The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 850 Violence is light, the Lord likes it [1 more]

There was such a piercing bang!

In the high sky that was as bright as day, a crack that was hundreds of meters long suddenly opened, which was hideous and terrifying.



A figure fell from the huge crack, without even a buffer time, and fell heavily on the ground.


All the spirit cultivators couldn't help being startled, and they all looked over.

It was found that the figure was also very huge, wrapped in a mass of light and shadow, illusory and unreal.

who is this

The spiritual practitioners were all at a loss, unable to understand why a person suddenly fell from the sky.

Moreover, judging from the three words Tianyu Shaojun said just now, it seems that he still has enmity with this person.

Above the lower five domains is the upper five domains.

Who is this light and shadow in the upper five realms?

Because it was forcibly pulled down, in the deep pit, Emperor Guangying's body was still twitching, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

But he still remembered that he could never reveal his identity, and used spiritual power to maintain the light and shadow, blocking his true appearance.

However, the cultivation base of the light and shadow enemy army was damaged in the process of falling, and it could not block everyone's sight.

Several peaks of the God Transformation Realm can be seen clearly.

Yao couldn't change his expression greatly, his face was deeply unbelievable, and he lost his voice: How could it be him?!


Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes.

She also saw a face, but she hadn't seen it before.

Among the emperors in the upper five domains, she has only seen the demon queen.


She could clearly feel the Yuanli fluctuations on the Emperor Light and Shadow!

Not the Immortal Emperor!

Sure enough, the Immortal Emperor was just a cover.

Jun Muqian's eyes were fixed, and he took a step back slightly: Old man, do you know him?

I know. Yao couldn't look into his eyes, and there was still a lingering shock in his voice, I just didn't expect that these men in black were actually sent by him.

He transmitted the voice into the secret, and said a title.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian's pupils shrank slightly, he was silent for a while, and raised his lips: That's really interesting.

The last time he made a move against Rong Qing was also the emperor.

If it hadn't been for Rong Qing to forcibly wake up at that time, she definitely wouldn't be able to receive Dijun's palm.

So, the emperor's target is not her, but wants to use her to blackmail Rong Qing?

Jun Muqian's expression turned cold.

She is still too weak.

If she could be stronger, others would not have this idea at all.

Now that the beauty of her family has recovered, she will go back to the Lingxuan World first, and then she will have to speed up her training.

If you want to scare those evil-minded people, you must become the pinnacle beyond their reach!

Ho, ho...

Emperor Guangying didn't know that his true identity had already been known by several people, because he was still a little dazed at the moment.

what happened?

How did things become like this?

In his prediction, Young Lord Tianyu would come, but definitely not in this way.

For the soul to be separated and to return to the body, even the young master of Tianyu must cultivate for at least 10,000 years!

How could it be possible to recover so quickly?

The Emperor Guangying looked at the man in scarlet in disbelief, his face changed wildly.

That's what it feels like! That's it!

Once, when he faced the couple, he felt the same way.

Even if it was even worse, killing him would definitely be a no-brainer.

Rong Qing said nothing, but raised her hand again.


There was a huge turmoil in the space, and thousands of hectares of waves swayed, attracting spiritual energy to surge.

This powerful and terrifying energy fluctuation directly ignored the power of the emperor, and pulled up the light and shadow emperor from the deep pit again, and put it in the palm of his hand.


It was the sound of bones breaking.

The Emperor Guangying's face twisted for a moment, and he felt a sharp pain.

The pain made his soul tremble, and he couldn't speak.

Dijun's physical body is stronger than other cultivators, and they have already refined their bodies and bones since they were born.

But also, once damaged, their physical bodies are more difficult to restore.

That's why the Emperor of the Eastern Region hated the Empress of the Heavenly Region until he was forced to break his arm.

Rong slightly lowered his eyes, and there was a frozen ink color in the double pupils.

The coercion emanating from the body makes people fear and suffocate.

The Emperor Guangying also flinched, he was shocked to find that the man in scarlet clothes in front of him was really in peak condition.

What shocked him even more was that he thought he would at least have the same strength as Young Master Tianyu.

But now it seems that he is far inferior.

Then the Heavenly Domain Twin Emperors...

The Emperor Guangying suddenly broke out in cold sweat, until more severe pain broke out in his body.

A cold and cruel smile came from above his head.

