The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 871 No one can move the people she protects! 【1 more】


Still no answer.

As if time freezes, the world stands still.

Although Jun Muqian hadn't checked all the corpses yet, he didn't dare to move forward.

Rong Nian reported that all the people in Yaowang Valley died, and none remained.

After the Great Ceremony of the Spirit Dao, Yao couldn't naturally return to the Valley of the Medicine King.

Since Sang Qingrou's death, Medicine King Valley has returned to its former tranquility, and its prestige is even greater than before.

Jun Muqian originally planned to invite Yao Fu when she and Rong Qing got married.

After all, she is still without father and mother, and Mu Ying and others are in the Wanling Continent, so they cannot come to the Unreal Daqian.

Although Yao FuFang failed to accept her as an apprentice, he is also her elder.

When something like this happened to the Medicine King Valley, Yao Feifei, as the owner of the Medicine King Valley, must be the first to bear the brunt.

Not to mention, on the day when the medicine sage passed on, Xianlingyu lost face here at Yaofa.

She also has the same affection as her grandfather and grandson, and with Xian Lingyu's current level of ruthlessness, she might torture him before she can't kill Yao.

If Yao Fu couldn't die, he would definitely come to Tianyu.

Even if he doesn't come, he will send her a message to report her safety.

But now there is no news, Jun Muqian really can't convince herself that the medicine can't survive.

Immortals, spirits, and jade!

For the first time, she overestimated people's hearts!

Jun Muqian bent down and silently arranged all the corpses on the ground.

next second——


Nine Heavens Breathing Soil rushed out of the Hunyuan Bell, floated in the air, and then fell down suddenly, and instantly merged with the earth.


Immediately afterwards, a deafening bang sounded.

As if an invisible hand fell, the ground suddenly rose, and the strata rolled over, cracking several gaps.

Jun Muqian raised her plain hand, and her spiritual power surged out!


All of a sudden, the land within a radius of one hundred kilometers was completely sunken, with a depth of tens of feet.

More than 30,000 corpses were also placed in the sunken land by Jun Muqian, and arranged one by one.

Then, this huge crack was slowly closed under the action of Nine Heavens Breathing Soil.

On the originally flat ground, a stone tablet with a height of more than ten feet appeared.

On the stone tablet are impressively engraved with four big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes—

Parents all over the world!

In the lower right corner, there is another line of small characters——

People's Festival!

Jun Muqian raised his head and looked at the huge stone tablet silently, with extremely complicated emotions.

The doctor saved people and achieved immeasurable merit, but because of Xian Lingyu's selfishness, all of them were wiped out.

She is even ashamed to stand here, because the reason why the fairy jade blood washes the medicine king's valley is also because she is wanted.

It's a pity that she didn't practice the law of reincarnation, nor did she have the ability to revive these doctors.

Let's go. Jun Muqian whispered, In the next life, don't live for the world anymore.

Think about yourself more, it's better to be alone.

As if hearing this sentence, a wind blows up from the ground and blows past the trees.

The leaves are lingering, playing a tragic song.

Jun Muqian bowed to the stele three times before turning around, her always smiling peach blossom eyes were full of murderous intent.

If Xian Lingyu did not become an emperor, she would kill him easily.

But now that the fairy jade has the power of the emperor to protect the body, it is not so easy.

Jun Muqian's eyes turned cold.

Revenge, no longer care about these two days.

Xian Lingyu wants to marry into Tianyu, and wants a grand wedding ceremony, which will be admired by thousands of people.

Then she will give Xian Lingyu an unforgettable ceremony of marriage!

Let's see who is against whom.

Jun Muqian collected his thoughts, and looked up to the east.

Right now she is wanted by Daqianshiyu, she doesn't care.

With seventy-two changes in her body, she can change at any time.

Xian Lingyu wanted to catch her, but it would never be possible.

Xian Lingyu could only force her out.

She will also do what Xian Lingyu wishes.

Jun Muqian collected his thoughts, and then walked forward.

Just then—

Miss Jun...

A very low calling sounded, it was gentle and warm that I was used to hearing.

As if the winter sun was pouring down, the ice and snow on the riverside melted.

Jun Muqian paused, turned his head suddenly, and blurted out: Genius doctor?!

Sure enough, Hua Li was not far away, he was lying under a willow tree that was cut in half.

At this moment, he raised his head slightly, his eyes were covered with white silk, his face was pale, but he was smiling slightly at her.

Genius doctor! Jun Muqian came under the tree in an instant, and just took a look, his expression changed, You suffered such a serious injury?

Huali's current situation is very bad, she is not a doctor, and she can also see that there is spiritual energy constantly overflowing from his body.

Reiki cannot be absorbed by Dantian, which is a taboo for spiritual practice!

It's good. Hua Li smiled, he panted slightly, At least, I can't die yet.

Genius doctor, don't talk yet. Jun Muqian quickly blocked his meridians, took out the elixir refined by Ying Zijin from Hunyuanling, and handed it over, Don't worry, as long as you still have breath, You can recover.

Hearing this sentence, Hua Li seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help laughing: Miss Jun's words seem to be what I used to say.

He has saved many people, regardless of high or low, good or evil.

He has also seen too many hardships, joys and sorrows.

Saving lives is a matter of a lifetime.

It's a pity that I'm too bad to save people. Jun Muqian lifted up his clothes and sat down, calmly, I only kill people.

She gathered spiritual power in her palm and began to mend Huali's body.

It took a long time for a stick of incense before Huali gained a little strength, and slowly leaned up against the tree.

He smiled and thanked: Thank you Miss Jun.

You helped me, and I will help you too. No thanks. Jun Muqian let out a breath slowly, and asked with some difficulty, Genius doctor, there is only...

The next few words, however, could not be uttered no matter what.

Hua Li was silent for a moment, then said: Master, he is not dead.

Jun Muqian's eyes brightened up.

Hua Li said softly, But, he was taken away by Xian Lingyu.

Jun Muqian understood in an instant, and sneered softly: She wants to threaten me with the old man.

This method is really not on the table.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, I don't know how this princess of the fairyland became.

But fortunately, the medicine cannot survive.

No one can move the person she wants to protect!

Jun Muqian thought for a moment, and said decisively: Genius doctor, I'll send you to Tianyu first, Qingmei will take care of you, you take good care of your wounds, and don't worry about the next thing.

Hua Li nodded and smiled: Maybe I haven't seen Mr. Rong for a long time.

Let's go. Jun Muqian helped Huali up, and called out the bliss of practicing the Sun God Bow in the Hunyuan Bell.

Hua Li turned her head, looked thoughtfully at the huge Bliss Phoenix Wing Butterfly in front of her, pursed her lips slightly, and then moved up.

The two and the beast walked forward, however, they had just reached the valley!

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