The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 840 The Seven Great Sects Are Dead From Today! ! ! 【lottery】




It has never been so quiet, as if everything has died, and the world has reached the end of the endless whirling of the ages.

There is neither light nor darkness.

There is no sound and no picture.

Only the one dressed in purple can frighten all directions.

The common people are all silent, and all souls are silent.

Until a full stick of incense has passed——


With a muffled sound, the Mistress of Brahma Palace's legs softened, and she suddenly knelt down.

Because there is no cushion, the kneecap is broken, and the sound of click can be heard vaguely.

Plop plop—

Except for Qing Lan, the current lord of the Sanqing Palace, and Dao Wu, who was seriously injured, the other masters of the sect also fell to the ground.

Their complexions are turning white at a speed visible to the naked eye, as miserable as paper.

The blood on her lips also faded completely, and when she woke up suddenly, her whole body was soaked in cold sweat.


Only fear!

Even Qinglan, who has always been calm, showed a look of horror after hearing that sentence. shouldn't be, how could...

But this sentence was said with the power of the primordial spirit, even if he didn't want to hear it, he could still hear it clearly.

There will be no mistakes in every word.

From the masters of the seven major sects to the disciples of the outer sects, they were all shocked.

They stared blankly at the purple-clothed woman standing facing the wind, their eyes trembling.

This sentence is not the first time I heard it.

It's just that when they heard it last time, it was just a joke.

How could it be said then?

People from the Seven Great Sects, listen carefully—

I, Jun Muqian, am back!

One year later, at the Grand Ceremony of the Spiritual Dao, I will single-handedly destroy seven of your sects!

But now, a whole year has passed.


She said she came back, so she came back.

She said that she would single-handedly destroy their seven sects, then...

Qinglan couldn't help but shuddered, and flinched back.

She still regrets that she still wants to target Jun Muqian because of the number one son of the Eastern Region, and even thinks that she can kill Jun Muqian without Yun Luoran's action.

Now it seems that this idea is ridiculous!

But no one's shock was as great as Yun Luoran's. She widened her eyes in disbelief, with a deeply shocked expression.

What did she hear?

This bitch actually said that he was Jun Muqian? !


Yun Luoran's whole body was trembling, and her nails were dug into her palm, and blood was seeping out without knowing it.

She got it wrong, she must have got it wrong!

Even if Jun Muqian came to the Spirit Dao Grand Ceremony, it would be impossible for him to be so strong, let alone have so many people on the side of this bitch!

A murderous devil, why can he win people's hearts better than her? Why?

Jun Muqian's eyes swept away, taking in everyone's reactions. She smiled with her lips curled up: I'll be safe for three hundred years, everyone.


Still no one dared to speak.

The cultivators who were able to come to the Spiritual Dao Ceremony have all wandered in the rivers and lakes for an unknown number of years.

Even if Yun Luoran can erase the traces of Jun Muqian, many older generation spiritual practitioners still have heard of it.

Even if he didn't know it, he already knew it in his heart under the publicity of the King's Association established by the first son of the Eastern Region.

This single-handedly crossed the illusory world tens of billions of miles, single-handedly, blood in and out, no one dared to stop!

Even if he disappeared on Wuying Cliff in the end, thousands of masters would be buried forever.

This is not just a deed, it is a legend.

There is no second person who can achieve her step.

Now, the legend is before their eyes.

Jun Muqian's brows suddenly moved, and at this moment, she felt as if a kind of power was slowly pouring into her body, and then merged into the sea of ​​primordial spirit.

It's just that the power was too small and disappeared quickly, so she couldn't feel it carefully.

My lord! Lan Yiyue's voice suddenly sounded, extremely pleasantly surprised, The power of faith! This is the power of faith!

The power of faith? Hearing this, Jun Muqian was slightly taken aback, Isn't this something illusory?

Just like the way of heaven, in fact, no one has seen the way of heaven, but the way of heaven does exist.