This smile is very pleasant, reminiscent of the thin snow on the branches in winter, and the branches swaying in the wind.

However, what he said made the Emperor Guangying tremble all over.

My queen, dare to move?


The spiritual cultivators were shocked again.

So the emperor is still the young emperor and queen of Tianyu? !

With such a huge background, the lower five domains are not in her eyes at all.


If it weren't for the Young Master and Empress of Tianyu, how could the Lord of Tianyu come here in person?

Impossible! Dao Wu exclaimed in horror, This is impossible!

How could Jun Muqian, a murderous demon, become the young master and empress?

This time, Dao Wushi completely collapsed, he cried and laughed: Impossible, impossible...

Qinglan collapsed there slumped, losing the will to survive.

Who the hell are they messing with?

The emperor of light and shadow was the most fearful, he held his breath: You... what do you want to do?

No matter how bad it is, Young Master Tianyu is still his junior.


Young Master Tianyu dare not kill him!

The Emperor of Light and Shadow sneered, and said harshly, If you kill me, you will be punished by heaven.

Rong looked at him quietly, her brows were cold and pale, her voice raised slightly, and a word flowed from her lips: Oh?

The light and shadow emperor looked horrified: You...

But Wu spit out the following words, and his face froze for an instant.


Crack, click!

A series of crisp sounds erupted.

All the spiritual cultivators watched the huge light and shadow body shrinking, and then it shattered like glazed tiles.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces... Hundreds of pieces were scattered all over the ground without even a drop of blood flowing.

Just die.

An emperor of the upper five domains did not even leave his body behind.


Jun Muqian was taken aback.

This is too...

Yao couldn't help but twitched his eyes, lowered his voice and said, Girl Jun, do you think this is too rough?

That's right, he was just upset that this kid had kidnapped Miss Jun.

It's good to be rough. Jun Muqian nodded, I like it.

Medicine can't: ???

What hobby?

Rong Qing didn't look at the broken pieces on the ground any more, with a wave of her sleeve, the broken pieces turned into powder again.

The corners of Yao Fu's eyes twitched again and again, and he couldn't bear to look directly at him anymore.

When did this kid become so strong?

An emperor from the upper five domains, would he kill him if he said so?

Moreover, it seems that no force has been used, and the wind is light and calm.

But the strange thing is, why did the way of heaven not change when the emperor of the upper five domains fell?

Jun Muqian also thought of this, frowned and looked at the sky.

Although the emperor has thousands of incarnations, if the body dies, it is dead.

Moreover, once the emperor of a certain domain falls, that domain will also be shaken like the sky and the earth.

But, now safe and sound.

When the wind blows, the powder is gone.

At the same moment when Emperor Guangying died, somewhere, a person suddenly opened his eyes.

Intense hatred and resentment erupted in his eyes, and his face twisted ferociously.

Damn! Damn Tianyu Shaojun! This person roared angrily, He actually destroyed the main body of this emperor, hateful! Extremely hateful!

Fortunately, his most important hole card has not been exposed, and no one will find his hole card.

The man's eyes flickered slightly, he let out a breath slowly, and thought to himself: Now, he can't kill Tianyu Shaojun completely.

His plan must be delayed, so the only thing he can do now is to stand still and maintain the previous peaceful relationship with the Tianyu Emperors.

Hmph! He snorted coldly, I will bear with it for a while longer, when the time comes, Tianyu will still fall into my hands!

He gritted his teeth, swallowed the fishy sweetness in his throat, closed his eyes again, and began to adjust his breath

As he adjusted his breath, the dust that was blown away by the wind in Lingdao City actually emitted a faint light.

Rong Qing raised her eyes, looked at those few glimmers of light, her double pupils became a little darker: So that's how it is...

He turned his head, and for the first time his lonely eyes fell on the trembling Da Luo Jinxian.

Before making any movements, Da Luo Jinxian was so frightened that he lost control of his bladder and bowels, showing fear on his face.

The corners of Rong Qing's lips curled slightly, and his voice was cold: Come from the prehistoric?

Monarch: Please be rough.

Rong Qing: Huh?


I had a fever yesterday, and I don’t have the energy today. I don’t know when I will have the energy to write. It may be later than five o’clock. I apologize to the babies in advance~

Be careful when the season changes! !

A preview of the final volume that will open next month—a new era!

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