The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 815 Return to the Peak Monarch! ! 【2 more】

She swayed and fell heavily from the lotus throne to the ground.

Ziwei's luck was bounced back by Hongmeng's luck!

The moment she fell from the lotus throne, Xian Lingyu completely lost the qualification to compete.

Her consciousness was also gradually withdrawn, and her eyes suddenly opened.

But when seeing the scene in front of him, the blood in Xian Lingyu's chest rushed up, and the fishy sweetness rushed up his throat, and wow spit out several mouthfuls of blood.'s impossible!

No matter how calm and indifferent she was, Xian Lingyu couldn't calm her heart down.

For the first time, an expression of disbelief appeared on her face.

It was this human being who kept pressing her down just now?

How can a human being with no merits and virtues have such a powerful force of luck?

She is all Ziwei's luck, what else can this human being be?

The rusty taste in her mouth reminded Xian Lingyu that she had failed again. Ever since she met this human being, she had been frustrated countless times.

She even wondered, is she still the strongest among people of the same sex?

The woman in purple on the huge lotus throne is hidden in a piece of holy white light, as if laughing at her embarrassment.

One sky, one earth, the gap in between is insurmountable.

Others have always looked up to her, when did the role change?

While Xian Lingyu's blood was surging, she was still a little dazed, as if in a dream.

Elder Sister! Xian Jun'er hurried over, Elder Sister, are you okay?

It's still good. Xian Lingyu stabilized her spirit and forcefully stood up, Go to the side and talk.

She doesn't have to look, she will know how other people are looking at her at this moment.

Disappointment, surprise, disdain... They were all watching her jokes.

This is the result of her failure.

Xian Lingyu took a deep breath: We...

She stopped suddenly.

No, she couldn't go, but she wanted to see what happened afterwards.

It is true that the daughter-in-law of the Tianyu Twin Emperors was selected by means of a competition of luck, but she didn't think it would really be that simple.

Maybe, the Tianyu Twin Emperors will come out in a while.

Then at that time, this human being will most likely become a joke, a joke even more ridiculous than her.

Xian Jun'er was puzzled: Eldest sister?

Let's go there. Xian Lingyu came back to her senses, and said in a calm voice, Wait for the end of the scriptures.

Yes, Eldest Sister. Xian Jun'er said respectfully, with even more admiration in her heart.

Take it easy, this is her eldest sister.

Xian Lingyu completely ignored the gazes of the people around her and returned to the high platform.

And at this moment, another burst of restlessness broke out in the crowd.

Because at this moment, the lotus throne under Jun Muqian actually grew bigger.

Thousands of hectares of light spread out, covering the entire Medicine King Valley.

It seems that the blue waves are shining, and the prosperity of the three thousand is blooming.

The woman in purple is bathed in this dazzling light, and the heaven, earth, sun, moon, and chaotic galaxy are just her foils.


This is the first thought that comes to the mind of any devotional.

But what's the matter?

Hey! Yao couldn't help but his eyes lit up, It's incredible, this little friend is trying to comprehend his state of mind.

What? !

All spiritual cultivators were dumbfounded.

Not only has the cultivation base broken through, but the state of mind can also be improved?

Why can't they encounter such a good thing?

Many female cultivators were a little jealous. If their lotus throne hadn't been destroyed, maybe their mood would be improved now.

However, what the spiritual cultivators didn't know was that Jun Muqian was actually enlightening.

It's not that Yao couldn't see it, but chose to hide it.

Enlightenment is far more important than understanding the state of mind. This matter cannot be known to those who are interested.

Then let's proceed to the second item while waiting for this little friend to realize his state of mind. Yao couldn't touch his beard, I think you all already know the second item very well.

Today, we will carry on the inheritance of the position of Yao Sage.

Every time the sacred scriptures are held in the Valley of the Medicine King, the position of the Medicine Sage will be changed.

However, there are exceptions.

If the medical skills and alchemy skills of this holy son or holy woman are not as good as those of the same medicine saint, the medicine saint has the right not to give up his position.

Then, the Holy Son or Holy Maiden will be deprived of the title.