Of course not! Lan Yiyue was extremely excited, Master, do you know why your empress is able to become the sect of all spirits?

Jun Muqian's eyes moved slightly: Because of the power of faith?

That's right. Lan Yiyue said, Your Majesty made people out of clay, and she also has a very high status in the Monster Clan. After Your Majesty retired from the Three Realms and ignored worldly affairs, the Monster Clan was ruled by His Majesty the Eastern Emperor.

Whether it is a human race or a monster race, they all believe in the empress, and the witch race also has a very high reverence for the empress.

The power of faith is slowly gathered in this way. It can not only improve the empress's cultivation base, but also have infinite blessings.

Jun Muqian pondered for a while: But why do we have so little power of faith?

It was as if she had just picked up the chopsticks to eat, but the smell disappeared after one smell.

My lord. The corner of Lan Yiyue's mouth twitched, It takes 10,000 years for a million souls to gather a ray of faith, and you can feel it just now. It's quite a lot.

And Lord, they still have more respected objects, and most of the power of faith has already been attributed.

Jun Muqian nodded.

It can only be her in-laws.

There's no way, her father-in-law and mother-in-law are just that strong!

She is honored with you.

Just as the spirit cultivators were getting excited, a sharp voice suddenly broke the atmosphere.

Bitch, you not only robbed me, you even pretended to be Sister Jun! Yun Luoran jumped up vigorously at some point, her eyes filled with tears, Sister Jun is dead, I saw it with my own eyes, How can you take out a dead man to flog him?

Her eye circles were red, which could be said to reveal her true feelings, and many spiritual practitioners couldn't help but feel agitated when they saw it.


Isn't this former spiritual girl the same teacher and sister as Jun Zunzhu?

How could he not recognize his senior sister?

Just because of one sentence, the wind direction of public opinion reversed again.

Seeing the people around him believe a little more, Yun Luoran felt at ease.

She was furious and accused loudly, I won't let you pretend to be sister Jun. Sister Jun is the person I respect and love the most besides my master.

Hearing this sentence, Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows: Oh?

Yun Luoran loves her the most?

So you love her so much that you want to kill her?

Seeing the calm expression of the woman in purple, Yun Luoran's voice choked, and her face became hot with shame and anger.

But she still didn't give up, and she still spoke righteously, with a sense of wanting to eliminate harm for the people: Okay! Since you said you are sister Jun, how do you prove that you are?

The more she said, the more confident Yun Luoran became.

She has actually confirmed that this bitch is Jun Muqian, but so what?

She looks different, smells different, and three hundred years have passed, so what evidence does this bitch have?

As long as she shows a sisterly love and refuses to admit it, no one will believe Jun Muqian.

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of the seven major sects also came back to life.

The gray and white color on the face of the Brahma Palace Master dissipated in an instant, and he said loudly: I have seen Jun Zunzhu, she is not like her at all, she must be a fake.

That's right, it's a fake. The leader of the Holy Confucianism was not to be outdone, and swore directly, This leader swears in the name of the way of heaven, she looks nothing like the emperor we have seen.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang sound from the depths of the sky, but the leader of the Holy Confucianism was safe and sound.

God's oath is done!

This proves that what the Confucian leader said is true.

So it really isn't.

Oh, what a waste of excitement, I've never seen someone who can pretend like this.

No wonder there is no evidence, how can there be evidence for fake ones?

All the spiritual cultivators looked at the woman in purple, and suddenly became contemptuous and contemptuous.

However, Jun Muqian didn't move his brows on all of this.

Evidence? She smiled slowly, full of atmosphere, she said lightly, My seat, I never need evidence.


Everyone was silent, and they all shook their heads secretly, without a little appreciation.

Can you still be so confident after being exposed?

How thick is this cheek?

Yun Luoran's expression froze, but she quickly came to her senses and complained tearfully: Not only are you pretending to be Sister Jun, but you are also so arrogant, you are too much!

