muqian also recognized it, her hands trembled slightly, trying to calm her breathing.

Yao can't be obsessed with the art of alchemy, so in order to be able to refine top-level elixir, he did not hesitate to treat himself as a medicinal material.

The little finger was broken from this.

At that time, he also showed her specifically.

The broken sections are all exactly the same.

Yao couldn't stare at the woman in purple, his eyes were staring, blood red.

The deep hatred and despair in his eyes, and the heartbreak after his trust was betrayed...

All these emotions made the spiritual practitioners feel unbearable heartache.

Not to mention Jun Muqian.

Because of the serious injury, after a long time, Yao couldn't squeeze out a few words from his throat: You, it's you, this old man treats you well, but you...

Before he finished speaking, he had no strength left.

Everyone was in an uproar.

At the same time, the look at the woman in purple was even more angry.

Jun Muqian's eyes darkened.

Not just because of Yao's attitude towards her, but also because she saw the demon again!

The Dao Heart that could not be medicined was also wrapped in black mist.

He is controlled.

This inner demon can not only improve a person's strength, but also perfectly control a person's behavior.

Unable to do so, the owner of the valley is too seriously injured and can't speak anymore. Now, the witnesses and material evidence are all here! Xian Lingyu stood up, her eyes were serious, Jun Muqian, today, this emperor will eliminate harm for Daqian!


The long sword vibrated, and the air was turbulent.

Xian Lingyu raised her sword and pointed it between the eyebrows of the woman in purple.

The power of the emperor burst out at the same time, and in an instant, the space was blocked.

She wanted to make sure that she could kill Jun Muqian with one blow.

And as if he was half hit, Jun Muqian stood there, lonely.

Surrender! Immortal Lingyu didn't stay any longer, and rushed over with the sword in hand.

But at this moment, the man in scarlet clothes, who had not moved all this time, took the initiative to hold Xian Lingyu's hand.

Three very simple words fell down: Get married first.

Xian Lingyu was stunned for a moment, and then a wave of ecstasy surged in her heart: Rong Qing...

The three life stones are really useful!

Yes, we need to get married first.

She wants Jun Muqian to watch how she married into Tianyu in a glorious manner.

For the sake of my husband, I will save your life first. The space was fixed, and Xian Lingyu was not afraid of Jun Muqian's escape, The ceremony of marriage, continue.

She bowed: Trouble Buddha.

It's okay, it's okay. Buddha still had a smile on his face, not paying attention to what happened before.

When emperors get married, they cannot be separated.

After worshiping heaven and earth, it is the testimony of heaven and cannot be violated.

Girl! Seeing that this marriage is really going to happen, the Demon Empress finally became anxious, and sent her a voice transmission, Are you really letting go?

Moreover, she could see how nervous this kid was, this girl, how could she change at will?

Jun Muqian didn't respond, but shook his head slightly.

The demon queen froze for a moment, then quickly calmed down.

Even if this girl doesn't make a move, can the couple just watch?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

The other emperors don't care even more. Whoever the young master of Tianyu marries, let alone it has nothing to do with them, they dare not interfere.

It is even more meaningful to have the Buddha officiate the marriage.

When the last gift is done—


A muffled thunder suddenly exploded deep in the sky, the lingering sound was not long, but majestic and sacred.

On the edge of the sky, there are red clouds passing by, and the rays of light are thousands of miles away.

This dear, it is done.

The grandest marriage ceremony in the history of Unreal World.

Xian Lingyu raised her head, she couldn't hold back the joy in her heart anymore, she wished she could go to the bridal chamber for the wedding night now.

But she hasn't forgotten that she still wants to use Jun Muqian's blood to congratulate her on her wedding ceremony.

With another clang, Xian Lingyu raised his sword again.

This time, not only was there no one to stop him, but he was also looking forward to seeing the next scene.

In this way, the lives of tens of thousands of people in Yaowang Valley can be sacrificed.

Seeing the woman in purple who was spurned by everyone, Xian Lingyu moved her lips silently: Jun Muqian, you lost.

In the next second, her spiritual power surged, and her evil spirit burst out.


All the spiritual energy was swept away, all gathered on the sword in Xian Lingyu's hand, and attacked fiercely.

Shua, Shua, Shua!


However, when those sword qi first appeared, they suddenly stopped in the air, and it was not difficult to penetrate an inch.

Xian Lingyu's expression changed drastically.

She has already used the power of the emperor, but Jun Muqian still...

No, it's not!

Everyone trembled at this moment, because they were frightened.

A cool, faint voice rang out, the tone was flat without any ups and downs.

But the coercion is in full swing, and the ruthlessness is compelling.

Only five words.

My wife, dare to move.


There will be more in a while, but it will be late, so get up in the morning and watch it!

Then ask for a ticket, I urgently need a five-star evaluation ticket~

Good night!

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