It is not that this kind of thing has never happened in the past few holy scriptures.

All the spiritual cultivators had never seen the Holy Son of this year's Medicine King Valley, and after hearing these words, they all looked over impatiently.

At this time, Yao couldn't grin his teeth: Disciple, come up and give Master Wei a face.

This year's holy son is still a disciple who can't be medicined?

All Lingxiu were stunned.

This is something that has never happened in the history of Medicine King Valley.

In the anticipation of all the spirit cultivators, a tall figure slowly climbed onto the high platform.

The blue clothes move with the wind, ethereal.

Every step he took seemed to be stepping on white clouds, soft and light, quiet and beautiful, not like the world.

Just looking at him, even the restless heart can calm down.

He is tenderness itself.

However, before all the spiritual practitioners could express their surprise, they suddenly saw that this outstanding man was actually blind.

The four-finger-wide white silk covered his eyes and tied it around his long hair.

Although it doesn't affect his appearance at all, it is a flaw that cannot be ignored after all.

The medical skills and alchemy skills of the Holy Son of Yaowang Valley must be extremely high. How can a blind person be proficient in both?

Too disappointed.

It must be that the medicine couldn't open the back door for this blind man.

If things go on like this, Medicine King Valley will definitely be destroyed.

The spiritual practitioners no longer hoped for it, they looked away, showing no interest at all.

Hua Li couldn't see it, so naturally he didn't know about it.

However, even if he saw it, he would not pay attention to it.

The real way of great love is not to give up the little love and only take the big love.

All spirits and all things should be pitied.

After Hua Li came up, she turned her head slightly, and turned towards the direction of the woman in purple.

As if feeling something, a slight smile floated on his lips.

Among those present, only Xian Lingyu noticed Huali's little move.

Apart from being frustrated by Jun Muqian, the rest of the setbacks came from Huali.

Xian Lingyu is not convinced by Huali's statement that she can't cultivate the way of great love at all, and she also doesn't agree with Huali's way of great love.

What big love and small love coexist?

In this case, can it be called the way of great love?

But now, because of Hua Li's actions, Xian Lingyu's dislike for Jun Muqian has skyrocketed.

He also hooked up with a blind man, who was really hungry.

However, it has nothing to do with her, and she will not be bad enough to tell Rong Qing about these things.

She doesn't bother to do this kind of deviating and sowing dissension.

She was going to watch this human being go crazy and kill himself.

Hua Li turned his head back, but nodded towards Yao Fu.

Teacher, here we come. Yao couldn't help but didn't care about these etiquettes, the more he looked at Huali, the more satisfied he was.

This kind of qualification is really rare in all ages.

It has to be said that Hua Boy's attainments in medical skills and alchemy are really higher than Jun Yatou.

But up to now, he deeply regrets not being able to accept Jun Muqian as his apprentice.

Hua Li smiled slightly: Here we come.

Fame and fame are not important to him, but he has a mission, and he must do these things.

Okay! Yao couldn't be more satisfied, Where is the sage of medicine, it's your turn, can you stop putting on airs of elders, and come up quickly.


Hearing this sentence, the faces of all the spirit cultivators twitched.

Yao could not be the only one who dared to speak like that to Yao Sheng.

It seems that the rumors are true. The Emperor of the Northern Territory said, The medicine can't really be against the medicine saint.

I heard that the medicine sage once admired the medicine sage? The Emperor Zhongyu answered, But the medicine sage was obsessed with medicine and alchemy, and completely ignored the medicine sage. Because of love and hatred, the medicine sage couldn't take medicine anymore. A lot of stumbling blocks?

Yes, there is such a thing. The Emperor of the Northern Territory nodded, It is said that there was a time when the medicine sage was unable to retreat, and almost let him go mad.

The medicine can't be like this, it's too easy to offend people. The Emperor of the Central Region said, But the medicine saint is really not easy to mess with.

Just as the emperors of the two domains were talking, the medicine sage had already appeared on the high platform.

It was a woman about thirty-five years old in appearance, dressed in a black Taoist robe, her face was frosty, but she was well maintained.

