The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 823: The Immortal Emperor Makes a Move! You can't afford her [4 more]

There was a sound of fury like thunder, shaking the world.

Immediately, the surrounding aura gathered squeaky, turned into a series of spiritual blades, and shot towards the purple-clothed woman rapidly.

This spirit blade seems ordinary, but Jun Muqian knows that it contains the power of the emperor.

If she really hit her, it would be easy for her to fly away.

The power of the emperor can instantly kill everything.

The Immortal Emperor made a move.

Jun Muqian looked at the spirit blades coming violently, and curled his lips slightly.

However, it was later than she expected.

She thought that the Immortal Emperor would save her before she killed Sang Qingrou, but she didn't expect the Immortal Emperor to watch Sang Qingrou die like this.

This man's heart is really ruthless.

But it just so happens that she wants to test whether the Immortal Emperor is the emperor who wanted to kill Rong Qing before.

There was a trace of coldness in Jun Muqian's eyes, he clenched the whip in his hand, and was about to fly forward.

Shua, Shua, Shua!

The spirit blade pierced through the space, wrapping the woman in purple with a force that could destroy the world.

The space is torn apart, and turbulent currents flow out.

Girl Jun! Yao couldn't stand up anymore, and his expression panicked.

The feet are faster than consciousness, and they have already rushed out.

He is an old man with no wife or children, and few people who can talk.

How could it be possible to watch Jun girl die again?

Yao couldn't recognize who the owner of the attack was.

Immortal Emperor!

I and you are at odds!

If I don't die today, I will kill the emperor's palace!

Jun Muqian's eyes froze, and with a turn of his footsteps, he was about to push the rushing medicine away from the area where the spirit blade storm was.

At the same time, she flipped her wrist, and raised the seven-star moon whip in her hand, directly facing the spirit blades that rolled in.

But just when the spiritual blade was about to touch the purple whip, suddenly!


The aura calmed down strangely again, and thousands of spiritual blades also exploded in the air.

Without the support of the power of the emperor, it is naturally impossible for the aura to condense.

The attack stopped.



The veins on Jun Muqian's forehead twitched.

Okay, what happened when you ran away?

Didn't he want to kill her for Sang Qingrou?

What's the matter with running away?

Jun Muqian didn't know that at this moment, the Immortal Emperor, who was in the Emperor's Palace, was in a cold sweat with a horrified expression.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, he didn't hurt this human being.

Otherwise, he could still see the sun tomorrow?

The Immortal Emperor secretly rejoiced that he had received the news from the Eastern Emperor's Palace in time, otherwise he would be the next one to be unlucky.

He almost killed the daughter-in-law of the Tianyu Emperor, the queen of the Tianyu Shaojun!

Just mentioning these two titles, the Immortal Emperor felt a toothache.

Who can afford it?

Fortunately, he stopped in time.

He didn't hurt this human being, so he shouldn't be punished by Empress Tianyu, right?

The more the Immortal Emperor thought about it, the more frightened he became, and his expression gradually became serious.

Unexpectedly, the two emperors of Tianyu came back.

Not only did they come back, but they, who had always been indifferent and undisputed, actually took the emperor of the Eastern Region to the knife for a daughter-in-law who had only just settled down.

The illusory world is about to change.

Was what he did wrong before?

Now that the Tianyu Emperors are back, the possibility of them killing Tianyu Shaojun is greatly reduced.

The Immortal Emperor gritted his teeth: This Emperor has nowhere to go, so let's do this to the end!

He pondered for a while with a cloudy complexion, and then walked away.


Seeing that the woman in purple was safe and sound, Yao couldn't breathe a sigh of relief: Girl Jun, are you alright?

It's nothing. Jun Muqian came back to his senses, looked at Yao Fu, and snorted coldly, Old man, why are you so bold? Don't tell me, you don't know who it was just now.

Hey hey... Yao Fu couldn't choke, and said with a dry smile, Of course I know, I'm worried about you!

Okay, old man. How could Jun Muqian not know what Yao couldn't think, How about you, let me be the owner of your medicine king valley safely, so that you will have nothing to do. Understand?

Yao couldn't help but muttered, I didn't do anything...


How could he, who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, still feel shivering in front of a little girl who is hundreds of years old?

What's wrong with this Jun girl coming back, her momentum is stronger?

The spiritual practitioners hadn't recovered from Sang Qingrou's death before they were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

The dignified medicine king valley owner, was reprimanded by a junior to become a child who did something wrong?

They must be dreaming.

The expressions of all the spiritual cultivators were numb until a heart-piercing sound pierced the eardrums.

Master! No, mother!

Xian Jun'er frantically threw herself on Sang Qingrou's icy body, crying like rain, shaking desperately: Mother, mother, wake up, don't leave Jun'er alone.

Seeing this, Xian Lingyu frowned, and her expression turned cold immediately.

Even she didn't know that Xian Jun'er was Sang Qingrou's daughter.

She always took Xian Jun'er by her side, and she also felt sorry for Xian Jun'er who lost her mother since she was a child, and was alone in the huge emperor's palace.

But it's different now, who is Sang Qingrou?

Medicine saint!

With a medicine sage as her mother, where is Xian Jun'er suffering?

Immediately, Xian Lingyu's friendship with Xian Jun'er disappeared, leaving only an indelible indifference.

The Immortal Emperor has many heirs and countless women, so she doesn't feel much about it.

But she still feels sorry for her mother, who sits in the position of queen, but stays alone day and night.

And she actually kept a poisonous insect by her side.

Xian Lingyu sneered, didn't look at what happened afterwards, and walked away angrily.

She didn't know it at all, because of this matter, she was further away from the way of great love.

Looking at Xian Jun'er who was crying so sadly, Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows, not too surprised.

Yao couldn't help but snorted coldly: I already knew that these two dogs have an affair, and they are working together, disgusting!

For a selfish person like the Immortal Emperor, how many times would he offend him for a woman for no reason?

Unless this woman is his own.

Sang Qingrou, a self-interested person, would take the princess of Xianyu as his apprentice for no reason?

But because this was originally her daughter.

Jun Mu smiled slightly: Old man, I don't know how many times I have been with the Immortal Emperor, and I still miss you. No, I can't marry you, so I want her daughter to marry a genius doctor.

Don't say it, girl Jun, don't say it. Yao couldn't look painful, I'm about to vomit.

Hua Li smiled slightly: Miss Jun, we meet again.

Hearing this title, Jun Muqian was taken aback for a moment: Genius doctor, you know me...

Before the words were finished, an extremely sharp weeping cry sounded: You killed my mother, I will kill you!

Well, it's over, good night~!

[ps, Qingqian is two years old today! _(:з」∠)_]

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