The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 805 The Tianyu Emperors Are Here Today! 【5 more】

Hearing this, Hua Li, who was lying in front of the sandalwood table, raised her head and smiled slightly: Princess, please tell me.

He has always been gentle and soft, no matter who he is, he can even be as small as a piece of green grass or an ant.

Even if the enemy is in front of him, he can treat him gently.

I have always been confused. Xian Lingyu frowned, It stands to reason that if I want to cultivate the way of great love, I must give up small love in my heart and treat all living beings equally, so I chose to ask the Buddha with all my heart, but the Buddha It also failed to make me realize the way of great love.

After listening, Huali nodded slightly, with a smile on his lips: So the eldest princess thinks that the way to cultivate great love is to let go of little love?

Xian Lingyu asked back: Isn't it?

In the face of great love, little love is only personal and should be discarded.

Eldest Princess is wrong. Hua Li said lightly, Only with little love can there be big love. If you give up little love, what is there to do with big love?

Xian Lingyu froze for a moment: But this is the way of great love. With little love, how can we have great love?

One flower, one world. Hua Li raised her hand to pinch a piece of scented tea, her spiritual power gathered in her palm.

The faint light spread, and the dried flower began to bloom gradually, regaining its vitality.

The eldest princess thinks that you will take pity on a flower?

Xian Lingyu didn't even think about it, and said flatly: No.

Not to mention a flower, even a tree, she would not take pity on it.

That's it. Huali clasped his palms together, the light dissipated, and smiled slightly, The princess is not suitable for practicing the way of great love, nor can she cultivate the way of great love. It's better to give up early.

Xian Lingyu's expression changed, she stood up abruptly, her eyes turned cold: You...

Immediately, all the coercion belonging to the middle stage of the transformation of gods burst out, and went straight to the blind man in front of him.

But Hua Li still sat there, steadfastly, the arc of her pale lips raised just right.

The four-finger-wide white silk completely covered his eyes, but at this moment, he seemed to be able to see the piercing eyes.

It's getting late, the Holy Ceremony is about to begin. Hua Li stood up slowly, and smiled lightly, I'm going to prepare, and the Eldest Princess should go as soon as possible.

After saying that, he didn't stay for a second before he left indifferently.

Leaving Xian Lingyu in the room, he was embarrassed and embarrassed.

Her complexion changed again and again, obviously she had been hit a lot.

Said that she could not cultivate the way of great love?

It's just ridiculous, nonsense!

She is also really crazy, and she will discuss the way of great love to a person who is not yet a hundred years old.

I'll show you in the future... Xian Lingyu said lightly to herself, Who is the real way of great love.


The valley is already crowded with spiritual practice.

Except for some noble cultivators who have a special area, other spiritual practices can only stand.

The red sun hangs high, and the crowds are crowded.

With a glance, Jun Muqian just happened to be able to see the high platform where the sacred ceremony was held.

Beside her, there were two men standing on the left and the right.

The outstanding appearance of the three of them instantly attracted the attention of everyone around them, gasping and amazed voices came and went one after another.

What a beautiful person, this should be three brothers and sisters?

It must be, look at these two young masters, they still look exactly the same.

That girl is not bad, hey, why do I think they are quite a couple?

As soon as these words came out, the noise suddenly stopped, and then became more intense.

Hush! Don't talk nonsense, polygamy does exist. When have you seen polyandry?

How can polyandry not work? Isn't there a lot in the Demon Realm?

This is the fairyland, what are you talking about demon cultivators?

Jun Muqian pressed the center of her eyebrows to silence the arguments from these spiritual cultivation.

The world is so big, only gossip is immortal.

She raised her eyes and looked around, and saw the fairy jade sitting on a high place.

On the other side, she saw another acquaintance.

However, in reality, she has never seen the Emperor of the Eastern Region.

Jun Mu slightly narrowed his eyes, and raised a little vigilance in his heart.

Among the Great Thousand and Ten Territories, the emperor of the Eastern Territory has always had the lowest sense of presence.

When it comes to the Eastern Region, the first thing spiritual practitioners think of is the Sanqing Palace.

Because the emperor of the Eastern Region has never appeared in front of the world very often, and all the affairs of the Eastern Region, large and small, have been handed over to Su Yang and the servants, but he often stays behind closed doors.

According to historical records, apart from a few meetings between the emperors, the emperors of the Eastern Region have never been to other realms.

But this time, he actually appeared here.

To the right of the emperor of the eastern region is the emperor of the northern region, and on the left is the emperor of the central region.

This time, only these three emperors came from the Lower Five Regions.

But there is no one in the upper five domains, the immortal emperor can't get out of illness, the demon queen has no intention of this, and the Buddha and the demon king are not easy to come.

The Emperor of the Northern Territory glanced at the Emperor of the Eastern Territory vaguely, and suddenly said: I heard that His Majesty Shuangdi has returned?

That's right, we're back. Emperor Zhongyu said, But we haven't seen each other yet.

Among the lower five domains, the central domain can be regarded as the direct subordinate of the Tianyu, and the emperor of the central domain also has a very good relationship with the two emperors of the Tianyu.

It's really not easy. The Emperor of the Northern Territory said with a smile, I don't know if your majesty said you would come here today?

Hearing this, the Emperor of the Central Territory froze for a moment, shook his head and said, I haven't said anything, but I's very likely that he will come.

After all, the masters of the Unreal Universe are still the Tianyu Twin Emperors, and the blooming of the stone lotus in the Medicine King Valley this time is also a major event. There is a 50% possibility that the Tianyu Twin Emperors will come in person.

Excellent, excellent. The Northern Territory Emperor nodded repeatedly, and then said to the Eastern Territory Emperor, Brother Dongyuan, maybe you haven't seen your Majesties for a long time?

A strange color quickly flashed across the eyes of the Emperor of the Eastern Region, and he said lightly: It's been a long time since I saw them. If they can come here today, we must give them a good welcome.

Of course. The Emperor of the Northern Territory smiled, Brother Dongyuan has always admired the two Majesties, how could they not be gone? Let's just look forward to them, they are here today.

After a pause, he smiled even more: Brother Dongyuan, you must behave well, maybe the two majesties are watching you secretly, if you behave well, the two majesties will definitely praise you.

The emperor of the Eastern Region's eyes were slightly cold, and he nodded lightly, ignoring him.

At this time, the sun finally reached the top.

It was noon, and the scriptures would naturally begin.

The spiritual cultivators all looked at the high platform in unison, without blinking their eyes, holding their breath and waiting for the opening of the scriptures.

Who wouldn't want the treasure of Medicine King Valley?

It is said that this treasure is even more precious than a diagnosis and treatment from a medicine sage.

As long as you get this treasure, why worry about the glory in the future?

Da da da--

The sound of footsteps sounded at this moment, echoing between heaven and earth.

A figure slowly walked up to the high platform.

It's over~ good night

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