She turned around abruptly and faced the audience: All the heroes and heroes have already seen it. Just now, Tiandao has confirmed that she is not Sister Jun, and she still uses Sister Jun's name to try to discredit Sister Jun's name. You said, what should we do?!

When Yun Luoran said this, he cautiously glanced at the young lord of Tianyu, and Yao couldn't wait for others.

Although he was puzzled that they had no reaction, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

One word stirred up waves.

Of course I killed her, how can the lord allow her to be tarnished?

That's right, I'm going to kill her. Yun Luoran was very satisfied with this answer, she smiled contemptuously, Bitch, it's not good for you to pretend to be someone, but to pretend to be Sister Jun, I see you... ah!

A scream pierced the eardrum.

Yun Luoran was horrified to find that her throat was locked by a bare hand, she couldn't move at all, and couldn't say anything.

Her feet are also gradually leaving the ground until they are completely in the air.

Ho ho... Yun Luoran's face turned blue and purple, and she couldn't breathe.

Jun Muqian smiled softly, with a casual tone, My lord, I only speak with my fists.


Seeing this scene, all spiritual cultivators were shocked.

This is too presumptuous. After the fake thing is revealed, you want to kill the insider?

The owner of the Brahma Palace turned pale with fright, and said angrily, Quickly release Lady Ling Nu!

Dao Wu also recovered at this moment, he sternly said: Jun Muqian, what are you doing? Hurry up and catch him!

Qing Lan stood aside with a pale face, silent.

Yun Luoran struggled desperately: Let me go, let me go!

What a Jun Muqian, to play cards so unreasonably, isn't he afraid that his reputation will become rotten?

Seven great sects. Jun Muqian seemed to have just seen Dao Wu and Qinglan and the others, she squinted her eyes, I remember, three hundred years ago, this seat and you, thousands of masters from the seven sects, Return to the bath towel on Wuying Cliff.

So what?! Dao Wu's voice became harsher, You deserve to die!

Mistake, too much of a mistake, to let Jun Muqian, the devil, come to the present.

Dao Wu was so angry that he almost fainted when he thought of their previous discussion.

Why wouldn't Jun Muqian turn herself into that?

It was clearly intentional!

Let them not be able to tell the difference, so it is better to slap them in the face at the end.

What a scheming, means, and strategy!

Dao Wu gritted his teeth and said angrily again: Jun Muqian, what can you do?

No, it's just... Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows, and smiled coldly, The seven great sects are dead from now on, sacrifice to my Mirror Moon Palace!

The tyrannical killing intent contained in these words made the hearts of all spiritual practitioners tremble.

Those clear peach blossom eyes were full of hostility, full of coercion.

At this moment, they didn't even dare to look up.

Even the disciples of the seven major sects who were lucky in their hearts had no guts at this moment.

This look tells them——

Jun Muqian, this is Jun Muqian!

Their nightmare, the monarch has really returned!

What a joke! Hearing this, Dao Wu's heart also trembled, but he still said with disdain on his face, I have already set up a large formation to protect the sect, and with all the power of the sect, it may not be able to break through the peak of the god transformation state.

What's more, my seven major sects are located in various directions in the Eastern Region. How can you alone make our seven major sects perish?

The more Dao Wu said, the more confident he became, and he continued to mock: Return to Jingyue Palace? Jing Lian has been dead for many years, and grass has grown on the body. How brave are you to say such a thing, you ...

Dao Wu's voice suddenly got stuck, and everything was blocked in his throat.

He stared blankly at the cool smile on the lips of the woman in purple and was shocked.

Because suddenly, before everyone could react——

A series of explosions sounded from all directions, breaking the sky!

Boom boom boom!

Aww, 233 votes added! Four thousand words!

The lord continued to ask for a monthly ticket!

Rong Qing: Can you release me today? Um?

Queen Lan is Halloween today, did you receive the candy duck yesterday!


The genuine babies who leave a message all have Xiaoxiang coins~ Draw another baby to send Qingmeiren a small mirror or a 9.9r red envelope, which lasts until Sunday, thank you for your support!

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