She glanced at Yao Fulu coldly, with undisguised hatred in her eyes.

Okay, the protagonists are all on stage, I should go down too. Yao couldn't ignore it, Now everyone is liberated, and you don't have to face this old man anymore.

He turned around and slowly left the high platform with his hands behind his back, leaving Hua Li and Yao Sheng behind.


There was silence for a while, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

In the end, it was the medicine sage who spoke first, with a cold voice: Today, according to the rules of the holy scriptures, I will pass on the position of medicine sage to the holy son.

Looking at the face of the medicine sage, all the spiritual cultivators always felt that something was going to happen soon.

Sure enough, the next second, the medicine sage said again: However, it is not that simple to get the position of medicine sage from me.

She looked at Hua Li: Please ask the Holy Son to refine a pill with me. If the Holy Son wins, I will pass on the title of Medicine Sage to you, how about it?

Huali hadn't reacted yet, Yao couldn't be furious first.

Sang Qingrou, what the hell do you want to do? You're simply avenging yourself!

The old man just doesn't like you, no matter how hard you try, it's useless, don't play these little tricks on the old man.

Everyone was in an uproar.

They never expected that Yao Fu could not scold Yao Sheng in public.

Moreover, Sang Qingrou is really unwilling to give up the position of Medicine Sage.

Sang Qingrou was so angry that her face turned pale and her body was trembling. She tried her best to restrain herself, and said coldly: Master Gu, this is the rule of the Holy Scriptures. Are you going to violate the last words of the ancestors?

Last words? Yao Fu couldn't sneer, Okay, disciple, let's go, what kind of bullshit medicine saint is this, it doesn't matter.

Hua Li remained silent from the beginning to the end, he took a slight step forward, indicating that he stood by Yao Fu's side.

You...! Sang Qingrou never expected to get such an answer, and was already a little panicked.

Could it be that there are still people in this world who don't care about the position of Medicine Saint?

This position represents the pinnacle of power for the Illusory Great Thousand Doctors.

I can't! I can't think twice. The elders of Yaowanggu also panicked, I can't appease my anger, Qing Rou just wants to compete with this disciple like you, she has always been competitive, she has no other intentions.

Turning to Sang Qingju and said: Qingrou, take a step back, the helpless disciple will only compete with you, no matter whether he wins or loses, the title of medicine sage will be passed on to him.

Sang Qingrou's face darkened.

But with these words, the spiritual cultivation below couldn't sit still.

How can the medicine saint just find someone to be him? I won't dare to come to the medicine king's valley for treatment in the future.

Yeah, I suddenly feel that this competition is necessary.

It's just a blind man, how can he be powerful?

Yao couldn't snort coldly: Shut up, old man!


The spiritual cultivators fell silent for an instant.

Yao couldn't help but just want to slap Sang Qingrou out, but with so many people watching, he was an unknown teacher.

His own reputation doesn't matter, it's not good if his disciple's is ruined.

Okay, you can take a step back. Sang Qingrou suddenly said, Then there is no need to compete, as long as the holy son marries my disciple, the position of the medicine saint will pass to you.

Hearing this sentence, all the spiritual cultivators were a little confused.

Why did the arguing and arguing suddenly involve marriage again?

Sang Qingrou sneered: Otherwise, no talk.

Yao couldn't help but give him face, and he didn't want his apprentice to get the title of Medicine Saint so easily.

As she spoke, she waved: Jun'er, come down.

Xian Jun'er was stunned: Huh?

Xian Lingyu was also very surprised: When did you worship Sang Qingrou as your teacher?

Before Xian Jun'er could speak, she heard Sang Qing judging: Jin'er is the princess of Xianyu, more than enough to match the Holy Son, after all...

She didn't finish her sentence, but everyone understood what she meant.

After all, he is just a blind man.

Yao couldn't be completely enraged, when he was about to kick Sang Qingrou out, suddenly, a slow voice sounded.

Cold and lazy, but also with a bit of arrogance.

Sang Qingrou, I haven't seen you for many years, you are so majestic.

today! Your Majesty! Have you restored your previous cultivation? ! !

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